>i have to choose what degree to take >i cant choose anything >my poetry sucks >the stories i write suck >i cant play guitar, or even begin to learn such >i cant afford an electric guitar >even if i could, i couldnt play it >i cant program shit >my math knowledge is awful >i can only speak 2 languages and it is isnt enough for me as im always wishing for more >Mein Deutsch ist zu schlecht, um mit anderen Menschen zu sprechen. >Português apenas é a minha língua materna >been trying to learn german by myself for more than a year, and still sounds like kindergarten german >I cant even make electronic music >i cant do anything with anything i write >i cannot draw, and stupidly chose the art's degree >i cant choose anything else as i have no other chance (schedule, ease of access, etc.) >i cant even work with chemistry as i hate it, so the other available courses are out >for years and years, the school teachers have treated me like shit. >literally yelling at me in class, and making others hate me. specially this last year >tons of complaining back and forth, and making me feel like shit, more and more. >get home and get blamed on even more >reasons? didnt make homework or didnt answer something correctly or got a bit late >literally got expelled from class once for not answering the math teacher a question correctly. >she was a bitch, tho. hope she dies from cancer or some terrible shit. honest to everything >i have no close friends >all others have other close friends, and im just an alternative >alone is how i feel the safest, but its also when i realise shit the most >i hate to be happy because i know i become sad right after, and it comes even worse >i cant do anything creative >i dream too much, and do too little >my grandmother was black, whilst the rest of the family is white. im "that" family member (and mother). >everyday i look in the mirror and feel awful about myself. >cant even feel normal, and am very different from the other people.
>weird hair, face, body, skin, long fingers and feet, fat nose and lips, etc. >having a black grandmother made my life even worse from start >used to get bullied when i was much younger for being a shitskin. even more when i was younger. >anger for miscegenation helped me become even more right-wing, along with other reasons >i can only play games and watch films >i cant even be an entertaining friend, and people only trust me because they know that i have no one else to reveal shit to >i spend countless hours on the internet >websites like Sup Forums are the only thing that make me active >i listen to music, i love music, but i envy too much >i wish i could do music too >bands like rammstein are the only company i have >i know that i will never even get near them, and even if i did i'd just be a crazy fan. i just wanna be able to thank them for not making me feel lonelier >everyday i think of how disappointed my father would be if he were alive >and my brother too >and my mother, but she is alive, but doesnt even like or care about me >family leans to hate me, and i hate them back. they backstab everybody left and right. not trustable >everytime i wanna be with friends, they cant be with me. and when they (rarely ever) invite me for anything, either i go and weird them out, or say no because i
prefer to be alone than doing literally nothing useful with them and/or weirding them out >i am a 0 at anything that comes to love or whatever. unless you cound ridiculous and embarrassing online "relationships" >i used to cry everyday, but for the past few years i cant even cry unless it's a story i read or a film i watch, which happens more or less often >im missing out on all that life has to give to anyone my age. been like this since birth.
Connor Fisher
summer is here and all i do is listen to music countless times, play games, try to think of anything creative, browse Sup Forums, whine and feel depressed. Surprisingly, ive been worse before. It's not that I chose a bad life. Life just doesn't please me.
I know Sup Forums isn't my therapist, but i just felt like shitting this out somewhere to not feel so lonely. sorry
Ian Barnes
I know that feel bro
Jose Anderson
I feel shit here too got problem in my relation ship i love my boyfriend but i meet some one a work and idk but i kinda like him had even sex multitimes with him
Kayden Sanchez
And i dont know if u still here op but u get over this shit u just need some time
Jayden Hernandez
really sorry, man. i wish the best to you
if thats true, you actually have a much better life situation than me
Jonathan Thomas
I feel we are roughly similar. Kik me and we'll figure it out together.
Jeremiah Hernandez
been waiting all my life. changed lifestyles countless times. im not old, but im not really that young either