Can you guys photoshop a gun on that table, I want him to look like he is about to shoot up the school

Can you guys photoshop a gun on that table, I want him to look like he is about to shoot up the school

He already looks like he's about to shoot up the school

i dont think he needs a gun to look like he's about to shoot up the school

Any cool rich fags want to transfer money to my PayPal account [email protected]

I got you user ill do one up now for you

Here you go Fam




Thx Fam


Welcome to the GUN SHOW

In other news im fUCKING QWASTYED

Let me be known as Owsley, the ultimate photoshop artist!


this fucking thread i keked

Shut the fuck up retard


Is that fucking jizz Hahahahaha

best one yet

I registered on the site and created a Sup Forums account just to post here. You are a fucking retard.


old on for this one
only need a kapcha nao



want moar ??
also made some typo

And yes obviously... it will be better than you can do