Is everyone on Sup Forums anti-Semitic fags? tell me why you hate israel

is everyone on Sup Forums anti-Semitic fags? tell me why you hate israel.
Look who they're fight against: hamas. A terrorist group who uses human shields and suicide bombers. Yes they may have mistreated palestinians, but look at every other country in the history of this fucking world. What Israel has done isnt that bad.

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What time is it in Tel Aviv?
>pic not related

Its just the cancer of Sup Forums that has spread to Sup Forums


>Yes they may have mistreated palestinians
Which created the enemies they can't face alone, which means American taxpayers have to pay for them to fight while they make more enemies.

I don't have anything against Jews. I live with a bunch and they also hate Isreal

JIDF pls go.

Fuck off kike.


Jews and sand niggers killing themself in a fight against each other is the optimal situation

Dont you have a BBC thread to start?



you said ?

they probably hate israel because you are with them , i've to do that otherwise i would be rekt


>tell me why you hate israel.

Because they buy off politicians in my country so that the United States will do their bidding when it comes to foreign policy which as an added bonus makes every Muslim on the planet hate us and because they leach $8 billion annually in foreign aid from us even though their average citizen is wealthier than our average citizen.

I don't hate Jews; but fuck Israel.

Tbh. Jews do rule the world.
I don't care for human life other than what matters to me. My people.
I'm German ftr.
Hamas kills people amd forces them into direct slavery. Atleast you can fight that evil because it's right there. Visable.
Jews enslave you subvertly and uses things like multiculturalism to shield themselves while it really harms everyone.

I'm not in the mood to really get into all this again. Same rehashed shit as always. We are the "crazy ones" blah blah. I've basically accepted the fact that all I care for is dying. Isn't much I can do.
Gg. Jews win.

Side note, the Jews win for now.
But when the niggers and Muslims outnumber all of us due to their bullshit they'll get theirs.


Jews triggered WWII.
Jews control the Federal Reserve.
Jews control the most important central banks (including Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, etc)
Jews inflitrate the government and get powerful positions in court
Jews control the corporate media, therefore controlling what the people hear, see and believe
Jews wrote history to their advantage, always playing the victims while in reality they were always and will always be the aggressor
Jews did 9/11
Jews push the LGBT agenda
Jews push the anti-gun agenda
Jews push the terrorism agenda blaming sand-niggers on every attack (with the help of terroorist groups like al-qaeda and ISIS, all financed by jews)
Jews push the anti-religion agenda
Jews have their claws deep inside the Vatican, therefore controlling the catholic church
Jews make Islam look bad with the help of the Terrorism agenda
Jews created Israel right after the turmoil of WWII
Jews stole that land from Palestine
Jews are still stealing land, killing innocent beings
Jews are in control of Hollywood and massive online organizations, such as Facebook, Twitter, Buzzfeed, Google, Youtube, etc.
Jews are the reason the people of the United States are so fucking dumb, thanks for years of addicting substances, television, movies, music, brainwashing by the government, and hoaxes.

If you really think that Israel is innocent and hasn't done anything wrong, you've clearly not done any research. REAL research; research done without the "help" of jew-approved data.



jews and islam are both corrosive as fuck


jews stopped rulling the world when oil became needed to own a powerfull army
now mudslims are enslaving the world , just look in europa



Girlfriend is a kike.
Good friend(s) Palestinian.
They both have legitimate gripes.


No. Jews control all you fucking retard.

I'm racist to a degree. Mostly against niggers. Although, I don't know any Jews... I like how Israel handles it's shit. They don't fuck around about anything.



I don't hate jews but I do pretend I do for the memez. I don't give a fuck about Isreal and don't think our country should suck Israel's dick as hard as we do now. I don't know what the fuck the deal is with the Palestinians vs Jews.

I like trump's largely self funding of his own campaign but he is extremely pro jew and pro Isreal..

Admit it faggot, you have a secret alliance with the homo-salafi kingdom of Saudi Faggetoria

>Yes they may have mistreated palestinians

Way to minimize the israeli apartheid.

if im not mistaken, wasnt israel stolen from the palestinians in 1947 solely because the jews thought they deserved it? whether you hate them or love them i dont think you can disagree with me when i say the jews are fishy people... almost every major corporation in america are owned by jews whats up with that?

Who is this fag? is this Baghdadi?

How many times has that region changed owners?

this tbh. the jews are in it for themselves at the cost of everyone else. and im not a jew. so why wouldnt i dislike them? also when i say jew i mean zionist jews, but still even non zionist jews are silly for buying into that religious nonsense

in 1948 Palestine was actually controlled by Britain

סתם חבורה של מאוננים מזדיינים בתחת

actually a lot of fucking times. when i was in school they showed us a video that was basically a time lapse of all the different empires in the middle east since egyptian times and israel has changed owners like 20 times

lol. Who do you think invented the fossil-fuel lie (dinosaur hoax, billion-year-old earth lie)? Who do you think controls oil? Muslims are rich off of it, but guess who invented the lie that oil is gonna run out one day?

Jews. Do the research. Before oil was discovered, fossils didn't even exist. Once oil turned into a business, fossils came into existence. Why? Because they needed to put a valuable price on something as common as water. You can't just sell a barrel of seawater for 100 bucks. They couldn't do it with oil, either. So what did they do? They invented dinosaurs and ancient plants, said that oil is fossil-fuel, and boom, instant value. Oil boomed and the liars got rich. And they push the dinosaur hoax further by brainwashing people with museums, claming dinosaur bones are real. GTFO with that crap. There aren't any real dinosaur bones because real dinosaur never existed. Theyr'e a lie to make people rich.

Doesn't matter. You, along with the rest of the world, are calling the place Palestine. Doesn't it stand to reason that a place called Palestine should be ruled by Palestinians?

