Hi Sup Forums

hi Sup Forums

anyone else have a distaste for alcohol? i can't get past the taste and i've heard the whole "oh you dont drink it for the taste" and i get it that when you take shots and shit they go down super quick but it still bothers me. it also probably doesnt help that i have a phobia of throwing up and i have pretty bad acid reflux; whenever i've had alcohol, that shit insinuates an internal volcano.

also not straightedge at all, smoke a fuckton of weed, it just seems all my friends have either tried alcohol and loved it or have never tried it for sXe reasons

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yea I'm in the same boat you are in. I hate alcohol and everytime I drink I feel like I'm gonna puke after 2 or 3 drinks. Which is odd because I come from a family with a lot of alcoholics in in.

Too bad weed isn't as socially accepted as alcohol, even tho it's a lot safer and not nearly as bad for you.

You have shit friends. Throwing up is something to be celebrated among drunk bros.

my man. i mean i've come close a few times to greening out but that's cause i unintentionally hit too hard or, like a recent time, my friends didnt tell me they layered a solid blanket of kief over the bowl.

i just cant do alcohol, and it's especially irritating since at parties it's so terribly peer pressured. i wish i enjoyed it because it seems fun but i really dont, i like to preserve my stomach and i'd rather not slur thought. why does weed have to be so taboo ))))):

>anyone else have a distaste for alcohol? i can't get past the taste
Protip: stop drinking pure alcohol and try an actual drink.

Once you've tried everything from Guinness to pina colada, then you can come back and tell us you don't like alcohol. Until then, you just won't know for sure.

That's not acid reflux , that's being a pussy syndrome.
What you do is you get some girly drink like smirnoff ice where you can't even taste the alcohol , or take shots and wash it down with a chaser before you breathe in so you can barely taste it.
Or just don't drink , no one cares.

Alcoholic here,
I still get that same puke feeling. It goes away after the 4th or 5th drink. You have to drink past it.

this is probably what i'm doing wrong. i started on shit that was 70+ proof (gin, bourbon, varying vodkas etc) i've tried a lot of stuff but fuckin nothing that is light in abv like beer and stuff.
i'd go past 4-5 drinks if it weren't for witnessing my friends cowering in innumerable corners spilling their guts for hours

I am the opposite, drugs dont work on me but I enjoy the taste of alcohol and cannabis cookies

Just put it in perspective, how many years has it been convention to drink? Eventually people are going to start to change. I mean alcohol is one of those ones where it consumes so much of you and ganj to me is so mild even when completely high as shit, couple hours go by and I'm pretty much sober.

You're not wrong for not liking alcohol or drinking it.

I can't stand people when they drink. I hate myself when I drink too.

Nobody gets into fights when they're high.

I'd stick to basic flavored shots and chasers. I'm not a fan of beer or mixed drinks.I'll take a shot of anything though

i dont think youre an alcoholic if you still feel like puking

I'm much the same, it's why I really don't enjoy beer or wine, but drink really strong stuff as I get drunk really fucking fast due to being a lightweight in every sense of the word. Usually either straight shots, with a lot of mixer or mixed with so many other flavoured drinks that I don't taste it. You gotta find what works for you.
Environment helps too. I don't drink around family, but with certain friends I'm shitfaced in like 5 minutes.

Same, always puke or feel close to puking when drinking, I've greened out 4 times but it didn't bother me too much because I was high af lol, I still prefer acid and codeine compared to everything else though

>Nobody gets into fights when they're high.

lol nice meme-o friendo.

A guy smoked some marijuana and chewed the face off another dude in FL.

All because he had a bad "trip" or whatever the fuck.

You could try alcoholic juices and sodas, which are made specifically to not taste alcoholic.

Let it be your first step towards the earthly nirvana that is single malt scotch whisky.

would much rather smoke than drink
i feel like smoking is a much cleaner intoxication compared to drinking. but really it depends on what ill be doing.

if im going to a bar/club ill probably drink cuz its fucking fun to be drunk and dancing and shit. but yeah it does taste like shit. especially beer. i always end up getting fruity drinks cuz some actually taste good. its gay as fuck but i dont care dude. i couldnt give a shit what other niggers think when im 3 or 4 drinks into the night.

if im chillin at a house party or at home, then ill smoke.

