Anyone on here have absolutely zero friends?

Anyone on here have absolutely zero friends?

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Maybe i am not sure,have fake friends

If my roommate counts, then I have at least one friend.


Erm, I have people that I know, and hang out with, like once every couple of months, friends as in the normal sense? idk not really, im NEET tastic.. sometimes I think if I took part in 'social' media then I would have more people to hang out with, but my facebook sits at like 42 friends. and idc really.

I have some friends but I rarely see them in person and when I do I'm extremely awkward

Me. Haven't had a friend in over 10 years. Years of perpetual solitude have given me too bad of social anxiety to make any more and years of Sup Forums have probably made me too weird for anyone to want to be my friend anyway.


I'm a 22 year old virgin with 0 friends. I don't leave my bedroom.


This is a perfect time to make a pen pal.

Elliot is that you?.

my parents are my best friends . I'll be ur friend too:)

I'm so friendless, I even have 0 friends on steam

I don't have any friends either

why you all friendless loosers get together and become friends? problemm solved

I can relate I had best friends in hs but I don't keep in touch every one slowly faded away now I sit in my room and play video games same goes I'll make friends but then never join there games and lose them

I have friends. I don't hear from them though. I have a hard time maintaining relationships. I used to have an easier time forming them though, but lately I've just had no clue how to feel safe when I'm not alone.

Even tho we want , it feels like an addiction to not any them . Any one elce feel this too?

Because once we realise some of us like loli porn and rekt threads and some of us a cool chilax anons that like greentext and nude threads, we wont get along

it will end up like this shit

Lately I haven't done anything but sleep, eat, work, exercise, study/read and try to help my parents lead a better life.
I have friends but I'm too busy to do anything with them.
I'm fine just talking to co-workers and patients/customers at work. I help random strangers all the time. I help my family all the time. I talk to random strangers sometimes. I'm going to college for the first time in 3 years and I'll be a good student and get along well with my classmates.
I'm thinking about doing some volunteer work around Marin county (where I live). There I hope I can find true friends of a lover bc the only people worth a damn in this world are volunteers.

wtf is this meeting? a Sup Forums member meeting?

Anyone want to be instagram pals?

no one is really your friend

Not really. Have a girlfriend. Some days I adore her, some days I dont know.

I hang out with this one high school friend, but overall I dont really like him.

Ok . What's ur Instagram?

I am too into guns and history than friends and it sucks dick

one of the blue boards. I forget which one

Could be worse

Nobody really all my childhood i have not been invited to one party from people in my class, in middleschool i would talk to a handful of people that were more popular than me and at one point i felt cared for, even cute girls began talking to me, all of a sudden, they would constantly make plans in front of me and act like i wasnt even there, and im poor, so life sucks right now as im not funny, skilled, attractive or even smart.

I have a friends group i talk to almost everyday, real friends.
One female friend outside of them i talk to very often
Other group, less cool for me, we meet, but very rarely.
Now I don't know, but it just doesn't do it for me. I had friends that completed this void, but they left me. After some time and losing some people, I started to care less and less about other people.
I have friends, that genuinly like me, but they still can't fill the emptiness inside of me...


Btw. I have no idea why i replied to you...

I feel you mate

I own a teamspeak server if anyone is comfortable with that

holy shit... im kip

Sup Forums is your friend now kiddo



All my friends are far from from me now. We all sepparated in HS but we see each other on occasions. As for my life now. I have people I kick it with once or twice a month but they're not my friends. I've always had fun being alone. I like it and it's motivational as fuck appart from theurapeutic for me. Love it. I do see my gf two weekends out of the month though. So on a monthly basis I'm 90% friendless and I love it.

nice try this isnt me

I have none whatsoever

It especially hit me hard this 4th of july weekend. Recently lost my job, had no women to hang out with, stayed home all weekend depressed as fuck

Other than that its not that bad

I have friends when they need me, but I don't seem to have friends when I need them.


