Hey Sup Forums, I was just curious if any of you feel the same way as I do...

Hey Sup Forums, I was just curious if any of you feel the same way as I do. I joke about death and stuff much like a lot of you do, but tbh I get extremely scared when I think about dying. It's not that I'm scared of dying, just scared of there being NOTHING afterward. I'm not scared that I will cease to exist, I'm scared that there will be nothing. No thoughts or anything like that. Anybody else in the same boat?

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So you're scared of dying? Reread your shit post

Do you mean like if you died, you would just wake up in a empty room and be stuck there for all eternity or something? Like that kind of nothing?

Nah man, scared about what comes next.

More or less. Like I would wake up in a black room with no body and not able to think or anything like that. It's kinda hard to describe.

Yes but i try to distract myself from the fact i guess thats what life really is thj

I usually do the same, but sometimes it catches up to me and I can't get it out of my head.

Were you scared before you were born?

I'm not scared at all. I've had enough experiences I'm convinced that it's *this* life that's the purgatory-disconnection, and it's after the death of this form we're returned to connection with everything.

I can understand that without that direct personal experience one might be scared.

It's also true that this form *does* end. That is a terrifying thing - even if one doesn't particularly enjoy this incarnation.

But as a very wise friend assured me before he went ahead, "This isn't the end of all forms. It's just the end of this form."

I've always felt some comfort in what you're saying. I wouldn't use those words(mainly because I'm not a very learned individual) but I understand what you're saying and that's how I keep it down usually.

I was scared of dying too,but just think about it,when you die,you cease to exist,so you wont feel anything,you wont feel scared nor sad,it's like eternal peace,no more problems,no more worries

But you also won't feel at peace. You won't have any memories, you won't be anything anymore.

In a weird way that does not bother me that much though. I kinda like the idea of fading into non existence. I dont know if it makes much sense, but to me it sounds more peaceful to be nothing at all.

if there is nothing you won't feel anything so you can't be scared

>mainly because I'm not a very learned individual
Words don't matter much. True wisdom comes from within. Trust what you feel.

Remember too that wholeness means simultaneously allowing contradictory ideas and feelings (this makes sense because if one set of thoughts or feelings were not included then we wouldn't be whole). So the place of wholeness is to feel reassured about what comes after, while simultaneously being either terrified or in grief about losing what we have here. Not one or the other, but both.

I hope you'll use your concern about what happens after death to live *this* life so fully that when it's time for you to move on you won't grieve what's left behind, and instead you'll feel happy and complete - because you'll have lived it all.

Namaste, fellow traveler.

But I am now.

ITT : breathing manually type panic attack copy-pasta.

Thank you, friend.

Do you think eternity would be better?
>Have no body, no sensory nerves
>Can only think to yourself
>For an eternity alone
>Getting insane

There are reported cases of people getting insane after 40 minutes of complete deprivation. Would be a short eternity, wouldn't it?

so you're scared of not being able to be scared. what?

I'm not saying I want to be alone with nothing forever. That's actually quite the opposite. I want there to be something after life. Not just a *nothing*

The problem of being dead for me is missing out on cool shit when im dead, good news tho scientists in britian have sucessfully made someone biologically younger by preventing dna from degrading during cell division by lengthening the telomere so if u dont do stupid shit you could live forever

I literally have no fear of death as a result of being precognitive, what I fear is that my mistakes will result in the death of another or harm to a friend. I am afraid of failing to realize my dreams. I am afraid that I cannot change other people for the better.

it will be like it was before you were born, and you don't remember that being scary do you?

But will we be reborn again? Like is dying just the beginning of being born, and if so will I remember anything of this life?

Not trying to sound rude or anything, these are perfectly reasonable questions, but why are you expecting to find the answers on Sup Forums?

There probably isn't, else we would register high electromagnetic smog, when someone dies. I wouldn't say for 100%, because there is still research to be done.

But think of the following, every 10 years our knowledge of medicine doubles. And by this rate, we would be able to combat the deadliest disease for humans, aging, within the next years. And being able to live several hundred more years would be a start.