>Nobody gets into fights when they're high
No, but they get pretty boring to be around though.

FYI, booze and weed are actually a great combination. You're missing a trick there.

This bait is so bad, it doesn't even deserve one of those fish pictures.

Honestly, how old are you?

not too long ago, like maybe a week.
i was convinced i was dead after smoking more than i usually smoke.
it was really really fucking weird. i still feel it to this day. like everything is kinda not real. like im not real or something. hard to explain. easy to forget. but when im trying to fall asleep or something or theres not much to think about itll come back and slap me in the face like wtf even am i? what are we? i know were "humans" and shit but its simply just not true. were not anything
nothing is anything. its like the universe is just literally ideas of people and names weve come up to describe certain things. like holy shit dude nothing is fucking real. but then i remember bills and shit and i come back to "Reality"

bad trips are unpredictable as all hell. that sounds like another level though, normal highs normally cancel out all feelings of confrontation cause you're too fuckin busy being high
even when i get close to greening out i feel the anxiety, but i've also noticed whenever i get the anxiety it's typically with sativa shit, so that's probably why i get that much focus. indica usually sedates those thoughts for me
i have to control environment every time i go out, otherwise my paranoia's gonna overwhelm me. i should try drinking alone sometime even though it kinda sounds lonerish, my buddy DOES have a bottle of this vodka that straight tastes like fruit loops and yes i'm a faggot for fruity stuff in general so

Probably laced with another drug. Probably got it off a shifty dealer.

Booze and weed is a terrible fucking combo. It turns you pretty fucking retarded. Witnessed it twice.

I wish it was socially acceptable for a guy to drink for the flavor rather than to get drunk. I love cheerleader drinks and ill drink a nice strawberry daiquiri any day

>drugs dont work on me
>eats cannabis cookies

nigga what

ITT: Stupid teenagers who smoke too much weed

Not all of them...

To you young idiots smoking loads of weed, i used to be exactly like you at your age but believe me you will grow up and look back and cringe at how much of a faggot you are.


depersonalization disorder. goes away eventually

>Witnessed it twice

Yeah, I watched somebody take acid once, and he was talking all kinds of crazy bullshit. Must mean acid is terrible, amirite?

19, checked
i actually know EXACTLY what youre describing. ive felt this a few rare occasions in my life but sometime this march i had a very very bad trip, it induced a panic attack and it lasted for about an hour or two. when i woke up, all my reflexes felt "fake". like, i can make a motion or i can do something, but it felt very very hollow, as if my mind was disconnected from the physical movement. everything felt artificial and i lost the ability to rationally think about things, but rather i purely "mechanically" thought about stuff (like option A, B, C, or yes/no) and could not fathom emotional decision. i was scared that it would last for the rest of my life and that i developed some disorder (forgot what it was, looked it up and some subreddit had a lengthy OP on how these experiences happen, how to deal etc) but it only lasted for a day. i went straight back to normal the very next day.


Get rektd son. Maybe get out of your mother's basement once in awhile and stop watching Naruto you faggot haha.

Nope. Just marijuanas according to the toxicology reports.

That's why I don't touch the stuff.

At least with alcohol I know I won't have a "trip" and lose my fucking mind.

There are some really fucking strong strains you shouldn't use. On top of that, he probably had a strong mental disorder, otherwise he wouldn't have been so violent.

I don't really mind puking too much but alcohol is just not as fun compared to other shit

Drink girly drinks. /thread

>Weed is so good for you
>It stimulates your brain cells mom
>Alcohol is for losers
>Im gonna sit in basement and watch cartoons
>Everyone who doesn't smoke weed is an idiot

Weed is so bad for your mental health.

And when I'm around alcohol I tend to not give a fuck, and usually end up drinking way too much way too fast

>i went straight back to normal the very next day.
lucky you. im on day 8 or so.

i thought i was having a stroke or something. luckilly im pretty good at calming myself down during bad trips and i was able to chill out and make some music while i thought i was dying.
i dont really feel mechanical in the sense you are describing. its more like a "how can anything i am experiencing even be possible"
its like everything in the universe is too damn fucking crazy to be happening for real. like its all a dream in sense. the best i can describe it is that nothing is real. i know that doesnt help much for trying to imagine it. but its all i got. i can think and rationalize perfectly fine. i know everything is "real" but it just feels like its all too perfect to be real.

