I know you can't ALL be alt right sheep /b

I know you can't ALL be alt right sheep /b
i know there are atleast a few intelligent progressives here. please help end bigotry.

lets make white men the minority for our furute generation

That's some pretty shit bait there user

That's an actual person who exists, and it makes me sad.


being a white male is a privilage, not a right

kill all white people

>being this Retarded, racist and sexist
You need a good punch in the face cunt!


>let's make white men the minority
haha 20 years max and you won't see any around. they're too busy not getting laid and killing themselves with heroin kek

The world will be so much better off without white men.

Shit bait m8 - like anyone would have the strength, perseverance, patience and snorkel to get that pregnant. Sometimes less is more.

Like when I pay your mom less and she sucks my rindy old cock more.

He literally wouldn't even have the shirt on his back. Or the medical understanding on the message.
> mfw people in government look at this and think, YEAH! that's what we need more, more of that kind of culture. Not the global empire kind that we made!

I reject your dubs and take them away and ban you from your dubs for your horrible disgusting brain dead B8

If they got their way and cis white guys did get eradicated, who would they blame for their problems next? The rest of the men on Earth?

>that we made
fuck off asshat


Ya if guys really wanted to we could overpower every woman out there and make em into our sex slaves. Men know this and that's why we're not worried about fat lesbians going on a power trip.

omg how you dare to reject dubs

> furute

Most of us are just regular guys that are bored looking for something slightly entertaining or interesting on this site. We do this because we somehow forget that most of the content here is the same boring shit as always.

This guy gets it

I don't know why, but I picture you as a scrawny white cuck that's covered in acne

Oh look, a special snowflake tumblretta. Fuck off. And Sup Forums doesn't have hashtags.
