Don't you speak to me or my son about psychology EVER AGAIN!

Don't you speak to me or my son about psychology EVER AGAIN!

Are you the same guy of the last thread?

This girl + gf storyteller here.

Not same OP if you're asking that. Got tired of that OP deleting their thread on a whim so any fallout can go here instead.

Thanks, I'm compiling my writing into a pastebin and will continue from there

Sure, but could use some help bumping to keep the thread around. OP can't bump own thread.


Sorry dude, I'm writing like crazy, bump bump lol


> My wife's son

Also should be nignog skined.

Step on my penis Alice-sama!!

Here you go

Did we run out of ideas..?

This girl + gf traitor guy here
Here is the entire story with a line marker for the new content:

pastebin com/JeZJPAv3

I will now start answering questions about my situation

> I'm 26, she turns 24 this saturday
> This girl is 15
> We both live together since last year
> Now we sleep in separate rooms
> We are 4 years into the relationship, we had another one 2 years apart from this one, it's another looong story if you want to hear, since them she didn't trusted me that much but we bot were overall happy with that

Hopefully the anons from last thread will reach this message ;_;

Well, time to read I guess. I'll be honest I didn't read it during last thread.

No problem fam, just want to get some advice, if any ;_;

Honestly she sounds extremely controlling and pretty annoying. Did you never think of just breaking up with her? Youre still really young so its not like its that big a deal. 4 years isnt the longest either.

Also you should really reupload your story next thread early because you arent going to get many responses in this one anymore.

Well, I don't see why your girlfriend expected it was the other girl's duty to defend her. I feel like people should stick up for themself and not depend on others to back them up, but I see girls backing each other up very often so perhaps that's how they expect others to be. Even so, I feel your girlfriend can't expect the younger girl to back her up just because they're both girls. It wasn't a "betrayal" so much as your girlfriend is being immature. Still reading...

Your gf sounds super immature. Im sorry user just saying it how i see it.

I still have feelings for her tbh, It's been a long road full of pain and happiness, an investment hard to let go. She might be thinking the same and that why she doesn't leave.

Also she doesn't have money now, her job doesn't give her enough (she started this year) to survive as well as she would with me. Her family has a pretty difficul situation also (only haves her mom and shes full of debts). Im basically burning my chances and trying to be a gentleman as much as I can

I realize this completely today, at this point in time I don't know how to 'correct' this without losing my investment

See for more info

So what youre with her out of guilt? You sound like your living a terrible relationship man. She constantly blows up on you and pushes all her troubles onto other people like a brat. Getting mad when someone doesnt come and save her when she cant save herself. More than that actually getting that mad at a 1t year old. As a 24 year old thats just sad. If you stilp have feelings for her then i really dont know what to say though. I just hope you work out your issues with her and hopefully the 15 year old. She seemed to really like you and even look up to you in a way. Imo you seem like a super nice guy who gets shit on too much by his gf. But you do you.

Holy shit you pay for the apartment and a credit card that she uses, and she treats you like that? What the hell.

I hate to say this but maybe she needs something bad to happen just to put things into perspective. If the things that stress her out are you IMing a girl and not being hyper aware of her at all times, she could use a tragedy just to show her how petty she had been.

A little bit of context from the first period of our relation, 6+ years ago

> I was going out of a ver strong breakup (basically that gf fucked my biological brother, they're still together and I still hate both)
> I knew her from university, we both started studying the same career
> Started a relationship but my mind was in another place all the time, I didn't got over my ex and my brother
> Finished ignoring her completely and broke her hearth, she even got out the country
> When she was away, I talked about her
> I talked 'shit' about her, It was all in MSN Messenger IMs with a now ex-friend
> Got together again after 2 years
> Some day she discovered that convos, huge shitstorm ensued

Wait the gf youre with right now is the one who fucked your brother?
As in the gf whos getting all bitchey about "betrayal"?

I tried treating her as she was treating me, didn't work, she doesn't get the message and I'm always the one feeling sorry and asking forgiveness.

I tried being super nice and gentle and the shit is still the same: "why are you treating me well, like you never did before, do you thing that will help or do anything at all?" - her words after the last week when she went of bad mood

I'm not even sure if I'm the one twisting the story, I became so paranoid of what the truth of the whole situation is...

