Why do waifutards pretend they care about the music?
Why do waifutards pretend they care about the music?
Neurodevelopmental disorders and lack of human interaction, mainly.
So they can shitpost and spam pics on Sup Forums without their threads being deleted.
>One of these isn't like the others
I listened to two Grimes albums yesterday and I don't even post in those threads
Maddie never gets threads, true
holy shit this
>lying on the internet
This might sound crazy, but what if the waifufags got their own containment board. Just one board full of generals for waifus, real and fake. Just put it in the Japanese Culture section, and boom- no more. Imagine how beautiful it would be! Sup Forums would be freed! Perhaps if this was to happen, Sup Forums would maybe finally cease to be shit. Just maybe.
That's enabling, and it's ineffective and should be discouraged.
>Sup Forums would be freed!
So mu will be filled with just memes and shitposting? At least the waifuthreads add some variety to this crap. Remember you're on an image board.
>whines about waifutards
>posts a waifuthread
Stop it, waifutard.
>So mu will be filled with just memes and shitposting?
Yes, just like every other board.
Literally who
literally the best female rapper ever
That's Honey G
except they barely talk about music and aside from k-pop general derail every damn thread they can (and I think k-pop general would still do that if their waifus weren't so niche). if we moved the waifu shit to /s/ then shit would really improve on this board
Some pics with chicks are much better than endless shitposting about... nothing.
sounds familiar
use blacklists newfriend
Because Sup Forums still doesn't have a pop culture/celebrity containment board
there can't be more than two or three threads in your catalog right now
Holy shit, must be fun to browse a 2-3 thread board :^)
>filtering grimes
Don't you like the artist of the decade?
What if this pic exists to condition people to become gay
Thats Sup Forums though, there are rarely more than 5 decent threads at once.
Every time.
Why does Ariana Grande look like she just took a massive shit