What's your personality type, Sup Forums?

What's your personality type, Sup Forums?

INTP here

INFP here, represent

Hey, me too.

What do you do with your time?
I find I get lost in thought too easy, it seems to upset people when I zone out while they are trying to explain something I don't find particularly interesting

INTJ here.

Do you exhibit sociopathic tendencies? From what I've noticed there's a high correlation but I could be overlooking something.

Me too!


Is this indicative of the majority of people who use this board? Also where do you guys fit in here, are you the baiters? The ones who call them out? Or the ones who take no part in that?

INTJ here also


I'm INFP too!



I am too intp. The personality type of neets everywhere


i'm also a virgin male who is 26 and beta as fuck

ENTP (The Debater) here

Wow there's only 16 of them. What are the chances.

Another INTP here

Well I'm I by 3% so I guess I can go either way, but I definitely exhibit more I than E traits.


Jesus. Not this bullshit again. This is about as accurate as a horoscope.

I too, am INFP, supposedly anyway. I was very back and forth on the I/E and T/F.

Do you have any studies to support this?


The 2 core traits are the basis, and work as a scale from S to N or F to T. The I or E determines the direction of focus for the most part, and the P or J determines which of the core traits is dominant, further along the scale.

The four letters are basically a generalisation, but work surprisingly well.

shit man waddup!

>from what I've noticed
>could be overlooking something

No I do not have studies. I was hoping for further input to supplement what I've noticed first hand.

Technically an ESTP, but the Extrovert and Inrovert are so even, I consider myself more of an ASTP, the A standing for Ambivert, a mix of both.

me three

You mean ASPIE for believing in such nonsense.

So I'd say you are a TJ, probably INTJ or ISTJ. You should do the test and tell me how close I was.

yep INTP here, apparently we are 3% of the population.
As for the zoning out thing, I ve learnt to do the contrary (forcefully of course) and try and acknowledge everything people are telling me.
I don't manage everytime but it works most of the time


I don't exhibit all sociopathic tendencies. Maybe a few but I recently strangled my cat until it stop kicking because it decided to start pissing in places other than the litter box. Ever since then I've had an urge to strangle the stray animals in my neighborhood.

I guess i'm INTP if 5 tests have anything to say.

idk how to explain myself to much



ENTJ master race fagots

So edgelord?

Yeah simple agree or acknowledge is my go to to keep them going. A few of my friends notice though and started testing me with contradictory statements to see if I'll notice. If I'm still engaged enough to pick up they just get a tha fuck u doin stare.

Heh I meant more like the manipulative type, but hey whatever floats your boat.

Haha was expecting this reply. I guess I may as well be.

Most of the tests are bullshit, And any information on MBTI is mostly wrong, or generalised.
cancer, But hey, That's just an opinion from an ENTP

dunno about that, I hire people for a government job and we use these tests as indicators of how well a person will fit for a job. Surprisingly accurate.

I've always been good at making friends and what not but I don't really think any of them are actually my friends. Just people that are currently in my life. Eventually they'll disappear just like everything else. But I've always had everything I've really wanted so I can't recall consciously manipulating people.

This is a little late, but yeah actually, I do, I was recently diagnosed with ASPD.

The Myer's Briggs test is for idiots who think they are too smart for astrology

Me too user!


35 in a few days.


All hail the glorious god-king, INTJ-user.

I'm the same personality type as Putin, so I guess it'll be fine.


>I know this because I'm such a fucking genius myself

Looking back do you notice any ASPD tendencies at younger ages? Early 20s specifically?

Yeah, definitely, I was even more of a scumbag then.

What career are you in? (Or looking at)

Ayyy, I'm also INFP



What are we supposed to do with our time?



And as a fellow ENTJ, I say we team up, gain followers, divide them, gain power world wide, and then SLAUGHTER THE INNOCENT WITH OUR HIDEOUS NEW IDEOLOGY OF FAITH BY CONVICTION

ENTP masterace

Slaughter is a misappropriation of potential tools.

Post link for test. I'll go ace it

I'm INFJ also. Seems we're the only ones in this thread

Intj too I figured there were a bunch of us on this board tbh


Not if you don't value tool analogous to a broken wrench.

