Am I done b I feel like my autism fucked me over again... No response from her, it's been 6 hours

Am I done b I feel like my autism fucked me over again... No response from her, it's been 6 hours


whatever you do, dont text her a second time wait for her to text you back. she will eventually if she wants to talk to you

Hurry send dick pic

six hours? are you retarded? when somebody doesn't answer me in at least 2 mins their are fkn forgotten...smh

don't listen to him spam her till she andswers also send a dick pic

bro forget her u fcked it up



You're fucked, but not bc of the 6 hour wait. You're fucked bc you have the mind of a paranoid adolescent that thinks this is cause for concern.

Have fun growing up.

Protip: don't send retarded good morning messages. There are other ways to show someone you're thinking of them.

Send dick pick and you instantly get nudes back

That's not the point retard the point is how fucked am I for sending an autism text like that...

I answered that, you're too stupid to comprehend.

user it's right OP you are a little faggot kiddo. Grow up, she's probably busy.

it's a dumb text but not that bad. let her send the next one tho - don't spammerino

don't listen to these people being mean to you. if you want someone to talk to my kik is peachygrll. I'm really nice I promise :-)

this is really sweet you seem like a gentleman. I'm sure she's just busy and will get back to you. but if not its not the end of the world. try to ignore these rude people and message me on kik if you need anything @dreamygrl and we can chat I hope you feel better soon

is right you know
The real secret behind succesful social interaction is not caring about what other people think
it shows at the very least that you're confident and if done correctly creates natural attraction and charisma

you should listen to this man, he knows what's up.

this OP don't go spaghetti again

Just tell her you woke up and were checking your phone. You don't remember it because you were tired n shit, etc. I've done that and I always get away with it.

Or just ignore it because who gives a fuck

Have a Super day. U gay?

try to ignore these people in the comments if you can. I'm sure she's just busy bc she definitely seems intereted with those emojis! but if she's not she won't be the last girl who wants to go out for drinks I promise. if u need anything you can kik me @dreamygrl

^ What this guy said. Just wait for a response. What you said/did wasn't all that bad.

Just shut the fuck up and wait it out man. If she doesn't write back then move on to the next one.

This thread is literally a bunch of aspies giving aspie advice.
Op, you're obviously mentally challenged and Anjori is some sort of shit skin name. But your primal instincts kicked in and tried to push it away.

OP here,what do

my fucking sides


Never good morning/good night text a girl who you aren't in a serious relationship with. Also, rather than just going "lmaooo love it", try to actually arrange a place to meet in the same conversation. And never use emoticons. Never.