Anyone have a video of the isis deserters boiled alive ?

Anyone have a video of the isis deserters boiled alive ?
Also isis thread

Other urls found in this thread:


or the girls who were set on fire because they wouldn't put out. want to use that video to get a girlfriend...



Dance Dance Revolution!

Also bump.

this is all I can think of.

here comes the...


There was no arterial spray?

That was a corpse, not a living man.

eyes moving? blood flowing?
I have no doubt he was alive

No. He would have been spraying everywhere.

I didn't spend the first 3 years in med school for nothing.

Which makes me wonder why I'm still glued to this fucking site


duddeeee he is moving from the first to the 40th second of the vid


you're a shit med student

I was a combat medic in iraq and afghanistan, that dude was alive. Look at his eyes squinting

walked right into that one

I'm not that medfag but his eyes are closed and, if you look towards the bottom of his ear, he's bleeding already, possibly from the back of his head which would make sense if he were face down with a wound on the back of his head. Maybe he was killed prior to this then they used his corpse. Perhaps they used a taser or a third world substitute to achieve the movement after he's thrown down into the grave.

why would they do that?
Occam's razor, do you use it?

Guy slitting his throat deflects blood with knife. I fucking hate idiot doctors. I hope you drop out and kill yourself.

>trolled """softly""

Hur dur im juss trollin bro

At least they're keeping road workers employed

implying those bombed roads get fixed