Getting my Wisdom teeth pulled Tomorrow

Getting my Wisdom teeth pulled Tomorrow.

Two top ones are getting yanked then cutting out my impacted bottoms. Getting put out cold for this. Kinda nervous.

Any you tards have experience? Is the dentist going to rub his nuts on my chin?

My experience
>go in, lay down on bed thing
>they bring cart over with a bunch of dentist tool shit that looks sketchy af
>never had surgery
>they put IV in
>"So when am i going to be out?"
>"You'll feel a tingling"
>Nervous small talk ensues on my end
>out within a few seconds
>wake up to nurse tyring to nudging me repeatedly

Apparently I was out for like an hour and half even after surgery. You don't feel a thing during, its the pain after when you get home. HAVE THE DRUGS READY MAN.

You're out and then you're up.

It's that simple. Just go along with whatever bullshit conversation the dentist will have with you genuinely.

I hope I don't start talking about the Jews..

You won't even remember getting put out or the entire day after the surgery

Why are you getting them pulled out? Is it because of pic related?

you'll happily fall asleep, and then wake up drunk with gauze in your mouth. You will bleed a lot and you won't be able to open your mouth all the way for a while. it's not a big deal. use the squirt thing they give you so you don't get dry socket

My dentist made sure I was voting Republican as I was 90% gone.

Try and fight falling asleep from the laughing gas, feelsgoodman.

And follow the dentist's instructions afterwords to try and avoid getting dry socket, it's the worst pain you will ever experience man.

The drugs they give you for getting your teeth removed is soooooooooo fucking good. Oh my god I had fun. I didn't even remember what happened/

My bottoms are impacted and are pressing against my back molars.

My top two emerged but are crooked. All in all my mouth feels crowded and I am starting to have trouble speaking.

Iv read a little into that. My bottom holes will be stitched up but the tops will be gaping holes eh?

you're going to be in quite a lot of pain for a few days.
for the first 24 hrs expect to feel like you're in shock.

have the painkillers ready, and maybe have somebody stick with you for a few hours after the surgery.

try to remember that it's only going to last a few days.

as to whether or not the dentist is going to perv on you while you're out; you'll never know until he posts the pics on Sup Forums

You're getting sedated? I did mine fully conscious, 4 impacted. Stop being a faggot. Be a man.

that was my problem too
my parents ignored the dentist and at age 16 one of the impacted ones shattered from the pressure. the other one pushed up the molar in front of it and cracked the crown.

in all i lost 8 teeth to that little bit of parental ignorance.

Thanks for the insight Sup Forums.

Little less nervous, more anxious now to get it over with.

I have never seen this before and can tell it's fucking plague.

I only had my two bottoms out but I wasn't knocked out all the way. Still didn't hurt that bad, but apparently I was half-consciously being a dumbass. The next day or two is painful as fuck though. Have good meds. Prepare to bleed a lot

If you have any history of difficult breathing, coming out can be a bit of a struggle. Be aware, and just breath as best you can, you may feel like you want to just lay back and relax, just keep intentionally breathing instead.

Should be a bit easier than my experience, which was all nasal surgery, but just be ready for it, I wasn't expecting it and the nurse had to keep bugging me to breathe.

i only have one wisdom tooth. Itll make the surgery faster, but i really wish i didnt have any.

Dubs confirms Jew rant in Dentist office.

OP, whatever you do...listen to them when they tell you not to eat solid foods. I got tired of jello after a week and ate a hamburger. Meat got in the stitches and I yanked a lot of them out leaving me with half open sockets.
Does not feel good man.

I didn't take any of the pain pills I was given, never felt really any pain until like 5 days later when my teeth started to resettle and I got some bad headaches. My wisdom teeth had fully grown in though, I don't think it's that common I guess.

>walk in
>they put me on the dentist chair
>they give me a shot of Novocain without numbing my gums first
>they proceed with surgery

this was in bootcamp

Il keep that in mind.

I wouldnt want to breath too little then wake up mid gum dissection.

just relax and know everything is going to be fine. I went in not knowing shit, asked minimal questions and was knocked out. Woke up felt fine for an hour then gross for 2 days.

Nutz will be rubbed.

I was awake when then took my wisdom tooth out. All I felt was pressure since the doc was nice enough to shoot me up with enough Novocaine to make it so. After that, take your meds as directed and you'll get little to no pain.

Kek you noob. #1 advice is to have those fuckers out before boot.

