i know a guy who thinks that Muse is just gay retard Radiohead but shitty. should I assault him or just tell him he is stupid. dubs chooses. ill upload a vid of me doing it tomorrow.
I know a guy who thinks that Muse is just gay retard Radiohead but shitty...
Nice bait
tell him he's stupid infront of everyone
One time I joked to my boss that Muse was just a Radiohead cover band and I could see, in his eyes, that he was hurt and taken by surprise. Then he got a little defensive.
Like it's just a band. And Muse of all bands.
>One time I joked to my boss that Muse was just a Radiohead cover band and I could see, in his eyes, that he was hurt and taken by surprise. Then he got a little defensive.
muse fans in a nutshell
t. former muse fan
heres a pic of the dude. I dont know if I can take him. im a tall skeleton. got any tips?
assault him. kek wills it
Tell him he's dumb, and THEN kick his ass
he is right thou
Muse and Radiohead are both garbage. /thread.
>should i threaten him with violence but not actually do it
learn what assault is fagboi
Tell him you want to suck his dick.
Tell him you love him
thats the legal definition not the more commonly used one
He's right, but punch him anyway
He's 1,000,000% right, which means you have to let him punch you
because Muse, early Muse at least, are otherworldly. They were truly amazing at one time
He's a misinformed cuckboi stomp his ass
>Muse are otherworldly
>Muse is just gay retard Radiohead but shitty
It's precisely the opposite 2bh