Help Sup Forums im only 18 years old
Help Sup Forums im only 18 years old
Lincoln Roberts
Camden Williams
Same here, although i'm 23. nothing you can do about it user.
Christopher Nelson
What the fuck am i looking at
Samuel James
Samuel Ward
Anthony Baker
max par
Michael Flores
Feel you bro, been that way since I was 18 too, now 25, still no bald spot and hair line hasn't receded further. Or maybe it did but it isn't noticeable yet.
Advice: Build your body and grow a beard. Takes the attention away and might actually look better on you.
Caleb Richardson
Rogain nigga
Ayden Gray
beard and a buzzcut
Liam Cruz
Mine looked about like that at 18. 23 now and it's already gotten so much worse. Why worry about it?