You ever been laid before tho?

You really drew the short straw, man.
All these issues

The girl that fucked my brother is a different person, they are still together until this very day, that couple fuckers. I got over it, my family is somewhat crazy, they approved that. And I hate them, althought they constantly support me enconomically and some other things...

I got laid with the exgf that fucked my brother (before she fucked him obviously lol) I was 17 and the bomb with her exploded when I was 18

Your girlfriend is more immature than that younger girl. It kinda makes me sick but I've finished reading the story. She's dependent to a huge degree but maybe that appealed to you? There's limits to everything however and if she's going to bear grudges for things that were her fault to being with, on top of continuing to depend on you, she's just going to continue making you miserable.

Sounds like manipulation. You haven't done anything wrong and she's only trying to get you to feel like you have to enable herself to further use you.

What exactly is it about her that makes you keep up with her bullshit? Youre only talking about the negativea here so are there any positives? Because you sound absolutely miserable right now. What are your current plans as of now with her? Just wait and hope this whole argument tides over?

idk, maybe the virus went deep inside my mind and I'm too emotionally attached to her, what brings me to:

Yes, this is the bad side of the story, there's plenty of good side also.

She's very lovely when not freaking out, she's the most serviceable (if that means what I think it means) person I know, there was a time I literally had her as a housemaid (when she didnt had a job and lived with me). Had sex regularly, got some little but meaningful presents. She even got in some trouble with her family when she came to live with me, you know, she came without giving her parents a notice for it (it's a cultural thing in my country, formally you go and 'ask for her' to her parents). Everything went bad when she started to play that damned game. She insists it's not the game but I always see her rage a lot when she loses or somebody flames her. She's very insecure for a physical persistent problem she has, and that might be the root of her personality problems, she has lost many friends for this.

>Its all the games fault
Wow. What game? Thats so unexpected after everything you posted.

She's been through a lot of psychological abuse when young. I created a trust relationship with her that went very fragile with the events I described earlier

The game started it all those trouble, do you want a chance to guess what is it?

I dont know man.

The most cancerous userbase of them all

League of Legends

Her bday is this sat, I contacted the voice actor of her favourite character and it's calling her that day for a custom birthday greeting

I am truly sorry. Howd she even start to get into it in the first place?

Oh man fuck that game. I'm pretty sure people lose 10 years emotionally just by getting on there.

She is playing right now I can hear her voice speaking to her teammates and sometimes yells for whatever reason

hi doctor, i am 28 and i decided to start taking medication for ADHD


A friend of mine started playing and introduced the game to both of us. It was very fun at first, then she started to take it seriously, very seriously

Some similar but lighter problems happened as we had flamers on our team and I didn't faced the guys flaming her sometimes. I was so annoyed for these things that I left the game (we even put some cash for content). I eventually come back but play alone or with friends and her, never with her alone...

You're going to die

I've decided I want to die by vagina, the idea of a woman sitting on my face with her wet pussy so I couldn't breath turns me on in ways you can't imagine, dying like that would be a blessing.

Sweet, go for it.
Try inhaling some of that lovejuice while you're at it.

bump for more advice from you guys


Its late man im sorry.
Like i said though before, you should dump your story early next Alice thread. When shes ACTUALLY around though not when only her thread is like this time.

Goodnight. Hope you find happiness with your girls shit taste in games issue.

I think I've said all I have to say. Fuck LoL though seriously.

Hey so I really wanna kill myself because the first and only woman I ever loved died in an accident. There ain't no fuckin peace for me and I don't know how to live with myself. Let's all see if I don't end it all tonight.

Thanks for your advice guys, I'll save the text and come over for the next thread. I feel somewhat better for writing this.

stream it if you do friend

Of course. it really pisses me off when people don't do that. Every Sup Forumstard should do a livestream suicide if they're gonna do it. Slow motion camera and a gun if possible.

Its the summer in 1st year of medical school and I feel pretty good just getting high err day and playing rocket league. I'm not excited to go back to having a shitty work/life balance and being studying all the time. It's only 3 weeks away. Wut do? Don't want to be sad and stressed again, but also don't want to be failure kid.