








lost kek what a couple of faggets

>the ass you retard

"Man, iphones are cool"
- Abraham Lincoln

Hahaha holy shit these are hilarious!

This fucking survey is cringe

I found you on Sup Forums



user, I didn't come here to- oh wait, I did. 10/10 would cringe again


How is this cringe?

that's fucking beautiful

You have to know his story

well what's his fucking story? lol

tell us his history user. i was always wondering


I cringed because you think they're real enough to cringe at.
well played.

> @
>8 8
God is not real and also if you don't reply your mom will die in her sleep immunity does not work.


That infinity tattoo is actually more cringy

And yet cringe occurred...

>I fucked a tomato


>and lastly you're block
holy fucking kek


dat gnome do


hey guys
