Is this dadrock?

is this dadrock?

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I don't think people who listen to Slint tend to become dads

that's album came out in 1991

you can be 25 years old and be a father


I used to find them really boring, but then I went through a hopeless period where I tried to kill myself a couple times, and that's when the album clicked and it was the only thing that didn't sound unbearably stupid to me.

Anyway, here are my favorite Slint rip offs:

my dad showed me this album

I can't.

my dad showed me this post


so people who listenend to this at the time were born in the mid 70s.

Making them 40 now, definitely dads.

fuck babak

it sounds like I'm just listening to my skater friends shoot the shit. I don't see why It's particularly special.

It's not special. At all. It gets memed to death on Sup Forums.

So did Nevermind. Nevermind is dadrock.


Of course it is. Are you implying otherwise?

>Nevermind is dadrock.

According to who, you stupid fucking cumstain? I bet you think Death Grips and vaporwave are the logical conclusion to music. Faggot.

Because dads listen/listened to it.

I wouldnt call anything by Nirvana "dadrock". Dadrock is more 60s and 70s stuff (in general) imo. Exceptions would include Springstein and the like

Not how it works.


It's autistic mid 20s dude with social anxiety rock. Honestly I kind of pride myself on not liking Slint and not being able to relate to the lyrics.

I thought this album was shit till I took acid and listened to it. Same with ITAOTS. I just take drugs and listen to Sup Forums meme albums. I can recommend this experience. Washer in particular is pretty amazing when tripping.

Ok. I really don't get this album. Is it because i'm not depressed or something? Honest question

I really don't understand the appeal

Yeah. When someone says dadrock i think of early genesis, king crimson, pink floyd, led zeppelin and toto, even though my dad didn't really dig them

sounds like you should of just killed yourself

nirvana is most definitely dadrock, stop the denial

yes, keep on schek'ing yourself my good man

It's more complex than "a depressing album", sure it has sad elements but it's not a sad album per say. Think deeper and listen harder for things that would be described as: anxious, suspenseful, introspective, or cryptic.

My favorite song is Nosferatu Man, especially the second half. Listen with good speakers or headphones and the distorted guitar will rock your brain like a Rubik's cube being solved. Good Morning, Captain is also great, as well as the rest of the album.

Just listen to it enough and I'm sure you'll like it eventually. I thought it was boring and shit too for several years until I revisited the album and songs begun to actually feel interesting. I have listened to the album now easily hundreds of times. Although honestly I kind of feel bored listening to it now, I don't feel that surprised given the insane amount of time I binged on that album.

Listen to it when you're in a really patient mood and can deal with something slow, and listen to it loud. It's really all about emotional catharsis, so the quiet, minimal parts are there to build tension for when the music "explodes", and note that those explosive, loud parts are really where the melody is, and where the vocals actually become musical.

This dynamic does work really well when you're down because the quiet, talking parts can be soothing when you're feeling emotionally numb, and the loud, cathartic parts will resonate that much more.

You know how when you feel really miserable, light songs with cute singing feel like stupid, insincere bullshit? Well, this is the kind of music that will actually click with you in those times because it won't feel like that.

>not being a vampire with a qt fortune teller gf

It didn't click with me until I was doing some mind-numbing work one day. I could really focus and get into the music then.

I've loved it since.

I used to ignore it but it took that click to make me go "dang"

Thanks. I really appreciate it and I hope it clicks

Ok so what i'm getting from all this is that it's not an easy album to appreciate or like. Did any of you like it on first listen? I've tried maybe 3 times in the last couple of years but seeing how hard it is getting spammed recently i guess i'm really missing out. Or maybe not

No, you're not missing out. It's a horrible album...I guess unless you are cleaning out the garage whilst contemplating suicide...perhaps then it might "click."

I didn't like it the first go-around but I also didn't know what I was listening for. It's not really a hard album to appreciate but more so exceptionally unique.

It's not that it's hard to like. It's just that you kind of have to be in the right place mentally for it to click. When it clicked with me it wasn't because I had to think about it. I didn't have to think about it at all, it's just that it suddenly hit me super hard.

The problem is, a lot of people hear the quiet, minimal talking part and don't see any reward there, and they think "well, this is bullshit." But the reward isn't there, the reward is when the music explodes. And in those loud parts it is extremely musical and melodic. When you know that's where the reward is, then the quiet part is actually pleasant, and it's necessary for the impact of the song.
Think of Led Zeppelin's When the Levee Breaks. If you just skip to the part where plant starts wailing, it won't feel like anything special. But if you listen through the quiet, tense build up at the beginning, it's exhilirating.
