Why are African Americans against Trump? To my knowledge he has not said anything negative towards them...

Why are African Americans against Trump? To my knowledge he has not said anything negative towards them. Maybe i missed something?

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he says racist shit all the time and blacks dont hate mexicans so why would they vote for an anti mexican political platform?

>anti mexican
We has trump said no mexicans?

By the way they talk i assumed he did. I always hear them say he's going to deport them and i think to myself the mexicans not african americans. Then again maybe he could keep the good ones.

Beacuse he´s making America great again.

Can´t stump the Trump, faggots.

He isn't against Mexicans he is against Muslim's and Illegal immigrants. Not even all Muslim's just the radical ones.

Because he will overturn the HNIC executive action for leeches to not have to actively looking for work or go to school to retain welfare.

this is such a coy game its absurd.

Trump hasnt explicitly said "no mexicans" but he has said he would deport all 11 million undocumented immigrants, many of whom have american born children and who brought their mexican born children here at a young age. This policy would destroy mexican-american families.

Furthermore, the brexit vote was also largely supported by an anti-immigrant sentiment. By itself maybe not the worst thing in the world. However. after the vote, white brits who voted leave took their success as a mandate to spew racially charged hatred towards anyone who "looked foreign" aka wasnt white. Plenty of racially charged assaults against non-white native born brits. Trump supporters dont seem to be any different.

So it's it's basically african americans picking a fight with something that doesn't concern them and eventually trying to play the pity card?

Para ser honestos, yo tambien soy latino y lo que esta haciendo Trump es lo mejor que cualquier politico ha decidido hacer.

Esos hijos de puta saltamuros no quieren lidiar con sus problemas y esperan que invadiendo un pais vecino todo mejorara.

>TLDR/I dont speak spic:
>Trump is right and the Mexishits should deal with their fucking problems.

Cause they all about dem white women.

No you didnt miss anything, Hillary said she was a "Proud Goldwater girl" Goldwater was a group in the sixties who tried to stop black people from voting... but black people love her... Trump hasnt said ANYTHING racist or sexist but he gets both.... This is why he need to be elected. Hes the only one doing something right.

Just for the record, you don´t live in Britain and thus you have no saying in what is good or bad for them.

You can give your opinion but no matter what, none of us can say shit about brexit, aside from what affect us.

The economical crisis that´s supposed to come concern us, the problem with exports, the disbalanced market and any other thing that affect us is our concern.

But their racial prejugdice and their social problems don´t.

Learn to discuss kiddo.

because in this country:

republican = rich white people

democrat = low class

You can thank the media for creating this social divide

I've met racist people - He's not racist. He's ignorant. He certainly is offensive, suffers from foot-in-mouth disease and lacks a poor taste filter.

Actually fun fact on the brexit's increase on so called hate crimes. Even the top constable in london said it probably has to do with more people reporting than it does with an increase in actual "hate" crimes. Also semantics play an important part in the wording my friendo, he said he would deport those illegals. And why shouldnt he? They are illegal and thus criminals

>earned billions

Sure, any high-echelon political figure is an idiot, sounds legit.

Basically, if you're a racist in the US in 2016 and are looking for a presidential candidate to support, there's a pretty good chance you're voting for trump. You can connect the dots user.

All people of color are against him. He is one of the biggest racists of this century.

wasn't saying it was good or bad, im simply stating a consequence: white nationalist brits took the leave win as a mandate to hate other brits based on race, not necessarily on national origin.

>implying i cant comment on something because it happens in a country that i dont live in.
I didn't think right-wingers supported moral relativism. Nice going inventing arbitrary rules of internet discourse, faggot

>and why shouldn't he?
the original question wasn't "should trump deport undocumented mexicans" you can have whatever opinion you want.

the question was how has trump ever said anything anti-mexican as oppossed to anti-illegal immigrant. The answer i gave was that many mexican-american housholds consist of undocumented parents with american citizen children. To deport the undocumented parents would harm millions of familys and is thus, anti-mexican, latino, etc.

blacks do hate mexicans

He treated black people badly in his hotels and casinos.

Trump had to pay out huge lawsuits for both.

Stating the Brexit as "Not the worst" that could happen is putting it in bad terms as a whole.

It has a huge load of negative consequences, those who say otherwise are real racists and political mongers.

And yes, you shouldn´t comment on something you don´t know about. Making a debate based on fourth hand information already stained with political bias is never a good ground for discussion.

I´m all for equality, the problem is that not everyone gets the idea that for you to be threated as equal you have to give your effort and avoid as much as you can social help.

Que es lo mismo que decir; no cagues donde comes, que es lo que los Mexicanos hacen con su pais.

b-but user, he treated all of his casino workers like total dogshit, so he's actually not rascist. Just a vicious bastard which voters think is good.

