Wiie :) I just recivied my PhD in Gender studies

Wiie :) I just recivied my PhD in Gender studies

feel free to congratulate me or ask me anything :]

is mayonnaise a gender?

study sociology bachelor and will do gender studies as master... nice stuff u recommend to read?


How does it feel to have a degree not worth the paper its printed on?

No hehe :)

Yes I really do! You gain knowledge about how a society function probably more so than in any other field

What do you mean? Im now employed by the university where I did my doctorate and get a good salary and get to pursue my intrest and benefit society with my research

i know that already -.- lol xD
so give me some book recommendations? like gender trouble or something...
Do u have some books about sex-positive feminist porn movement?

Can I get the #3 combo with chips instead of fries?

I'm actually a sex-negative feminist. Sure objectification isn't inherently wrong but with the powerstructures of today I don't think the "slut walk"-movement for example are doing anything good to the cause

i would recommend the yellow wallpapper as a good book :)

you basically got a fake degree. congrats?

I have lived the best I can,
does this make me not a man?

i do consider it the most prestigious degree, because gender studies is a fairly new science with a lot to contribute to society... so did other sciences, in the beginning, but after a while they stagnate, gender studies still got a lot of revolutionary knowledge to contribute to the cause and furtherence of knowledge :)

(exuse my english, not native-speeker)

I'm note sure what you mean? I think everyone should strive for that :)

Just some Korn lyric.
Are you german?

>mfw Can't mention even 1 gender studies book. Even with the power of the internet.
Obvious troll

nah fampai nah... if you want to study "the most prestigious degree" than you should go into medicine.. or study philosophy or history.. although nobody will ever pay you for that other than to teach

the best degree IMO is sociology.. emphasize on what you like.. I have taken a handful of gender courses but to make it your whole program is foolish

You learned two things. How hard is that?

we are OP. we are the 99%!

resistance is futile.

No Scandinavia

What? It'smy favorite literary work.

medicine is important too but gender studies in the verge of a real revolution that will change society i think.... 30 years from now we will think: yeah in 2016 we used to have real inequality between the sexes but thank good for 3rd wave feminism and gender studies

>30 years from now we will think: yeah in 2016 we used to have real inequality between the sexes but thank good for 3rd wave feminism and gender studies
nobody will think that.
3rd wave feminism will be known as the beginning of regressive liberalism and the return of fascism which is a real problem nowadays.

But I also think this is a time for celebration for me, I'm so happy to finally finish my degree :)

thanks for all the questions but some has been rather sceptical and rude i think. most of all i am just proud today


i would love to debate you on that point if you're serious btw, because in academia we know that too be false :)

you forgot some question, smartfag.

In academia, especially the social sciences, we do not know anything to be false.


>i do consider it the most prestigious degree, because gender studies is a fairly new science with a lot to contribute to society

I got bad news for you, faggot.

what are you a fucking psychic? have you been watching the news? more than that can you actually "read between the lines" as they say?

there is no middle ground in media anymore. it is all sponsored and overwhelmingly liberal and strikingly jewish and anti-western values, anti-whiteness

and what is that? gender studies works interdisciplinarity with a lot of difference sciences including biology

top kek... "research"

science... science... fuck off! fuck right off.

should sluts be shamed in your opinion?

Say, you've stated preiously that "modern" acts of the so called "3rd wave feminism" are detrimental to the casue of actual equaity, but even if we could leave those extremes out of the public eye, how could we repari the damage caused? I mean, since I made a paper on Sarkeesian's Feminist Frequency videos I myself agree that objectifications are inevitable, nut I disagree that this is alwasy (or even mostly) a problem, however, my classroom seems to disagree... this just as an example...

are you a Xer or a Xim?

Oh okey, how come it's recognized as a science pretty much world wide? I'm sure you have a better insight in this than the thousands of PhD's who actually works in the field

Congrats OP

I literally said that in my head before I clicked

actually is OP

No I wrote that 3rd wave feminism will result in actual equality. Youd have to specify what you mean by the "damage caused" :)

As an engineering student I find your kind fucking pathetic.. you seem so proud over your degree that you don't work for and then brag about it as if it's a huge achievement... guess what no one cares that you've got a degree in what your professor thinks is correct about genders.. out of the thousands of degrees you picked you decided one that won't better the human race atall! Thank you mouthbreather now go off yourself you fucking feminazi :)

certainly: Joined with the idea of PC culture, people in the daily (at least around me) seem to be somewhat afraid to act on account of sensibilities probably being hurt, it is so that I use the FF example, because in a psychology major class, where we are supposed to open a dialoge about such subjects, proto-psychologist (my classmates) were afraid of defending any stance different than a simple and grossly over simplified "no, you're wrong"
No arguments given, just sheer fear to disagree.
The very terms "slut-shaming" and similarsserve as lables tatinsetead of helping us reoncile our differences, are just subdividing us into seeing more our differences and making judgements based on those differences... I see that the mass media does nothing to help this situation and I do believe it's up to us as profesionals in the social sciences to see this type of things...
(PS pardon my english, mexifag here)

HAHAHAH I brought up how fucking stupid the idea of "xim, xir, xer" at dinner and I think my counsin's gf got offended
fucking normies haha

why did you circumcise that apple?

So your a Feminazi?

that's a pseudoscience, AKA, bullshit

tits or gtfo.

Your degrees worth nothing... after you loose your job you've lost everything...

In what year do you read this book, and is it difficult?

you mean his job at the pizzahut?

Probably won't be able to get that
