What are your feelings about moot? Hero / traitor?

What are your feelings about moot? Hero / traitor?

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Wait the Facebook guy made Sup Forums?

fuck off moot

i'd like to see moot's barefoot

He is my god. He is my jebus. He is the creator on all shit and cancer. Moot is life. Moot is love.

>Here's a picture of little moot


he was a fag, and a cuck, but he was our fag, and our cuck

also he provided good lulz early on and gave zero shits about banning just for lulz.

i miss him

also kind of annoyed he went from creating a site that preaches and fully supports full on anonymity to working at google, oen of the most personal information hording companies on the web.


THIS were the times



Retarded hairline / 10

who? he looks like a fag.

>What are your feelings about moot?

Chris Poole is a pedophile and I'm glad he's dead.


He's the prettiest little girl.

>jew nose

sellout cuck

mOOt deaded. pOOr mOOt.



moot is our creator. Without moot the internet itself would be entirely different.

shut up moot

Someone else would have made an English futaba board. But it would have been sold early.


Moot is an hero, he is an God.

shut up. also stop creating these threads moot, it`s really annoying

He got away from this mess and turned a profit doing so, that's something to respect... Then again he did fuck a lot of people over with this site.

meh, someone else would have done it, and probably not with style


Now he is Google's cuck

If trips he buys Sup Forums back, and still is cunt.

An hero

this should answer all questions

moot foot pls


I think he is a coward who didn't have the courage to stand up to the SJW thought police. At least, not in the sense of The People vs. Larry Flynt and the whole, "free speech" thing. Offensive speech is a necessary component of freedom of expression and Sup Forums was one of the last refuges for true free speech. Caving like he did, when he did was a huge disappointment.

He backed down and gave into the demands of the mob when we needed him the most.

He made a website that I use on occasion. That is about all i care about him.


Blatant homosex.

>didn't have the courage to stand up to the SJW thought police.
Yeah, it's kinda hard for him to do when his SJW girlfriend has him in a chastity belt

Come on, he's trolling there, no way his body language is like that really lol

Sup Forums Is all about dat edge

Fucker was arrested fir running this site and not cooperating with popos several times. He has gigantic balls. Matt Howie has never been arrested.

Moot, plz, stop creating threads like that!


I think Sup Forums is a pretty cool guy.

He/you left the site a mess, and now it's an even bigger mess now that someone who has absolutely no clue and no interest is in charge. Every board is a corrupt shithole full of nepotistic mods and jannies who are interested only in enforcing their own biases. Sup Forums in particular is a nightmare of viral marketing and astroturfing.

What used to make this site good is just so completely dead now it's not funny, the only reason we're still here is because we have fucking nowhere else to go.

you have a new god now!

Moot, little girl, inspiration.

I love him, that's all I can say. He's grown into a beautiful man now. I still love him. I don't give a fuck about homo or not. I love the man.
He left because he ain't want anymore trouble with fbi and involved in all the filthy shits you sickfucks love to post and do. His time was the worst, Sup Forums was really really wild back then (yes, Sup Forums I'm looking at you). He didn't leave for money.........

Your making me depressd


frig off


they misspelled celebrity its supposed to read faggot


4th tab

Moot is a winner, our hero. Without Moot we would be lost.


You make me sad. Snacks is not back.



>He left because he ain't want anymore trouble with fbi and involved in all the filthy shits you sickfucks love to post and do.


Here's the obligatory Snacks fucking a dead whale

moot does love nigger cock


Literally who?

I'm sure he is still on the site even if he isn't admin anymore. Heck mootikins could be in this very thread.

He seems like a decent dude

anywere noticing how moot and zuckerberger looks same? when are you raelize that moot=illimunatti?? mason and zukerburg = hebroid name. stop jew mason!

sorry four bad english am not havings intrenet much in tajikistan. blockeded by presdent

nice try moot
uses his moot powers for trips

No I am not.

>Matt Howie
Who is Matt Howie?

garbage person

Moot is bae.


he once called me a summerfag once
other than that he was pretty cool
7/10 will remember


i think you just misspelled awesome


He created something good, destroyed it (although I don't think it was his fault) and then sold it. I appreciate him for what he's done but wish he stood up for the community a bit more than he did.

The one person whom successfully quit Sup Forums.

Hi moot.


I think he was a beneficiary of something he never foresaw or intended to create. I don't think he was particularly talented or smart. He was an average dweeb who lucked into something.

I think he was a typical Sup Forums user, except that he owned Sup Forums

Why do his knees look so raw?


Who is moot?

have you ever seen a jew nose before?

No no no, that's the Myspace guy.

hero, traitor, cuck, faggot





I miss you mootles


The best

Nice quads

Back in the old days could you be pulled into an FBI case just by staying on Sup Forums too long?