Join the Navy Seals

yeah i was really nervous because i have never had anything done to me before, but it literally did not hurt once they shot me up and it was over in less than 8 minutes. came out feeling pretty good.

When I took my wisdom teeths a were in pain for atleast a week.

Dentistfag here.
It's routine procedure. Painless. Should be done in an hour or so.
Post-op is ok if you take your pain meds before pain starts to settle.
Have fun OP

Had mine taken out in the Army. The dentist was in his camo uniform and was a Major and was asian. I was awake the whole time. The part that bothered me was the actual pair of pliers they use. They also sawed my bottom tooth in half and removed them piece by piece. One small piece of tooth chipped off and he used the suction tube to get it out.
Then I got oxycodone or hydrocodone or something and was high for a week and didn't have to work.


Thet sownds reely cewl.

heres a pro tip:
don't gargle with salt water on the day you get your teeth out, it will knock out blood clots and you will probably need to go to the hospital to get the bleeding to stop.

fucking asshole dentist basically ran out the door after he was done with my teeth.

>lives in brazil.

Do they actually put you sleep in america?
Here they just use local anaesthesia, wasn't even bad really. They can put you sleep if you really want it, but normally it is unnecessary.

Depends on how impacted/a pussy you are. I can't stand them digging into my gums. I'm a pussy, I'd rather be out.

no, my health care seems to employ FoB asians to be fucking dentists for some reason

i am in canada and i got put to sleep.

Hope you enjoy soft custard

Got put out for mine, all 4 were impacted had absolutely no pain after, only took a hydro the day after surgery and used ibuprofen for the remainder of the time. Went to work 2 days after the procedure and to an amusement park on day 3. You'll be fine user just follow what the doc says and you'll have no problems.

Had all four out. Surgery is no big deal but goddamn don't eat solid food for a couple days.

geting all 4 done Friday

If it's an oral surgeon, then they will sometimes use IV sedation. If it's a dentist, then they will often just block with marcaine and infiltrate with septocaine, if needed. I took out my first wisdom tooth last week, it was pretty fun to be honest.

-dental schoolfag

They broke my jaw in order to open my mouth a bit wider. From what I hear, it's pretty common. All 4 removed at once. To this day, the worst pain I've ever experienced but everyone experiences the healing process differently. I never got dry socket. I pussied through soup for days and stayed high as absolute fuck the whole time. I would wake up every couple of hours and just take as much oxy as I could stand before passing out again. Day 3 or so I could eat again, but I was super fucking careful to not get dry socket by suctioning hard during swallowing.

To this day, nearly 4 years later, I still experience jaw problems and was told by my dentist (not the guy who did the surgery) that my jaw wasn't placed back correctly. I have daily jaw pain and probably will for the rest of my life.

>Go into oral surgeon office
>walk past room with door open
>middle age woman in chair sitting upright in chair leaning forward in what looks like the chin support type shit at eye doctor
>It's holding her up
>her mouth is held open with springs or some shit idk
>she's passed the fuck out
>mfw anyone could have just walked in barricaded the door and went to town on this lady
>Go in room
>sit in chair
>strapped in
>last words and no call from governor
>recieve lethal injection
>wake up in another room lying down
>high as fuck
>try to sit up slurring words how the fuck did I get here I'm fucked up
>pass out

This is basically what it's like

Holes are not that big of a deal, they will feel like huge craters at first but lessen over time. Had all four of mine removed, all were impacted, and I was a pussy and waited until I was 30 to have them yanked out, wish I had done it years earlier. Eat soft food for a week, you'll be fine.

doing the same Friday

>be in army
>have to get wisdom tooth (just 1, others are optional) pulled
>"So, do I get to be asleep??"
>"NOPE! You'll be awake, you're lucky, it's just 1 tooth"
>my biggest fear is surgery, any type of surgery
>"r-r-right... lucky..."
>the day of reckoning
>sign in and wait, yada yada
>finally get called
>physically shaking
>sit on table
>dental assistance comes in and asks if I'm okay
>no.. not really
>"shit, hold on"
>wut... wtf is this "shit, hold on" business???
>she comes back with a protein shake
>drink this
>you'll probably pass out if you don't, that's bad

What kind of drugs were you prescribed?