I'm not honestly, there isn't really an answer. I just figured some people might enjoy the talk.

I read online that "scientists" are saying the dfirst person who will live to 1,000 is probably alive now.

What happens after you die is what happens before you're born.

That's the type of nothing you will experience guys.

I just don't get how people can be okay with it without being at least a little scared. Yeah it happens and it's gonna happen no matter what, but its still scary to me.

Oh dude, I use to have straight up moments of silent panic thinking about it. It was like a phase that started when I was 29 and it lasted for about two years. Came out of nowhere and disappeared just as quickly. I hope it passes for you, too. That shit sucks.

google is researching this field too. In one paper one of their scientists said, the stimate the major breakthrought to happen between 2030 and 2040. It's rather comforting when even google says this

I can agree with that. It is a bit ccomforting

What I'm trying to say is that they're won't be a black room that you describe. T

They're won't be anything to experience.

The nothing is what scares me though. Im just terrible at talking.

Really don't fear. You won't see or feel anything.

It's not worth the time to think about it, like the theory that we're all a simulation, or that everyone's not real but you type thing. It's not worth it.

It's just like life before you were born.

Not trying to change the subject or anything, but what really scares the hell out of me is the idea of there being a heaven. I mean i was taught christian values by my folks and i was taught that hell is not all fire and brimestone and shit but just a place that is absent of God. I was also taught that if you believe in Jesus and what he stood for and do your best to do his work, you go to heaven. I dont know just how much of that is right or accurate, but it kinda freaks me out. I mean im not a terrible person, i try to do good things when i can and to live peacefully with others and generally i like to think i am an all around okay guy, but i dont really think i deserve to go to heaven. It feels wrong to me that a person should feel like they belong somewhere in the afterlife, as if it is there choice. I mean if there is an afterlife, then it is obviously out of the realms of man, so why is it that man has some control over where they would be there? I dont know, all this talk about death and life after it just got me thinking about that. I guess what i'm saying is, i feel like its not really our place to decide what happens after death. Does that make any sense?

why the fuck would you be scared of nothing? you'll just stop existing, nothing else.

There is no God. It's not worth believing in a God, unless the faith gives you a good standing of morals to live life out on, that's fine.


That's what I've been trying to kind of say. You were dead before you were born. That's exactly what you'll get.

Well then u need JESUS

Why the fuck are you scared if you are going to be non existing after death you fucking retard.

Come back when you're 18.

The thing that scares me is that you don't exist. You don't have memories of not existing. So what is it? It's the unknowable aspect of it.

Exactly my feels.

Well over it, friend.

Being dead is not existing, you can't have memories of existing when you don't exist any more.

Your life is your mind, when you die your mind dies. You can't experience shit when it's dead.

So don't be scared of the after life, you won't feel, think, see anything.

Do you remember anything before you were born? Its like that i imagine most people who die of old age are drugged the fuck out.


Believe whatever you want, but at the end of the day it's simply going to end up how you were before you were born. In absolute nothingness.

Humans give their own purpose to life, and you can see that through things like religion and culture, both of which are shaped in such a way to help push humans to maintain said self-given purpose and enjoy the smallest pleasures along the way.

Don't be afraid.

Your heart stopping and your brain telling you it hurts-your heart doesn't have nerves, but I would imagine that dying while awake comes with some sort of pain and panic-is arguably the scariest to us, if not the (other) pain that leads up to it. Whether each individual would admit it or not doesn't matter.

You can woe and dread all you want about whether there is an after life or not, but rest assure that the best distractions (there are no solutions) to your problem are either a cold suicide, or live life to the objective fullest. Just don't hurt anyone in the process if you do choose the latter, as that's a part of the trade off/goal society has demanded of its members since the beginning of the very thought "society."

Literally the basis of every religion.

Basically, I was having an anxiety attack about it earlier and now I'm feeling better because I got to talk to people about it.

I think that's the reason why he is scared.

OP, I have been thinking about dead for many years, and eventually I realized that the older you get, the more you understand that you are not here forever, so don't worry so much. The best you can do to stop thinking about death is to keep your mind busy.

