ITT: albums to get cucked to

ITT: albums to get cucked to

this is about the only one i guess

this one's kinda cucky though...

Any album will do for me.

AOTY thread? good choice OP

this album is pure nu-male cuckoldry.

Ok, fucking seriously, is there anything ACTUALLY wrong with cuckoldry? Like, c'mon, compared to other fetishes it's rather tame, and me and my gf's friend can agree that it's totally cool for a guy to be able to accept that one guy simply cannot give a beautiful creature as a woman all the sexual pleasure she needs.

the fetish itself is fine, me and my wife enjoy it as well. and guess what, there are no 'bbcs' involved. it's simply a matter of watching my wife get intense pleasure from another guy.


>there are no 'bbcs' involved

What does this even mean anymore? Racemixing?

its a shitty fetish cause you're getting off to not doing anything. when I wear diapers and shit and them at least I'm doing something

any Mountain Goats album




What about fisting? You're just lying there, getting a fist up your ass. Sure it feels great, but are you really doing anything?

okay then what are you doing sitting there watching it? Have a fucking open relationship so you can go bang chicks too.

it annoys me but why do people actually like this album? i've pretty much forced myself to listen to it twice now but there's nothing enjoyable to be found. Someone explain it to me please

Yeah you're getting your ass fisted.


this. that's what's weird.

i swear men have been reduced to the most pathetic forms.They REALLY think like this. And they browse this board too


leaning left even slightly
anyone who isn't a neo-nazi

>i enjoy cuckoldry
>LOL! what a cuck! please pay attention to me haha!