

Other urls found in this thread:

e621.net/post/index/2/White_hair red_fur female canine nude






Anyone have some ferals?




The third or fourth time I saw you asking for it, I don't think many people have it here.
Have you tried e621.net? you can find a lot of the stuff using the proper tags.

She just started a new full time job last week, so she will be able to have everything paid off within a month or so.
That's when I'll get a better idea of how she really feels about me.


whats that?


A month? That's a long fucking time to wait to find out.

But you know that

thanks man.

Women are complicated. Gimme a sec to beer up and I'll tell part of the tale of how I met my bundle of broken parts and fixed her.


No worries


It is a furry site, go there and use these tags
"feral canine solo -male order:favcount"
you'll find some of the stuff like your pic

well, that's when I think she should have him paid off..
at that point, if she's interested in being with me it shouldnt be such a secret.

I honestly cant tell with her. sometimes I'm convinced she does sometimes I think she doesnt.



sounds like something I did with my last wife.
She was Fox too.






I wanna be inside a shark grills belly

Also I found a reciver for my radio teliscope



Okay now it comes full circle. I mean it all makes sense, even if slightly drawn out and kind of unnecessary

But it all makes sense. Sucks that you've got to wait about a month to find out if she's worth your time or not.


Ass ass ass need moar ass








I still need to scan my sketch from Kacey

Do it, brah. I want to see it.


Maybe if my mom leaves tomorrow so I can borrow her scanner.

It'll at least be a good place holder until I can use one at school


well, either way, I'm still going to be her friend, and let her live here. I offered her a place to live long before anything ever happened between us.



Well that's good man. I hope it'll work out for you two but I wouldn't be too thrilled about having to wait that long to find out




Guys I am looking for a specific furry, she had white hair, kinda like a punk cut, and her body was red, help an user out

So the girl I just broke up with is threatening to call the cops on me if I don't give her stuff back to her. What do?

Species? clothing?


Just give her shit back, bitch is fucking insane so you need to just cut off all contact as fast as you can.

Wolf I think, no clothing, just red fur

Give her shit back, dick

could be longer then that too.
she always says she doesnt want a relationship with anyone. so, there's a good chance she might want to stay single for a while after she breaks up with him.
But, I think her and I would be able to do more together then even if we arent together because she wont have to spend time with him.




e621.net/post/index/2/White_hair red_fur female canine nude
Try and see if she is in there.



I gots an idea, lemme see how it plays out. Probs gonna go down between now and midnight.
I'm the one whose being rude here, not you asshat.

Nope ): it's okay, don't bother, you've done enough, thank you



Right, that makes sense. I guess friends with benefits could be good for a little while





She was in the link I sent...

I do love me some Dawn



I'm sorry *suckD"

I'm sorry....I must've missed her


Hello all!

fart inside a sharks belly


I need help for a specific image too, there was this one on tumblr that I think it was a bunny, with short hair, pink fur, legs spread and with the ball chain like orange dildo. If you know anithing like that I would apreciate the fuck out of you if you can help it has been killing me

I want also dont want her to feel pressured into anything.

Bumping. Out of beer. Have coffee. Don't want to drink vodka tonight.


Yeah, that's totally reasonable too.


Hey, how's it going?





