Name things worse than rape. Pro tip; you actually can't

Name things worse than rape. Pro tip; you actually can't.


Being jew and black.
Also, being the OP of this thread, that is some sad shit.

no rape

keeping someone locked up in your basement and torturing them for decades

If the movie Hostil was real what happens in that but preceding the millionaires killing somebody the person they kill is a child that was also a slave who was raped for a few months before sent to slaughter.

Being burnt alive

/Thread feminists

Being from the U.S.

This thread, you, feminazis, fake radical feminism, hang nails, razor bumps after shaving your pubes, eating pussy for 30 min and not getting a bj in return, etc.

being this virgin must actually hurt...

^^ Not getting a blow job in return....Sounds like a feminist

being raped by a sand nigger

I want the story of this picture..

being digested alive , being burnt alive
being beaten to death, freezing to death.
The removal of all skin fingernails and toenails all in one night .

being raped and then letting them live with it


being killed? no amount of therapy and shitposting is going to fix that.

Yeah ok



how can you say being killed is orse? you don't actually know what happens after you "die"

first post best post

rape should be legal, natural process of breeding, if you can overpower a women you deserve to impregnate her.


jackie chan

so.. you can only impregnate your hand... well...

NTR, fuck NTR


Double rape, it's easily twice as worse than what you mentioned

So you're implying being dead is better than being alive?

Stepping on a Lego maybe?

and if you can overpower the man who impregnated her you deserve to kill the child and impregnate her with your own seed... natural selection

Bronze bull makes me wanna be brutally raped with a rusty knife

We're out of rusty knives, would you settle for being raped by an actual bull, instead?

Locked up for rape but never touched the accuser after they rapped you then being prison rapped daily

Having to birth OP, so he can grow up, become a faggot, and post shitty threads on image boards to which everyone will agree that OP, is indeed, a fucking faggot.

and if she dies in childbirth you deserve to consume her to make her energy your own and help ensure you may impregnate another

when a girl says No

not having sex

that makes sense...
no, I jus't said you don't actually know what happens after dead, so can't really tell if it's the worst... maybe you get killed and ressurrect as a girl.. and then you get raped... that would be worse

>assuming the layer of Cheetos crumbs surrounding you won't absorb all the moisture from your jizz

>Name things worse than rape.

Being OP of this thread.

The holocaust

>assuming the layer of Cheetos crumbs surrounding you won't absorb all the moisture from your cock

I would rather say germany loosing the war, that was way worse

Being a nigger

So being killed is worse than being raped, because we don't know what happens, and there's no way to recover from being dead.

Depends on the type of rape


death by drowning

covering your sisters dildo in your own cum

all you dumb fags, if you lets all the girls in the world get raped then there wont be any good pure women to marry

Being a woman. Being black. Being homosexual. Belief in a god.


There will always be anime.

op was a faggot

Waking up dead


Being on Sup Forums instead of going to my sister's birthday party.


dude i know were all low life scum but still thats a little to much

My ex's father put out a cigarette on her arm when she was 7. I raped her when she was 27. We still talk, her and her father do not. Your arguement is invalid.

Question: What stops rape?
Answer: Consent.

Not raping

this nigga

You have no imagination. Fucking beta.

Roses are red,
violets are blue,
we're having sex,
cause I'm stronger than you.

Up top!.

Muslims. Niggers. Muslim niggers.

I was on Sup Forums instead of going to my best friend's funeral...

Getting flayed alive?
The Assyrians in general?



Being falsely accused of rape. Having your friends and family have doubt in their minds, for the rest of your life, regarding your innocence.

Being under the shadow of knowing that one day, if the police and the district attorney DO NOT COME TO THEIR SENSES, you might be hauled off to jail to "let a jury decide".

Then, when you are told that charges will not be pursued, not because you are in fact innocent, but because there are problems with her story, and they just laugh it off and say it happens all the time (but, no apologies), nobody goes around and tells everyone that you are vindicated, but when topic presents itself so that you can clear the air, people would rather not talk about, or hear about, such things. In fact, you will just be a dirty reminder to some people that something unpleasant took place. To everyone else, you will just be another one of those guys who got away with it.

Getting raped is much better than having to live through a false accusation.

being the rape victim,
also i may be taking this from a different angle
what exactly did you mean OP?

Women and women having rights

The United States' government;

The existence of humans;

Donald Trump becoming president;

The child support system;


This thread;


Being falsely accused of rape.

What about super rape? Come on OP

Not quoting.... Sounds like a newfag


Hillery Clinton = rape of US


Being raped, by Satan


Summerfags that think Sup Forums thinks rape is bad. We have needs too.

Getting your arms amputated, getting your dick cut off, seeing your mom naked, severe head trauma resulting in diminished mental capacity, starving to death, terminal cancer, hillary clinton, obama, watching your child die, muslims, popular rap music of this decade, dubstep, a fatal heart attack... the list goes on.

if hands even could get pregnant it would still be illegal, how is a penis supposed to overpower a hand? honestly your thought process makes no sense.

Being OP

Letting the niggers go free

How does that work? Do you have to feed them and wipe their ass when they shit?


OP's mom.

Sex slavery is worse than rape. Rape is simply one aspect of sex slavery.

rectal infusing and other "enhance interrogation" methods


Obvious trigger bait is obvious

I once asked Moore what's worse than rape. Now I know. Betrayal

Getting a trauma that paradises everything neck down

>still looking for waldo

Who says you have to wipe their ass? Also feeding tubes