You're a fucking idiot. They found cannabis in his system. That means he could've gotten months before the incident and it showed up in his system. Weed stays in your system longer than most drugs. Do us all a favor and die soon.

Lucky, this happened to me permanently due to a scarring existential crisis. I have no emotions now, but I found I became more rational as a result.

most weed users are lazy as FUCK.
and weed makes you even lazier.

what kind of drug dealer gives away free drugs?

imaginary ones

>toxicology reports were only able to identify cannabis/marijuana in Eugene's system, leaving the ultimate cause of his behavior unknown.

Learn to read fucktard.

i hope you can return to your normal state as soon as possible, bro. i cant imagine having it for 8 fucking days, 1 day alone almost did me in. this sounds exactly what suggested, depersonalization disorder sounds like it's pretty much what you and i had / have right now.

out of curiosity, why did you think you thought you were gonna die from the smoke? were you having a bad trip? was it just the realization at some point that you were in too deep or what

I just started drinking more recently, for me beer wasnt a good starting point but a lot of people start there. I tried cinnamon toast crunch, half fireball, half rumchata it goes down pretty smooth and tastes pretty decent too and I hated liquor. From there I went to apple crown and it took me a few weeks but I can practically drink that stuff straight now. Mix that with some cherry coke and just continuously put more liquor over time so you wean yourself into it.


come visit b porn general.

well it wasnt a "bad trip"
it was just like "holy fuck im having a stroke and might die" i wasnt thinking of my life or having negative memories or anything come up. and there was a point where i believed i was actually dead. this lasted just a few seconds though but was extremely intense.
im familiar with depersonalization disorder. but i dont think its that as my thoughts bout this go away during the daytime and only emerge when im trying to relax.

>i have pretty bad acid reflux
I know this feel user.

Personally the taste of (most) alcohols isn't too bad, unless it's a dry alcohol, that shit is just nasty. If you really want to drink, just drink some light beer or something. or a girly drink, they taste good. But, at the end of the day every alcohol will make your acid reflux act up.

I don't get why people drink, being drunk isn't fun, it doesn't feel good, you can't think straight. It's just retarded. Smoke weed instead, it tastes good, doesn't fuck with acid reflux, and makes you actually feel pretty good.

>Summerfagging this hard.

You completely missed the point. Smoking weed while having a mental disorder like schizophrenia can cause further mental instability.

For me , drinking is very easy until I start getting tipsy. I can drink 10 or 11 jager bombs and the only discomfort is a slight cringe from the taste, but after that I can barely stomach drinking more. With beer though, I enjoy the thrill of shotgunning through an 18 pack with a friend and it never necessarily tastes "bad" to me. I think you just haven't drank enough.

Nope. No mental disorders. Dude had been smoking marijuana cigarettes since he was in high school so it naturally had a deteriorating effect on his mental state.

>defending marijuana this hard
>find cannabis in his system
>don't find anything else
>must not have been the marijuana!

lmao. Makes perfect sense right? Right?

Or... maybe... this is definitely the type of shit that happens when you do illegal drugs long term, because they fuck with your mind.

Also, there is the possibility of something like this happening even if it's your first use because it just "hits you" wrong.

Better to be safe than, well, chewing the face off a guy.

Oh yea and it's pretty funny how triggered you "chill" stoners get when you're confronted with the ugly truths of your addiction. I know you'd rather not think about it and just do another hit though. That's one of the side effects of the drug fyi. Laziness.

there are studies done that show long term marijuana use has no effect on the mental state of hte user. even if the user started in highschool.
and didnt that cannibal guy use bathsalts?

Would Bath Salts even show up in your system?

No, it clearly was the marijuanas!!
user above said it, so it has to be true!
Sup Forums is full of truth, >always

>there are studies done that show long term marijuana use has no effect on the mental state of hte user

Sure thing.

>and didnt that cannibal guy use bathsalts?

No he did not. This was a meme created and perpetuated by marijuana abusers to hide the fact that it is a dangerous drug.

Honestly the only people that believed it were the other stoners because they will so zealously defend their addiction.