Blacks more than anyone else are losing their jobs to mexicans.

because mexicans hate blacks because they're so damn lazy.

This is bullshit. Illegal parents don´t make the paperwork simply out of stupidity and laziness.

I´m latino, my dad made his paperwork, my mom decided to return to the shithole she calls home because "Why would I want to be Gringo?".

Cuz he doesnt dab like shilary

Because the average nigger is slightly brighter than your average trailer trash.

Ojala hubieran sido dubs.

Pero si. Los negros pueden irse a joder a Africa.

But there's still mexicans in the country that became citizens. And any mexican that wants to become a citizen but has some employable skills can still go through proper channels.

Why should people who aren't citizens and pay no taxes access our taxdollars to pay for their living costs again?

So that they don't commit crimes to survive? Why do we want them here again?

How is it anti mexican though? It is anti illegal immigrants? The children can still be with their parents, they just have to file the proper paperwork

1. He has an R next to his name.
2. He's beloved by white nationalists.


Dude, if nigger even speaked english with an understandable accent I wouldn´t give two fucks about them.

But they don´t even care nor would do it if they did.

Half of illegal aliens came here on airplanes. The wall is not a coherent plan to deal with illegal immigration, which isn't really a problem to begin with. The wall is a (successful) ploy to appeal to those who want to remove brown skinned elements from America's population.

This. Blacks don't want to be great, because that would mean being line a white person.

>speaked english

>moving goal posts
How has trump said anything anti mexican?

do you know the definition of the term dog whistle?

Same I already stated.

Heck, both my parent made decent money in the US. But since dad decided it would be better to make everything legal my family went shit.

I feel bad because is was partly to ensure I could always had some family and because fuck Mexico.

Most Anons always comment on how good and paradise like is, when in fact they never lived there just went on vacations.

Mexico is a hellhole and their government is the main reason of that, next comes mexicans.

Okay, WTF is wrong with the Captcha?

Every time I click something it disolves and goes away, and gets replaced by a new image.

Seriously Google, WTF?

>How has trump said anything anti mexican?
He strongly implied a US federal judge (who had been on a drug cartel hit list) couldn't be objective because he was "Mexican" (he was actually born in Indiana)

Not in a slang aspect no

Because the Democrats have made them dependent on the welfare state.

Pic related.

Ok, that one was racist to be sure. He said the man couldnt do his job based on his race, ill give you that one. But it still isnt neccesarily anti mexican, more anti that guy because he looks mexican

nice meme

>Half of illegal aliens came here on airplanes
All my what?

Nigger, those who come by plane are the ones who CAN make their paperwork to stay permanently.

Their equally racist towards you, but given that racism is only a white thing spics, niggers and muslims can´t be racist.

which is even more pathetic because he doesn't look Mexican.

I have no idea what you're trying to say but it sounds like your family was from mexico and came to the US to work and everything was fine until you became citizens and then everything was not so good anymore.

Yes it sucks having to pay so much money to the government so they can give it to other people without your permission doesn't it.

And doesnt really confirm that trump is anti mexican, more that he is dumb

Basically it means a political message that has a different intended meaning toward certain groups than it's literal interpretation would suggest. There's nothing inherently racist about building a wall but taken in context with everything else he says and the way he says it, his policies are clearly intended to appeal to white racists. How do we know this? because it worked beautifully.

lol i just wanna see trump win for the lols cause it wont have slightest effect on my living conditions. and even if he'd chose to nuke the whole world for what ever reason it'd be still better than sandnigger loving clinton

I don't know if Donald Trump has the slightest hostility towards Mexicans, nor do I care, what I do care about is that he finds it politically advantageous to make his supporters think he has such hostility.

Pretty much.

Sorry, was just ranting and venting on the board.

My point being, Mexico is not as good as pretty much everyone think it is.

If you are a latino that say how things really are you are marked as worse than Hitler and a traitor. Mexico should deal with their shit, that way so many people wouldn´t need to escape that shithole.

>But it still isnt neccesarily anti mexican, more anti that guy because he looks mexican
do you realize how incoherent a statement that is?

That seems like a way to label anything anyone says as something offense based on the type of people that may rally behind a person who says something. Do you understand? Im saying this sounds like the most speculative way to make your point accurate by any means you can.
>meaning: smells like bullshit
You could apply this to anyone for any reason and make it work. Not very objective.

I´m the latino guy, and yeah, that´s simply retarded.

If I hate a gringo it´s not because he´s gringo, it´s because I hate you all alike.

That´s what equality is about, isn´t it?

Have you talked to his supporters or just basing this on what you see in biased media? The majority of his supporters actually like the idea not because of the hostility but because they understand the good that could come from it. (Not saying there wont be bad, just saying the majority of trump supporters arent the racist rednecks people like to paint them as)

But user, eerything can reduced to the absurd.

