I've been working on this game for a couple of years, what do yoy think? Would you play it? Any suggestions?

I've been working on this game for a couple of years, what do yoy think? Would you play it? Any suggestions?

Looks good, bro, cool mechanics, is it a team based shooter? Also, is the music over layed or actually part of the game?

Liked the ass in the beginning over female skirt thing. For an unpolished game? I'd probably pay a dollar for and buy it as a joke to send it to friends, like I do with Showering With Your Dad or HatMan.

thanks, Sound's not finished yet so it's just overlayed for now

Pretty cool OP. Also I like the music

You could've done better if you had a "couple years" to build it OP.
I would literally buy this for shit and giggles and delete it. Shit Music for a Demo Video. 2/10

you couldn't have chose more repulsive music and seeing ripped off models is a big no no

interesting concept but why would you upload an "official" video thats recorded below 30 fps?

Looks really neato, maybe get some mario galaxy jumps where you can loop around a round objects gravity and maybe have a double jump to escape it's gravity to slingshot at someone.

Is there/is there going to be a first person mode? This game would be sick as an fps.

Yes you can switch thr camera to first person, but it's a little tough to get the most out of running on the walls when you can't see your feet

My friend is making me character models, but as of right now I only have two, and they arent rigged very well. I'm just trying to see what people think of it so far so I can do some more polishing

addendum. maybe have the ability to intensify or lower gravity of the mario jumps to make the cool looking jumps going around the edge of the doorways go farther.

That sounds fucking awesome actually, thanks for the suggestion

looks awesome!

Maybe a small camera in the corners of the screen that allow you to see the other perspective so you can have both at the same time. when you switch to third person then firstperson goes into the corner and vice versa with switching to first person. That is if the camera isnt too obnoxious. if it's too obnoxious then the whole idea is shit. also yes I'd love to play it. I love the shit out of low budget indie games.

Glad you like it, I subscribed to the channel the video is on. I wanna see more of this. Lowering the gravity could require fuel or some kind of energy that lasts for a second or so, but recharges quickly so you have to time it with the corner turn to launch yourself.

I was watching the 1.9 demo video, does this game have grenades? and are they attracted to the walls like the players are?

Thanks a lot user. When i made the first video people talked a lot of shit. ive fixed a bunch of bugs in 3 months and people are starting to want to play it. I may have to release a playable demo soon

I'd really like to try an open beta!

If i was making a movie about school shooters going slowly rotten in their self-centered little heads i'd show one of them spending hours playing a game where people ran around an arid, empty environment with no way to interact but lethal force.
It would illustrate their mental furnishings or lack of it very well.
This game looks great for that purpose.

In the final game the grenades are going to fall towards the player's feet. Wherever your down is when you throw it is the direction it will fall

You're right user, everyone who played Goldeneye or doom as kid is a mass murderer. Btw the pokemon fans are all furries

A lot of video games would be great for that purpose. This game looks a bit too colorful to be inner workings of a mass murderer imo.

Maybe there should be different types of grenades, ones that work that way and others that function like the players, and maybe ones that had worked user's gravity boost idea so you could use corners to rocket them at players. The first one's probably the most balanced but the others would be interesting to see.

or one that freezes in the air and makes its own small temporary sphere platform

Does need a lot of polish and optimization, the frames were really showing in the video. But other than that it reminds me of Monument Valley, you know the iPhone game that has you walking through MC Escher paintings, pretty cool. Wouldn't might voting it up on Greenlight if you fixed the obvious bugs and have it optimized

This has a pet peeve of mine where the gun doesnt aim where it's shooting/the bullets path doesn't line up with the barrel of the gun unless you're standing still. Honestly my biggest complaint.

Is there a community place for this? Or completely independent? Teamchat/irc?

>2016 pc graphics

I'd pirate this

anything you are already planning on adding to the game gameplay wise?

so if you were standing on the ceiling in comparison to them the grenade could go over their heads instead?

I think how it would work is if you were on the ceiling you throw it and it functions like a normal grenade and lands on the ceiling, and if it is thrown at wall it just bounces off the wall and lands on the ceiling.

Thats about it.

Thanks for all of the positive responses and ideas. Im at work now but I'll make a blog about the game when I get home. Maybe beta downloads in a couple of months (big maybe). Ill post it in the discription when im finished. I'll have to see hiw much physics craziness I can get to work, but the more the better

Thinking of any diverse classes/guns with gimmicks? Any chance for a single player/story mode?