No one likes a murderer


Introvert(56%) iNtuitive(53%) Thinking(81%) Perceiving(13%)

Is this a natural disposition or an instilled one I wonder.

Ehh.. heavy animal abuser, once I caught a squirrel i had shit with my pellet rifle, only to find I had only grazed it's eye. Slammed it against the ground, and proceeded to cut off all of its limbs... I have a lot of repressed anger because I was molested numerous times as a child.


The only ISFP in this thread. :(

same yo
>What do you do with your time?
smoke weed

._. kill me now.


> Is this indicative of the majority of people who use this board? Also where do you guys fit in here, are you the baiters? The ones who call them out? Or the ones who take no part in that?

I'm an INTP, as well. I imagine that there is something about Sup Forums that appeals to "us."

I generally try to be one of the "good anons" (but not white knight). I call bullshit out when I see it, but, as an olderfag, I try to give advice when I can.

I'm not above the occasional shitposting, though, especially if I'm just in a mood and need to de-stress.

A lot of the bitter in-fights, I'll stay out of those, though. But there is something relieving about being able to say something without worrying that you're offending someone or breaking some unwritten societal code.

INxJ. Don't know if I'm a thinker or feeler, I get different results every time I take the test

This is eerily similar to me actually, wasn't expecting that .-.

Actually INTJ personality types tend to have psychopathic tendencies and not sociopathic tendencies.

Yeah I actually just kicked a smoke weed erry day habit (INTP also). About a month in and the mental faculties I was consciously ignoring have all resurfaced and I appreciate them. But god damn, the other way of thinking is just so fluid. Do you tend think in non-english? Using abstract concepts in general thought was a biiig plus for me when I was a stoner.

I really have never know what the fucking difference between the two is... Is there actually one ?

woo masterace
probably, I've been talking to a counselor recently about some stuff that's probably aspd

not really. DSM-5 has them both under antisocial personality disorder, the differences depend on who you ask really.

nah i have no clue what you're saying dawg. I just get fried because it's basically the cheapest and safest drug. If i had more money I would probably just get wasted every night. I don't know why, but even when I'm sober and feeling good I want to take something to alter my state of mind. I don't even like weed that much, it honestly makes me depressed and even more sociayl retarded

INTP-A here.
Alpha as fuck here, powerful & smart as well.
Psychopath as well. and not one of those: "Hurr durr death is fun haha ill kill you I'm insane" type faggots, I play it smart.

I manipulate people, plan my shit out and have no regrets nor feel guilty. This is what allows me to be powerful and control everyone like you.

I'm the cult phenomena that everyone wishes they were, Only thing is, I'm there manipulating you, contriving you and using you, and you have no idea. I'm the guy who will get your girlfriend to cheat on you just because I want to fuck her, I'm the guy you want to be and hate to meet.

>inb4 whiny beta fags complaining that they aren't like me
>inb4 edgy teen faggot lord

I'm autistic

kek, do you even know what aspd is? Take a psych course and stop watching csi, autist

Do you think you were born that way, or did you have a crazy childhood that fucked you up?

Have you taken anything like LSD or psilocybin? For me anyway they kinda busted open a few doors that I couldn't see, and now whenever I smoke weed I can go back through them, if that makes any sense to you. If not, take some mushrooms


Diagnosed ASPD, Your one of the jealous ones, aren't you? Or maybe you have ASPD but rather than being smart, you have urges that you cant resist.
No, I have had a great childhood, No abuse, no bullying or anything. I was simply born this way.

not this again

Nah I've met you before, we get along pretty well actually. I still retain things like empathy (to a degree) but I know exactly what you do and the things you know. Usually we just joke around about solipsism and existential depression and the like. People that know tend to be sufficiently rare that we value each other's company, remember?

Hm, You very well could be. I may have not met you, but I know your type. I have a good friend from Canada, your exactly the same as him.

Yea I've done acid, shrooms, and dmt around 5 times each. They definitely helped and have changed how I think, but nah smoking weed is the same as always. What are these doors you speak of?

Of course not, I'm from NZ matey. What I meant is that you know someone like me and I know someone like you. These interactions between people like us happen, you can almost guarantee it.

ENTP here