That's some pretty hefty bait you got there.


The true symbol of the Hebrews is the menorah, not the the star of Remfram/Moloch that's displayed on the Israeli flag.

idk about that dinasour stuff you said, but oil definitely is retardedly overpriced. just like diamonds, which are actually so fucking common that you could give everyone in america a cup full of diamonds. look up the debeers diamond company. as long as money exists there will always be people who indulge in jewish activity

they had a few ideas about what they were going to put on the flag. the menorah was one of them

Israel is being run by false Jews and they have the Christian community blindly following them since the Jews are considered God's chosen people.

It's all counterfeit.

i wouldnt be surprised if the jews made up judaism for the purpose of ruling the world. how else would such a religion start anyway?

Right, but instead they placed a symbol of a god which they once worshiped in the Babylonian days.

Palestine was never a country, you saying the "Palestine" people should rule their land, shows that you have no idea about the history if the region. If at all Palestine should rejoin witb Jordan

Oyvey Chaim, first you should look up the definition of "semite". You sneaky Jews trying to unironically misappropriate it


I like Israel. Gods people.
Women are the most beautiful in the world and can shoot a gun - 10/10 would bang.
Plus they did 911

at least this guy knows what a fucking Star of David looks like. Unlike the freakin' dishonest media...

Because my great grandparents were jew bloodhounds tbh, its in my blood. I see someone with that nose man my eyes light up with hate before i even know why

The Menorah is on Israel's emblem.

People don't seem to understand how small and insignificant Israel is compared to the rest of the world. Take a look at this map, and take note of the size of the ONLY Jewish state compared to the Islamic states. Every single one of which, wants Israel wiped completely off the map at all costs.

If you were Israel, wouldn't you want to continue to exist? To fight back? All its neighbors want to nuke it just for existing, and it just wants to exist.

Not to mention that it's the ONLY country in the middle east with any semblance of basic human rights, democracy, and Western societal norms. Womens rights? Gay rights? Freedom to practice personal religion? Forget about it. And people around the world are somehow brainwashed into thinking Israel is the bad guy. Absolutely baffling

hahahahaahaha don't worry cohen. Sup Forums is even worse than Sup Forums. Absolutely 0 danger or influence.

Well imagine if youre those muslims who got a piece of their country stolen and given to another group

you cuck

They had no central and cohesive government in the same way that native americans didn't. That's no excuse to take their land. The place was called palestine because palestinians lived there. Whether or not they had a formal government their land was still stolen by the jewkikes and the jewkikes continue to take more and more of their land. Did you know the dirtyjewfuckers have laws on the books that allow the government to take an entire palestinian house populated by three or four generations of the same family if one of the children, for instance, merely throws a rock at a kike? They've displaced tens of thousands on premises like this.

Point being that they shouldn't even be using that symbol and then declare it as being the "Star of David". That's an occult symbol and relating it to king David is just heretical.

Thats what you'd want juden fick, unlike you i have balls and no tiny hat on my head

Gas the kikes

cool story bro

Not just mistreating Palestinians, there slowly commiting an ethnic cleansing.

Jesus was a self-identifying Jew who answered to the title "rabbi." Hitler was a Marxist fag who enjoyed getting ass fucked at drag parties.

You draw the conclusions.

1 IDF soldier vs 15 faggot me-too-nazis = 15 d ad faggot me-too-nazis. Much safer posting an user meme, yes?

you don't have that funny stupid hat that The Pope of Christianity has 24/7?


Meanwhile, the 10+ Islamic neighboring Islamic countries with over 100 times the geographic size and resources refuse to take in these displaced refugees.

I'm not saying Israel didn't steal land. Every nation in the world has stolen land at some point, that's usually how countries have come to exist (see: United States of America?). Islamic countries refuse to take in these refugees so that they will stay refugees, and blame Israel for it forever.

kek, those tiny hats really are ridiculous

Trump's daughter is a Jew.

Guess she needs gassing, then.

woah... israel has girls?!? gee-wiz i take back everything i said about the jews

I like the part where he's fucking him in the ass

Donald's grandchildren are Jewish too thanks to Ivanka Trump.

But jewish males are trash

I come from a long line of Jews OP.
Fuck Israel. Oppression in the name of a religion is some seriously unjewish faggotry.

damn what total babes! guys... looks like im moving to israel!!! LOL!!!!

good to know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!! :DdddDDddDDDD

P(you are an imposter)=99%
P(you have betrayed your heritage in exchange for Marxist high5's and thus revoked your membership)=1%
P( your claims are bullshit)=100%

Seeing as how im agnostic i dont no, unlike you im not forced into a religion unfortunately kek

Every country earned their land at some point in time by taken it, the islamic countries are just mad at how recent this was and that every other country was just ok with it

They really are, i always wondered how those little fuckers never blew away till i saw they use fuckin hair clips kek

P stands for Probability you uneducated goys

Or maybe not all jews are idiots?

Israel has it as its emblem.

>Pic related

israeli chicks are hot as fuck. just remember they all go to the army for 3 years so they can probably kick your ass

I thought it stood for Paragraphs, paragraphs of your shill text im not gonna read

israeli girls serve for only 2 years, tbqh

Nah its just babby's attempt at edginess.

>3 years in army
>automatic badass
Lol, check out dis mu fucka

right true. sexist fucks

nice trips

Checked, also stop cherry picking, ive seen world world z i know most of them are bald

there are hot chicks in every country. although i would fuck the blinging bloopers out of an israeli bitch. something about a sexy girl serving in the military is sexy

Hannah of Judea & Montana

dubs then trips lets go for quads get

I'll Be Back

>hurr durr 30 billion jews died in the holocaust. germany hated jews.
it's just the retardation of brainwashed retards that spew on Sup Forums