he actually survive this you fucking idiot


WTF? People are going crazy...

where the fuck is all that sparking coming from?
It doesn't look like it's from the guns their shooting or where they're aiming.

Nigs gonna nig.

No, people no....
Also, nice dubs

He died you fucking retard, who the fuck is going to survive multiple rounds close range like that. 4 fucking officers died, him being one of them.

Wait are we really anti niggers here cause I thought that was all a joke ?


Haha white people dont like when it happens to them.

>Police killed 2 innocent black men yesterday
>Black people kill 4 cops today

Not an expert but it was prob an auto shotgun? Maybe aa12?


Im more mad they keep calling them fucking snipers.

Picrelated. A real sniper.

idk, all looks like an elaborate prank to me

europoor here. what happened?

there are definitely known crisis actors appearing in the immediate reporting

Nignogs protect. Some start to riot. Jackboots show up to contain the mess. Probably pissed off some gang bangers. Gangbangers left and came back with guns to go full GTA on their asses.

two stupid niggers got killed for no reason and people in America protest. But since our retarded government gives us assault weapons for nothing, we just decided to start killing pigs.

police killed two armed black men during a highly charged situation =/= surpising shooting and killing officers of the law during a peaceful protest

you're obviously a nigger since you cant even basic logic

>for no reason

No such thing.


Cops have stormtrooper levels of accuracy here

you know whats good about those dumb monkeys ? they cant really use guns , 200 shots fired = 1 hit

Dindu nuffins had a chimp out.

That happens to me in cs:go all the time

That sucks. He got flanked hard

blacks killed cops? oh shit.


He never played WoW to know hot to use pillars for PvP.

he wanted to be an hero apparently

you call that a sniper?? THIS is a sniper

That's what happens when you pull a gun on the cops Tyrone. Of course your dad never taught you that right

Your next nigger

Why is their a camera man on the roof with a perfect view of everything?

dat move totally tricked the cop

BlackLivesMatter at it again! LMAOE!

Call of duty shit

Where was the good guy with a gun in Texas to stop this?

haha fucking niggers what will they do next.
nice trips bud


Ayy simo!

it happens all the time
its why cops are often on high alert dealing with nignogs and more and more situations are starting to end with the cops firing and potentially killing them
the nignogs have no one to blame but themselves but literally decades of being taught that nothing is their fault has left them incapable of even entertaining the possibility that maybe not breakign the law/ not squaring off with the cops when they ask you questions is not the best course of action

Eeeww, it's talking to us!

Hold up retards

This guy pulled an advances military technique called Slicing/Splitting the Pie. No way this was some random protester or regular civilian. Look atthe video again.

This was a false flag.










That guy is moving like he had training and experience.
Inb4 Merc hired to push gun ban

A. Good question.
B. The cops in Texas are universally hated for being huge dickheads. No one cared.
C. Good question.

the only people who will be charged are the cops for murder

At home, he has to work in the morning, like a normal person

What about my next nigger

>advanced military technique
known by everyone who has ever played football even once

lol wut?

It was a mexican that shot the cops, this is texas numbnuts

that is a very very skilled shooter... like holy shit I feel like a navy seal would have had trouble in that situation.

Ha ha funny thing is more whites are killed by cops than blacks and more whites are killed by blacks then blacks killed by whites. More blacks are killed by blacks than anyone else.

or he's played battlefield

nice non argument

We are not tumblr. Get the fuck out niggers.

>Police killed 2 innocent black men yesterday
>Black people kill 4 cops today

That's how it shold be.

For every one they kill, we should kill 2 of them.

I still hope the remaining 7 injured die.

I'm a Texan, and no.
People knew some cops were gonna die at this thing. You can tell before hand.
If anyone gave a shit, they would be there.

He ran up like a savage. This is crazy.

Yeah, because they've been charged so often in the past.

He said my nigga next. WHAT next?

nigger detected



your next my nigga. are you retarded"

they actually do. But when a black cop kills an unarmed white kid he walks and it doesn't make the national media.

What do you think us all agreeing that a sub catigory of our race that is across the board lower in IQ and astronomical in crime rates (considerering population) and overall sub-human a joke? Because it's not. Its an opinion formed by statistics and actual life experience. Everyone here actually fucking hate niggers

see, comments like this is why people hate summer.

Are we ruling out jihadists?

In a thread earlier today I said that people should stand up and start killing cops if there are so fucking angry about them murdering people and stop peacefully whining about it every time it happens. Send a message.

Within a few hours it happens.

Oh shit dude

My thoughts exactly. That fucker knows wtf he is doing


the cops were supposed to be the good guys with the guns

4 down, all the rest to go

speak truth to power

they were probably black Muslims. More than likely part of the new black panthers.


please leave, paid shill

people defending niggers here is the joke
hating niggers is very much serious

Edgelord spotted.

I live in Houston Texas. They were actively looking for crisis actors on Craigslist for the Houston, Dallas, Austin area for ops 4th of July weekend. You bet your ass I was looking out for suspicious looking white military members for a false flag attack at thos years fireworks display

"Highly charged"

One guy was straight seizing from being tasered which is near impossible to stop even with 2 big police officers. It can take up to a minute for some ones muscles to stop tensing up extremely hard after being tased. Then he got murdered.

Second guy told the cop he had a gun and went to reach for his wallet. Cop shot him just like that. Murder.

Not surprised this shit is going down tonight.

Anyone have a gif or link? Can't see webms.

yea, here in europe we only get to hear about shootings in america when they are bad like this one, but i'm sure it's almost everyday.

He is in custody right now dipshit.

post the craiglist ad

This is now a dindu thread

That was a rifle.

I don't like nigs in general but more than that, I don't like knowing cops can kill people with no consequences. Cops need to know you can't walk all over people.

This if you think Sup Forums is "just pranking you bro" with the whole racism thing you are obviously relatively new here. And likely to the world.

underrated post

dont engage the tin foil

is it just me or is this pig missing half his head?

The shotter are not black... So yeah.. Stay tuned folks