kind of same with me I also don't have much of emotional connection

no password, feel free to come talk to me, my name is mr halloween.

teamspeak btw


Yeah it's me. How?

yeah same here

top kek you shit stirrer

Sure I can get along with people and make them feel good but I would say I have absolutely 0 friends. I try to get some to do shit but I always get "other things going on" with I'm going with someone else being the most common. Some say work, which I understand since no money means you can't do a whole lot, and the rest just think I'm not worth the time which means I end up doing shit alone. I hate being alone all the fucking time. I go somewhere and it takes all of my effort to not get depressed and just leave.

can't reach your site

>all my friends from highschool don't talk to me anymore and avoid me actively
>fall in love with someone and they die in a vehicle collision
>my family hates me and never wants me around
>finally make a new friend, become close as brothers
>he has septic shock and is almost certainly going to die
>I am alone
I tasted love and true friendship and now, rather than an addict that looses his high over time, I've hit a wall and come crashing into an empty world where I'm nothing without those who were around me.

Keep those you love and care for close, they won't be there forever and when they're gone the hole they leave will kill you slowly

It is not better to have loved and lost, because never tasting bliss doesn't leave a craving for it

Be happy you've been alone, because you have nothing to loose

it sure looks like you

I don't see anyone but me


Anybody and everybody is my friend when I got bleeding heart to help.
Other than that nope.
I have my true friends from highschool. But they're married with children. So I don't wanna bother them, ever.
Keeping little shit machines alive is tough work.

I guess I should go get married... i can have wife that will be my best friend that I love and care for... but man I don't want to end up being a cuck... I work hard everyday. 13 hour days 6 days, that'll never change.

Its not like how it was in the past, where wives stay loyal, when you go work your ass off... in the end most either vanish on you or have a side dude that'll eventually be their new husband.
Met sooo many sad cases like that in my life, working, doing business.

Your supreme gentleman behaviors and grace. This tip's for you, my friend.

I've been sitting in this guys teamspeak and no one has come I am going back to my teamspeak

i talk to some when im at school
they don't want to hang out with me when there's no school tho

I'll consider that.
I too, have nothing to lose.
Thank you.
Guess we can go off on adventures and find some exciting suitable shit hole to die in

i got like one real friend.
i live in a ghetto ass fucking city, i dont get along with people because ALOT of them are really really really ignorant or just plain stupid. most dont know the difference between message and massage. i have them on facebook. god damn shoot me now! theres no way you should go through 10 years of you life in school and not know the difference between MESSAGE AND FUCKING MASSAGE

no friends irl
no friends online

i want it to end anons

Fock off ur dirty white piece of shit neckbeard kys

this is why you dont have friends, well atleast normal friends i should say. why do you guys act like this?


I feel you user. I want it to end.
That's why we're here. Perhaps Military?
We'll find comrades in combat and a high chance of death

don't seek happiness in people
seek happiness in you and try looking t things from a optimistic point of view and you might understand that you are much better of a man than you think you are

In regular you find someone with mutual interests, and we do favors for them and they do favors for us.

In combat we'll find true friends. Because no matter how different, and how much we can't stand the individuals. But we'll all have mutual interest and trust to give our lives for one another. It is why many go back for more punishment.

well you should stop focusing on the negative side just be glad they speak to you in school,some people don't even get that

I am on the same lane as you two

>years of Sup Forums
My special club

Is kip supposed to be anyone from Sup Forums?

Or is it another type of loner.

my gf sort of killed all of my friendships with other people, been dating quite a while now. "oh just leave her you faggot" problem is im afraid if she leaves then i really wont have anyone. my entire family basically abandoned me... fuck i dont even know what im doing right now

I appreciate the comment, means a lot coming from Sup Forums.

But we're such co-dependent creatures. Ya know? I am for sure.
Hence why I'm here on Sup Forums seeking refuge from like minded people.