No u fucking faggot, you die and that's it. You become worm food. There is nothing, just eternal blackness - you cease to exist. But once you die, you won't get to experience that nothingness because you have no consciousness once you die, so you literally have nothing to fear. It's just like before you were born.

Glad to see you didn't have a minor stroke and other people's good understandings on life helped.

Ya remember the year 1798? Yea, it's nothing. That's how it will be after you die. Nothing. Terrifying in my book

Yeah. It just comes out sometimes when I have nothing to keep me distracted.

when i was coming down off drugs last weekend, i felt like reality wasn't real anymore and that once you're dead that's it so why even be alive. you were born to die

That's a pretty sinister way to describe the pointlessness of life. We exist to live, not to die. But to live you need to die.

But yea idk about you guys but I get really anxious thinking about going back to that state where I was before I was born, ya know... Nothing. I don't want that I never wanna die. But it's gonna happen.

In our lifetime aging will be cured to an extent (probably extremely expensive), but do you really want to add 50-60 years onto your life?

My thought on the subject is:
You have some nights where you sleep and don't really dream, right?

You wake up and nothing really happened for a few hours.

Do you think that is scary?
I think death will be like that. Just nothing

This guy's got it.

Yes. I want to be fucking immortal, but like have a button to end my life whenever I want, so whenever the world explodes I can just push that button. I don't want to be nothing

How would you even know? Wouldn't it just be like sleeping, but with no dreams? Quit being such a bitch, OP

But is that really satisfying to you knowing that you will just be nothing and that nothing is going to ever happen?

I'm the opposite. I'm scared of the pain of dying but the nothingness after? Sounds peaceful to me. Like endless, dreamless sleep.

All this is assuming of course that time works in the way that we perceive it. I enjoy the notion that all moments in time always exist, and what we perceive is just a cross section of it, meaning you can never really die.

We waste at least a fourth of our life on fucking sleeping anyways, I'm fine with living a lot longer.

I am personally fine with non existence after death.
You need to exist to feel something, so to be dead has to be easy.
You know how when you sleep without dreams?
How it is like it never was?
That is what I imagine after death to be.
It is not darkness or silence, for you need eyes to see and ears to hear.
It is not emptiness, because you are not there, you are gone.
Cry not for me as I am already dead.
-Barney Gumble

nope. used to be anxious. now i am at peace with it.

once you realize that it is only the ego that considers itself seperate from the whole, you become one with the universe and consequently no longer fear death

uncertainty is def a real fear, but fuck it. life is boring anyways. why would you want to live an exhausting existence. i hope we all fucking die together and enter the void

Only the last line is Barney, I forgot the space.

Also, if theoretically we discover a pill that will make us live a fuckton longer, we will of course mark that price up like crazy, cause capitalism... So the rich will live a lot longer, I believe that would just make us even more of a oligarchy if the richest lived to 200 when the poor lived to 73

i heard that if you smoke dmt you can live a thousand years in just 15 minutes

its not that you should be worried about.
>technology to upload our brains into virtual reality one day gets invented
>rich and poor can both afford it
>rich people can afford to speed up their reality by taking up more processing power
>end up doing things faster, making more money by inventing new things faster
>poor people literally end up living slower lives in the virtual reality

The sensation is similar to having your mind dissolved.

Or perhaps that's exactly what it is.

Picture an enormous black planet or star, like the size of jupiter or the sun, like a black hole, just a gigantic horizon of thick, black mud or icy cold opaque water, when you die you start to fall towards this place, and as you become fully submerged, your identity and consciousness is eroded, until you are nothing but the pieces of what you were, the molecules of thought that you used to be.

There's a certain amount of time where you can pull back, and you might return mostly the same, but you also might return partially eroded, partially brain-damaged, with parts of your soul washed away into the muck.

Fortunately, time is not entirely linear. Time is sort of an illusion of human perception, it's more probable that while we see time as something that progresses in a certain direction, it's probably more correct to the say that all time exists simultaneously, in a form that mutates between kalpas.

