Rate my cock

Rate my cock.

3-4 / 10

It's not that big, plus girls don't like uncircumcised (assuming you're american)

I'm in the same situation (small dick and uncircumcised) doesn't matter though, most girls will take anything if you're attractive and have a good personality

Thanks user.

Well damn. I got a couple of dick picks and I switch on occasion, maybe I show you a few and we see how that goes?

Nice shape. 4/10

Why damn?


That was an accidental copy and paste from a whole other completely unrelated thing

Ugly. 2/10

Shit. WHY?


Whys your dick all droopy?

Different angle

Its been like that since I first got hard

is it not normal?

Might Just be the lighting. But not Nice colour.

Better. Nice knob


Rates please, don't know what to do with it

Rate my semi?

pull your foreskin back :3

Rate please?


My cock doesn't droop lol. Bruh you need to fap more.

moar please....

Bit harder here



Thick 5/10

Sup anons, you guys like my dick?