In Vietnam war. 20% of soldiers were addicted to Heroin. America shat brick wall of China that we're going to deal with an abundance of addicts. But after the war. 95% of those veterans returned to normal, because they back with the people that genuinely loved them.

We seek Haven, such as drugs or be on Sup Forums when we are alone and disconnected from society.

Any way I don't what to do.. knowing this

Me. Used to have military friends.

That ended when black Jesus went in a rampage against the south and confederate flag.

I didn't like this (I'm southern), and made it well known in Facebook and I blame blacks for what Obama has done.

Friends didn't like that. Got in argument, deleted them and my Facebook.

Fuck them, cowardly trators and cucks.

Really lonely though.

I don't have many people, I live alone and work on the internet, so basically I don't see a soul the whole day.

If it's any comfort to you user, know that it's possible to be alone and be fine. Try and find out what you like and just do it, you'll be happy and not dependent on anyone for your happiness, which is the best thing that can happen in life.

Not a single one. It was odd at first but I started to get used to it when I began focusing on bettering myself. Never really feel the need to go out and chase relationships of any kind when I want to spend the majority of my chiseling myself into what I want to be. I tried upkeeping a ton of friendships and having enough time to do whats necessary for myself and I ended up burning out.

I'll probably end up suckering some people into being my friends after I finish with school and get settled with a good job.

You don't have much of a choice... find happiness within yourself, so that you have something to offer to others when you meet them.

You can't bring your loneliness and sadness and even sickness and hope people are going to take care of it for you. You have to find happiness on your own. It's a hard process, but I promise it can be achieved, all you need is patience and humility.

Thank you for standing firm and tall. It's fucking true. Happened to me too, I deleted my facebook. And now I'm here.

Fuckin lefty's... they disparage us, demean us, and ostracize us..

Hang tough

Interesting. Alright.

>they disparage us, demean us, and ostracize us..

True, but if you really want to defeat them, there's only one possibility: forgiveness. As soon as you forgive them, and sincerely so, all the hate they've spewed at others will turn back against them and they'll be consumed by their own toxic wastes.

Thanks. I got college keeping me busy now anyway.

Or kill them, or die trying.

I would have died for my brothers in Arms, but they stabbed me and every other southern white when they sided with the left.

No going to forgive that, not ever, would have given my LIFE to protect them in Iraq and that's how they repay my dedication?

Zero friends, last time I had a friend was in elementary school in 1998.

I don't have friends because I'm better than everyone.

You fags are all pussy's. Real men don't have friends.

i have zero friends but i don't care because i have my brother as a bff and i still get laid occasional by random gril's

Do online friends count? Please tell me they count.

You can do what you want, but be aware that if you blindly perpetuate the hate, you'll be just like them. Killing them will be like killing a part of yourself, and what will be left of you will be an unquenchable hate. You'll be damned, in the true sense of the word.

i have a few, altho at times i would prefer that i didn't.

this, main reason why I enjoy my time alone better than with other people.

>my gf sort of killed all of my friendships with other people, been dating quite a while now. "oh just leave her you faggot" problem is im afraid if she leaves then i really wont have anyone. my entire family basically abandoned me... fuck i dont even know what im doing right now
I have a group of friends but they never want to hang out i dont know if that is a real friendship

Yep, 0 is perfectly correct.

I have my brother(wich doesn't really count cause it's family) who I catch up with every few months but I'm so boring I hardly have anything to say. Thankfully he has plenty to tell but I always feel a slight shame because he has plenty of friends and hobbies and I just don't do anything anymore except some vidya and netflix with my gf.

Yes I have a gf but we're both couch potatoes with no friends and kind of weirdos.

When colleagues go out for a drink and aks me to go with them(out of sheer politeness probably) I instantly panick in my head because I don't like social stuff, every conversation feels so fake.

If I loose my gf I'll probably loose whatever mental stability I have left.

Well here's my attempt to make a friend. If you're on Telegram message me. 25 y.o. Irish male @mollymawk