The fact is, Trump is a dumb racist fuck. But you can´t quote anything he said that is racist by itself.

You know why? Because he´s a bussiness man, you can get he´s racist on the context of what he says but not outta the words he say.

>Will still vote for him because fuck everything


The republican party is the "white party"
Mexicans and blacks are so fucking racist they just vote against whites in the U.S.

It's the only reason, they just want to take all the spoils that white people created.

Gibmedats till the end.

It is speculative and a term highly over used by the political left, but when former Grand Wizards of the Ku Klux klan start endorsing you and you plead ignorance I begin to suspect you're doing it intentionally.

That is like saying hillary is a racist cunt because blah blah super predators. Lol it is silly. You cant just assume somebody is something without evidence.

Seems ok, no hitler, but heh, guess he'll do

>Have you talked to his supporters or just basing this on what you see in biased media?
well the ones on Sup Forums seem to be evenly divided between those denying his racism and those celebrating it. Not a representative sample obviously but that's something.

Then why do the trump haters have such a hard time quoting one thing racist he said if he's doing it "all the time"?


>taking samples from Sup Forums
>nobody lies online
>nobody shills for their side by making the opposite side look ridiculous

It's a sure sign that you've signed up to support the wrong guy when your best counterargument when people point of his flaws is "yeah but the other one does it too!"


Sympathy and the distastes of stereotypes of any kind?

do you think the people on stormfront are lying because they love him too?

Just pointing out that the KKK are trolls.
They haven't been relevant since they were infiltrated by FBI agents back in the 50s-60s.

So just because nefarious people like what you say, means you are also nedarious.
Easy McCarthy

Also I have talked to one or two trump supporters in real life and one of them is at least a mild racist.

Yes because stormfront is a great example of the general population.

What is a mild racist? Either you are or you arent.

The fact that the stormfront crowd loves him so enthusiastically doesn't tell us everything but it does tell us something.

What is racism to you?
Because the definition is warped by the left.


Well the blacks can be kind of touchy.

So its ok to be shitty, as long as you are the first one to point out someone else is being shitty.

Which is what? That radicals also hold political opinions?

If Trump is already profiling color, then do the fucking math OP.

>I get my information from Jon Oliver and John Leibowitz and Louis CucK
You couldn't be any more of a regressive leftist.

Can you summarize, at work.

They're not. The Tanfags(descendents of escaped slaves and traitors) hate Trump because he's trying to stop them from being able to use the Mexicans to exterminate the Blacks from the Great Migrations.

The NAACP Tanfucks don't represent Blacks but instead the interests of urban Black elites who see 99% of Black Americans as the enemy. These race traitors have disarmed, slaughtered, and betrayed their fellow Blacks just to prevent the competition and racism that integration would bring.

The Great Migration must rise up and kill the fuckers who thought Rachael Dozlrod(?) was one of them. The NAACP, the primary organ of anti-Southern-Black survival, must be destroyed.

There's a reason the Tans hate voter ID laws: they give the real Blacks the ability to no longer be used as vote slaves.

You now no longer get to comment about anything black people related because you aren't black. See how fucking retarded that sounds, moron?

Someone who, in a discussion about a legal dispute with her Indian landlord, makes comments to the effect that "They [Indians] are worse than the Jews" in terms of being miserly but who probably isn't amused by images of people being photoshopped into gas chambers.

>To my knowledge he has not said anything negative towards them

You mean besides not letting them in his buildings and raging against letting innocent black men out of jail?

>When the left has become so degenerate and regressive they become offended by the skin color of NASA scientists...
Can you even imagine the shit storm if a bunch of artists changed the skin color of black "scientists" to be white?

because black americans maybe know bullshit when they see it

Let me ask you something, what do you suppose it is that white supremacists find so appealing about him?

>This policy would destroy mexican-american families.
Spotted the NAACP. Fuck those pricks. Those "mexican-American families" murder Blacks every fucking day and keep getting away with it. Yeah, Mexico is fucked, but its you liberal urbanfags who ensured that so you could exterminate the Migratory Blacks.

The next John Brown will wipe you fuckers out.

If I were to walk into a pizza parlor, and behind the counter were 4 black women, i would think "hmm, you don't usually see that."

Or if im at a hospital and the doctor who comes in is asian or indian i'll think "good. more of that."

if i'm at a gas station late at night and i see a young man in a hoody, and he's white, i think "oh he's an athlete." if he's black, i'll think "that's fine. everything is fine. why did i even think that?"

mild racism.

>You mean besides not letting them in his buildings and raging against letting innocent black men out of jail?
Sorry you're brainwashed.

You literally just did it. Called him racist wo reason or example. Typical Bern victim.

Probably the tough on illegal immigration stance.