What's p4k's AOTY/SOTY? Top 10s?
Their video list is pretty predictable
What's p4k's AOTY/SOTY? Top 10s?
Their video list is pretty predictable
Queen Bey at #1
yasssssssss slay kween
i'm reallllllly hoping that they aren't going to give aoty to Beyonce. their blurb about the album in the video list is so wrong-headed and pretentious.
I think the Life of Pablo is the album that is probably most representative of 2016, culturally, and is the most significant album in one of the major strands of music this past year, but you could maybe say the same about Blackstar. i would be happy if it were one of those, rather than Coloring Book, Blonde, Lemonade, or Moon Shaped Pool, but my most listened to albums, among things pitchfork actually likes, are Teens of Denial and Hopelessness.
for song of the year, i would hope for either something from Life of Pablo, or 'true love waits.'
can we stop pretending like Teens of Denial isnt AOTY
Blackstar for AOTY
No Problem by Chance for SOTY
You heard it here first folks.
Lemonade got a 8.5. It's not winning AOTY. It deserved video of the year.
Sooo Lemonade is getting AOTY isn't it
fuck sake
>Pablo better than Lemonade
If Kanye dies he'll get AOTY. Otherwise, probably Coloring Book, which sucks
It's going to be given to Lemonade FFS. Come on. The album isn't that great but people are eating up. Goddamn this world we live in.