I'm getting them out within the next month and I really hope they put me out. I don't care about the pain or the pressure, but the sounds of them cracking, drilling, and pulling 4 big ass teeth within the echo chamber of my skull seems like it'd be enough to make me lose jt

Y'all are lucky, I had to use local anaesthesia, but anyway OP make sure to take your painkillers as if your life depended on it and it'll also help out with the swelling when it starts to bother you a lot

literally this.
got all 4 of mine taken out fully conscious. easiest shit ive ever done in my life.

Everybody has their fears, and I cannot confont teeth-smashing.

Well okay that makes sense, the more you know.

you tell them what you want ahead of time.

I never have much pain after dental work, but to be fair, my teeth fall out like I smoke meth daily.

Doubt a dentist can give you more than 3 days worth of painkillers, but that should be plenty. They have new weird ass opiate laws.

I talked it over with my brother and when he had his taken out, he had to go to the emergency room because he had complications, so he recommended that I ask the doc for like heroin or whatever.

I had two that were coming in sideways! The dental plan only authorized taking out the two.

The surgeon that took my wisdom teeth out, removed all four at once. It started with taking one pill, and to count back from 100, I got to 97, shoot an alien could have had butt seks with me and I wouldn't have know about it.

The doc only gave me ibuprofen, said that If I needed anything for pain, to call him and he would bring it to me.

Well, ended up going home after 1.5 hours. My brother had driven me there. I cooked a steak for him, gave him a beer. My brother was like, hell no, don't do it, it will kill you. Well, I figured I could pour it out, so I gave it a try, hmm....its cool. Brother's steak looked good, so I started cooking one for me. Don't do it!, didn't listen. it was good.

Long story short, I not only had no pain, I was drinking beer and eating steak a short while later. It turned out that the guy was like a dental professor and had did like thousands of these operations, but he was surprised I was able to eat solid food so soon afterwards.

Ya I was put out cold when my wisdom teeth where taken out. Enjoy your sore ass and mouth

>wake up to nurse tyring to nudging me repeatedly

fucking this. I about punched the bitch trying to rouse me.

Slenderman's arch nemesis --

Fat Boi

>drink shake and wait
>doc comes in with the biggest smile
>like he loves this this shit
>"Soooo! getting the tooth cut out of ya huh?"
>alright, lay back
>"he takes this gi-fucking-gantic needle in front of my face
>"alright, this is going to numb your mouth so we can slice that tooth out of you
>are you kidding me with this slice and cut bullshit?
>he puts a numbing gel on the gum in the back of my mouth
>while holding the giant needle in my mouth
>god, this guy is going to fucking kill me
>"Alright, so you're going to feel a nice lightning bolt when I put this needle in, HAHAHAHA"
>literally laughed aloud
>thought he was joking
>needle goes in
>felt like I got struck by lightening across my face
>right, wasn't so bad was it?
>alright we'll wait a few minutes

All 4 removed, like 18 years ago.

General Anaesthetic
lots of blood, and i swallowed most of it
when i got home, i sobered up from the anaesthetic, and felt nauseous.
vomited once, because of blood, (vomit was very dark red).
After that, no vomit.
never had "dry-socket"
drink lots of water, eat lots of pudding, soft foods, milk shakes if you want, warm (not hot) liquid soups and broth
there was some pain, i remember taking the tylenol-3 for a couple days, but not the 3rd. didn't use it all
after 3 days, pain was mostly gone.
after a week, things were mostly back to normal.

no problems.

The fuck is with all these people getting put out for them?

>Walk in
>Nervous as fuck
>dentist freezes the fuck out of my face
>goes in scrape scrape cut cut
>terrible pressure, but no pain
>20 minutes later
>how you feeling bud?
>Sits me up
>You gonna be alright
>y-you too..
>just felt nauseated for 10 minutes
>Took Tylenol 3 before freezing wore off
>drove myself home
>couldn't eat anything but yogurt and icecream for a week

All in all, not that bad, I hear it's rough for some people, but It wasn't too bad for me, I had worse time getting constantly anxious about getting dry-socket, but I never did


>shots me in the back of the mouth with about 5 more shots of lido
>at this point I can't feel my entire face
>takes out a scaple and flares it in front of my face
>"alright here we go"
>feel the scaple moving inside of my gums
>this isn't right
>still there, moving around my gums
>should totally hurt, but it doesn't
>still freaking me the fuck out
>all I can think of is "the medicine is going to fail, the medicine is going to fail..."
>next he takes out a drill
>fml fml
>feel like construction is going on inside of my mouth
>this goes on for about 20 more minutes before the rest of my tooth comes out
>asks me if he wants me to get the other 2 (1 is missing)
>fuck no, you just spend 20 minutes using my mouth like a minecraft server
>gives me a prescription of vicoden
>was high for the next week
Never again. A simple pull is fine, but when they cut into your gums, shit is terrible, you can feel every move of that blade. Fuck wisdom teeth. Fuck IMPACTED wisdom teeth.

