Are you man enough?

Are you man enough?

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to not vote for trump? yeah, but that doesn't mean I think Hillary is anything but a less racist less crazy choice

It's all ogre now...

Hillary "Blacks are super predators" isn't less racist then Trump "some illegal Mexican immigrants are drug dealers and rapists"
Hillary "most corrupt politician ever with incredibly deep ties to Islam" is not a safer choice either.
Jeez it amazes me how people who know nothing about politics think they understand shit.
My TV said Trump was racist, Hillarys not great either but she safer choice.... ^_^

H I L L A R Y 2 0 1 6

To do her?

Yes I would.

Sometimes ya gotta take one for the team.


Today the FBI announced Hillary Clinton violated classified procedures, carelessly and recklessly endangered national security - and had done so repeatedly, over 100 times.

The FBI then announced she would face no charges.

No, at this point only drooling retards will vote for hillary. She might be the worst legitimate presidential candidate in history. How shitty do you have to be to make Trump the better choice? And the FBI announcement today just shows that the laws in this country have no meaning whatsoever.

National suicide 2016.

water is wet

How about an actual quote instead?

>To warrant a criminal charge, Mr. Comey said, there had to be evidence that Mrs. Clinton intentionally transmitted or willfully mishandled classified information. The F.B.I. found neither, and as a result, he said, “our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case.”

are you an actual retarded nigger

patriot act, MDAA, NDAA, murdering countless Libyans

life imprisonment to be honest

she's been quoted insulting jews and blacks, bro

>Trump is racist like hittler but hilary is a nationnal socialist like hittler so make your choice
btw trump is farewell less antisemite than clinton

don't support either ''''''''''''''''''side'''''''''''''''''''''

but voting for this woman is like voting for caligula

the quote doesn't matter, what the general populace thinks is what really matters.
its really a case of affluenza.

>had to be evidence that Mrs. Clinton intentionally transmitted...classified information.
She intentionally sent emails that were marked classified even at the time. This is a clear-cut breach. A basic court transcriber or infantryman would be in trouble.

Its so obvious it's bullshit but Obama and a bunch of old Dems are on her side and Republicans are anally raping each other. No one wants to piss off the Clinton Dynasty

I'd vote for anybody who isn't Hillary fucking Clinton.


The power this woman has is amazing. Makes mere man tremble.
I heard she's gonna suspend the election and declare herself WORLD EMPRESS too.

You seriously think that is how it would've played out if it was anybody else? I'm not surprised, every other investigation into the Red Queen has had the same conclusion despite overwhelming evidence, why should this one be any different. Fuck this country. The retards are in total control now, I sincerely hope China conquers us. These neanderthals deserve real communism.


Why all the rage? It's the same as Trump getting convicted of sexual assault, better to have the people decide on the ballot isn't it?

Hillary Clinton: Proof that a Harvard educated, Wal Mart board, rich white woman can be President too.

Bitch needs to have a fucking stroke already, since nobody seems to be taking the shot.


someone take one for the team and assassinate her

Has he ever actually been convicted though. I hate Trump too, but I'm not convinced he has ever endangered the entire nation. I'm also pretty sure he hasn't been convicted in any rape cases, but I could be wrong. The failure of the Democrats to put forth a competent candidate is forcing me to vote trump. Bear in mind, this feels like voluntarily voting for a Disney villain, and yet the Red Queen is still worse.

Would make my goddamned decade.

I'll give up fucking Christmas until the next election

ummm...she did by storing it on her private servers dumb fuck. This is insane. SHE SHOWED INTENT.

She also blatantly took bribes for political favor from like every Muslim country in the world and her "foundation" is clearly just a slushfund and money laundering scheme.
That is 1000000x worse then the email scandal but of course since everything is so corrupt she'll likely never get in trouble for it.
When everyone is corrupt then it becomes perfectly safe to be corrupt yourself.