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How smart is Sup Forums?

Without looking anything up, explain how lightning works.

Zeus gets angry at us mere mortals

A difference in charges between the sky and the ground that attempts to equalize itself. Am I right?

bcus clouds hit each other


it's god's attempt at smiting the sinners but he's retarded and can't aim properly

really big static

Quantum Mechanics

Ions are flying through the clouds and when they have too much energy it is spent in any direction. The earth is the "grounder"

Because you touch yourself.

Fuckin' miracles.

A cloud us jacking off and lighting is it's ejaculation.
Thunder is a female cloud squirting.

>Changes in air pressure cause clouds to collide

>water is released into the air, creating an easier medium for electric charge

>collisions excite electrons, creates a voltage in the clouds

>enough builds up for the charge to earth itself

Ions are randomly scattered and once they form a line that connects to the ground, the electric current travels through the line

static electricity build up in upper atmosphere

It comes from these dubs.

Gods Anger.


It happens every time 2 gay men kiss

Friction. Wow. Hard question today

Aren't those the same thing?

discharge of potential

I make to much static electricity while I fap that's why...

butter and microwaves collide

Praise the sun !

>potential energy travels from the atmosphere into the ground, usually using the closest tall, very conductive thing coz that's what is closest

Isn't it a positive and negative effect of the ground and sky building up too much?

I feel stupid

clouds go squish squish boom boom=> light

charge of clouds induced by ice particles moving past and colliding in atmosphere. induces a charge in the ground and when this gets big enough lightning happens

Every material has a property of how much light it bounces off, the light is reflected many times wich creates the enviromental lightening that help us understand the space of the objects

Science doesn't know what lightning is or why it occurs. You can see lightning bolts from Earth orbit -- they go WAY above the clouds, to the edge of space.

Explain ball lightning. That shit is really weird.

clouds get angry when airplanes always flying into them creating hurt holes so the clouds get sparky because they are angry the planes keep going through them creating holes that hurt the clouds so they get angry and start to spark up whenever the airplanes have made enough holes in the clouds to anger the clouds then the clouds get angy and start to shoot lightning everywhere.

High Energy Cosmic Radiation Showers


youre not really this stupid, right user?


Lightning is a sudden electrostatic discharge during an electrical storm between electrically charged regions of a cloud (called intra-cloud lightning or IC), between that cloud and another cloud (CC lightning), or between a cloud and the ground (CG lightning). The charged regions in the atmosphere temporarily equalize themselves through this discharge referred to as a strike if it hits an object on the ground, and a flash, if it occurs within a cloud. Lightning causes light in the form of plasma, and sound in the form of thunder. Lightning may be seen and not heard when it occurs at a distance too great for the sound to carry as far as the light from the strike or flash.

Ions charged thrpugh potential kinetic energy they get by moving through the water molecules built up in the clouds mixed with heat equals electricity

so thats how cloud to cloud lightnings work? fucking faggot

High Energy Cosmic Radiation Showers emitted by novae far away and long ago. Such a shower triggers the ionization of our atmosphere's molecules. This results in a potential between high and low places.
I wrote a 8/10 science report about thunder a while ago.

Trust me, I'm an engineer.

same way magnets work

A wizard does it.

Its the discharge of static electricity from the friction between clouds that shares magnetic charges.

nigger power


its the sparks from the thunder god Thor, Odinson, striking the mighty Mjolnir against his great anvil in the forge of the Æsier, making arms and armor for the chosen fallen selected by the Valkyries to join the host of Valhalla!

Not possible given they don't work.

It is god's will

Basically a shit ton of static electricity from ice bumping around.


Flash Flash Bang Bang

Winds generated by large storm systems rub against each other generating static electricity and eventually the clouds are unable to hold it any longer and discharge their energy into the ground.

negatively charged Clouds push away the negative charge in the ground and when the ground is positively charged a whole bunch of electrodes jump from the cloud to the ground to even out the charge between the grpund and cloud.

E=MCC idiot

Basicly static electricity on a massive scale. The clouds are your wool socks and the ground is the carpet. Zap.

Now do you want me t explain what thunder is?

Water molecules in the cloud rub and charge via friction (1 + and 1 -).theneg ones gather at the bottom. This pushes electrons in ground down, charging the earths surface temperarely via induction. Then the system corrects this difference of charges via large scale dielectric breakdown (lightning strikes op).

isn't it something with negative and positive clouds and lighting hits the ground really quick?

lightning doesn't do any work it is just the flow of electrical current from one medium to another


the sound of thunder charges water droplets into water niglets and they release electric current, also known as "volts" to the ground because volts always are atracted to Earth, that's why you have grounding in shit and why is sunbeans attracted to Earth faggot

Conductive wire inside of a vacuumed enclosure connected to a power receptor linked by a series of wire to an electrical grid or other energy source.



oh. I read that as "lighting"


e doesn't = mcc, it equals mc squared


E=m (c×c)?



Men on the mountain playin 9 pin

c² = cc