I have all four and they haven't given me any problems, should I still get them removed or am I good?

the following weeks will suck but the surgery itself ain't bad, u get a shot then the next thing u know ur done

Stop giving me nightmares Freddy!!!!

Unless they're bothering you, nope.

I'm sorry! It was a god damned nightmare for me. Just hope OP gets to be under, and not awake.
The fucking lies.

getting them pulled is the easy part. The shit you have to go through the following week is awful

it depends. if they're growing diagonally then they will eventually fuck up ur teeth. just go to an ortho

If you wait too long and the roots grow around the nerves the risk for paralysis goes up. I know someone that had complications and he can't move his lower lip at all from this.

It'll feel like shit for a while, and then you'll feel excruciating pain the next week. If you don't have drugs for it, good luck.
Also you'll only be able to eat mashed potatoes, ice cream, and apple sauce for a whole week. It sucks shit.

thanks user, should I worry about the lose skin behind them though?

it's the truth, and op will be asleep

rekt. i never had to get mine removed they arent affecting my other teeth

Not sure. What did they lose?

do you still have a small amount of lose skin behind them?

dont even worry about it. the last thing you'll remember is them injecting something cold into your veins. then its lights out.

when you wake up, your teeth will be out of your skull and you'll have a pain more lasting and memorable than that of losing your firstborn son in childbirth.

easy peasy.

>inb4 teeth

I had 4 impacted and 1 supernumerary, I opted for them to knock me out, took them like 15 minutes and I was awake and my mandible and skull full of holes, it sucks because you're on a soup diet for weeks and having to clean out your holes constantly and whatnot. Good luck nigga.

Stop being a child. You aren't special so nothing special is going to happen. We all know you want man genitals against your face but you'd like it more sober and awake fag

true, god I wish I they put me to sleep. I'd take a needle to the wrist rather than 6 needles to the mouth.

user, consider a little advice from an older Sup Forumstard... You may not actually need them removed. When I was 21 I was told I needed my wisdom teeth out soon, or within 6 months I'd be experiencing excruciating pain from them not coming in correctly. I'm 33 now, still waiting on that pain. Wisdom teeth came in just fine.

Nah they are fully in

Oh yeah, and bomb ass pills. Those were good too.

dude i can just tell u one thing it hurts like fuck!
it hurtt like days after too and u can hardly eat anything after.

We're here for you, OP.

and prayers

>Had the gum like OP's pic. I just chew that chunk to free the wisdom tooth. Some bleeding but you just swallow it
>The right upper one came out first and developed a nasty point, that damaged the lower gum and got it infected.
>I went to the dentist just so he filed that point
10 years have passed, I still have my 4 wisdom teeth.

I woke up but couldn't move during the procedure, could feel pressure but that was it. Felt like I couldn't breathe, unbelievable waves of panic. They noticed and gave me more of whatever and i zoned out, but was awake for quite awhile. It sucked a lot.
I think it's because i lied about my weight.
My memory is a bit unreliable since this was like 11 years ago. I'm not a fatfuck anymore if anyone cares (you don't).
I don't recall which painkillers i got but my plan was to tolerate the pain and save them up since I was 19 and stupid. I of course pussied out and needed them asap, and then when i got dry socket from smoking (19 and stupid) the dentist wouldn't prescribe me more, instead giving me clove oil. Which actually worked decently as far as numbing the sockets, but made everything taste like cloves and of course i fucked that up by smoking once again.

Being stupid sucks and I don't advise it.


I literally got mine out a week ago. Worst thing is that when you get back you're still numb so it's hard to do stuff, after that is sour for a couple days and then you're golden

I had mine taken out by a dental professor. He gave me one pill, count back from 100, got to 97 and was out. Woke up shortly after and no pain, see below >693224925 this is my story.

Do you have any idea what that pill was? I was like out, but didn't feel high or anything didn't remember anything either.

I thought I saw Cosby drive away, but not sure.

you'll be fine, these guys are super professionals. the first day is easy. the next few weeks will be painful, though. follow their post op instructions

>Thats the trooth