You've probably had the sensation of deja vu at least once in your life, as a "haven't I lived this life before" kind of feeling

Thing is you probably have, it's highly probable that all of us are living the same lives over and over until we can let go and progress from who we are now to being something else.

An important part of this is either casting aside your ego or strengthening it to the point that you can retain a larger amount of memory and awareness between each life, though this is akin to resisting the loving caress of a god made up of all the souls of everything that has ever died or ceased to be, and everything that existed before life was even conceptualized, with all the force of an infinite number of black holes, with nothing but the force of your own willpower.

Hence, you usually forget everything, though, you are made of the same molecules...

Carve the rune of your fate on the memory of the universe itself in order to cheat death.

Jesus Christ that sounds really sinister

Well that's some sci fi shit.
Imagine if you could buy and sell your life expectancy, for money

user, I feel exactly the same.

Well put. I think OP is just feeling that moment of thought we as humans get where the realization of death gets very 'real', if you will, not an abstract thought.

The thought for me is always, "I will stop, all senses cease, much further than sleep because dreams & sensation is absent. Life will continue on without me, like being sat on the freeway while all the traffic just pulls away, down the road, until gone. But I won't be on a road, I won't be anything. Blackness, darkness, a hollow void...all perception gone, never to return.

That's the shit that gets me, or the thought of the coroner's office taking my body, autopsy, cremation, etc. It's just this fleshy husk, where all the lights are out.

I am not religious, not an atheist, more agnostic I guess. I believe in the power of the universe as a whole, and that while our consciousness in this form and life ends, the atoms that make up my body, the energy that we all are, returns to the Universe to be repurposed. If you're buried, maybe you feed worms as the old cliche goes, or you as matter evaporate into the most basic carbons & building blocks of life and move on.

Is that reincarnation? I don't know, I'd like to think we come back as humans again, in a different body, living a life with no recollection or connection to the previous one whatsoever. But I think that smacks of being a man made comfort, a story we tell to avoid the seemingly empty result of death as OP fears. Religion is the same.

I just try to live the best life today that I can, knowing it can end anytime. It is very liberating in some ways, nerves over some job interview or other anxiety's should not fucking matter at all...we all know the way this movie ends. Humans though too often choose greed, power and distance as effects of the 'yolo' mindset, it'd ve nice if we had more of an intellectual evolution and really changed the game and way of life we live on Earth, early 21st century.

Pretty sure that's an anime


That's from a movie I've seen.
Forgot the name though.

I used to fear death, now a days I don't care I just hope my death is glorious and witnessed

There is no "next". There's only this. When you think of "tomorrow" it arrives and it's "now". When you think o "yesterday" you think of it now. So when you say what's "next" you're stuck in a mind illusion, your imagination. "Heaven" only exists because a lot of scared people agree on it, a lot of people who think there is a "tomorrow" and "yesterday". There never was. Everyone who has ever died, died in the now

You will fall asleep one day and not wake up. You don't care about it when your asleep because the mind that conceives time and linearity shuts down. You just cease to exist and its sublime

Selling life expectancy is literally the best way of getting a oligarchy

Oh shush


Might screenshot this thread.

Anyone want it somewhere?

I am reading a book about downloaded consciousness.
It's a good read.

I thought the screenshot said


"You're u come from nothing, you go back to nothing... What have you lost? Nothing!" - Eric Idle

Just enjoy the sliver of an experience you have and the free will to do it

Just wanted to say thanks for the talk, everyone. :) (op here)

All good mate

It is a fear if missing everything you like in the world. Like tour friends, music, travelling, smoking, little details of everyday life. You are scared you will have to leave it all behind someday. Its good because that means you actually like something about being alive.

Kinda crazy isn't it?

That's a different movie, that's the one were the kid is controlling the soldier in the "game".
I think I know what he's talking about.
I saw the trailer, everyone uses their life expectancy to pay for stuff.
There is a guy with like centuries on his watch thing.
Then shit gets fucked up somehow, I don't remember how.

Do a a high dose of magic mushrooms or acid.

I can't figure myself how one would be scared of death. Life is struggle. Death is a relief.
