Ask a guy who got rejected anything, also I got pics of the rejection, dubs decides if I show them

Ask a guy who got rejected anything, also I got pics of the rejection, dubs decides if I show them

Did you get rejected?

Yes I did

show the pics. I got dubs.

I don't see them

Hello newfriend

Been here for 2 years

Post rejection, dubs demands it


You dumbfucks I'm Now show the pics, please

You waster your dubs, sorry dude
How was I supposed to know if you wanted them or not? You said nothing

accept the fact you're a reject. welcome to the club, we have members only jackets. rollin for dumb skanks pics

Ok, so if you don't want to show the pics, why are you here? If you just want to tell someone you got rejected, go talk to your mother.

Don't show the pics. Let this thread go to page 10. You don't deserve attention.

>thinks I got dumb skank pics


Eh fuck it
You lot couldn't get dubs if you tried

This was my reply

After this she admitted to having no romantic feelings for me other than as a friend

Change that colour you fiend.

At least we have each other OP

reply with "you're*".

Yea makes me feel so much better...

I'm sorry, comrade. That's very unfortunate. Affection is a tricky game. Just keep on moving. You can't stick to people who use you, or want to use you.

Just keep moving, and you'll find someone.

btw I'm and and and Good luck bro

Right in the feels

How do i make egg please quick i need one fast but its always sliney on the inside

has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?



then who was phone?

You feed a chicken

Anyone who wants it

How old are you?

Soon to be 19

Yeah that's why you think this is a big deal.

It's not, and it'll happen again. Don't worry about it; get over it and enjoy life. Women are fickle. And being in a relationship does not guarantee happiness.

Good luck, user.

whoowhee op, i can only imagine the fucking heartbeat speed as you read that shit. sucks for you, m8. just remember that you're better than all of the other faggots on here who refuse to even approach a woman (except me because i'm special, and everyone here is a faggot except you and i)

Nah I don't think it's that bad
But it stings

>tfw I am cheating on my fiancee
>tfw I do not know how to stop that


Stings are nothing. Now go get drunk, you scamp.

Don't be a beta user. Do it

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>tfw you're cheating on your fiancee and I can't even get a gf
>tfw no gf

