How do I become a music buff?

How do I become a music buff?

Read pitchfork and watch fantano

Thank you!

listen to death grips and grimes and also the swans

You're welcome

black framed glasses

so basically you have to be Sup Forums?

Pick a band you like/know the most songs for, listen to all their albums, branch off to a band of that same genre, after that second run go for a new genre and so on and so forth. Repeat until you listen to a LOT of different genres

Playing an instrument while working out

never listen to the same album more than once

listen to new things nonstop for a few years, but keep track of all of it

then eventually, start going back and listening to everything you remember liking.

this way, you will develop diverse but also genuine taste as quickly as possible

If you are one you will be one

all you need to do is find similar artist / bands to ones you already enjoy and just go from there that is what I did eventually you'll figure out whats good and bad

Explain how this is done. My mind hurts trying to comprehend this.

I couldn't figure out how to put it into words so I made you a picture instead

fuck you, I have a sorre throat and it hurts to laugh

what a fucking melon

Did you make this thread?

Pretend like you know everything about music.

holy kek



I'm taking this over to /fit/

Listen to moar music


someone needs to build this

that's a solid workout

like music a lot


if you have glasses, make sure to never look through them and constantly have them hanging off your nose