Anyone else? New to it.
Anyone else? New to it
stop it faggot
fuck you
Is that your leg? You look like a girl
I wanna pee in your asshole while you wear you're grandmother's wedding dress...
I dont understand why people do this
I just think it hurts like a mf just poking your skin with a pen. Wtf
waaa waaaa waaa. mommy and daddy don't give me enough attention so if I hurt myself maybe they will or someone else nice will because I am such a cuck I can't feel good on my own waaa
I guess I can kind of see the appeal of cutting yourself. But I have a high pain threshold so I wouldn't enjoy it. I'm also not a fucking idiot
its my legs. i just have feminin legs. imma guy
Dads an alchee who might as well me dead and i dont care about mom. im an adult who makes his own money so idgaf what they think
I think u wanted but Sup is an ez mistake to make. maybe you wanted /rk9/ they are all virgins
oh my god if you're gonna do that faggy shit please DO IT ON YOUR UPPER THIGHS OR SOMEWHERE ELSE WHERE IT WON'T SHOW ffs
tumblr dosent condone cutting
literally is my upper thigh
Sideways for attention, long ways for results faggot
You attention seeking Borderline little sissy. You need to be thrown off a cliff.
Try your throat faggot
No shit really?
I know where my artreys are so if i really wanted to kill myself i would. Just feels good sometimes....
holy shit youre an adult and you do this angsty bullshit how old are you?
no, you're a bitch. get out
Stop faggot.
I'm guessing youre underage, you want to know my story?
>molested as a kid and shiet
>parents are divorced, a lot of spooky shit happen
>fucked up in the head a little
>FF to sophmore year
>living with dad 350 miles away frum mum
>go to school
>failing almost every class
>get gf
>everything is fucked its not working out
>me and my dad are fighting all the time
>start cutting
>FF 3 weeks after i began cutting
>bring huge knife to school
>begin cutting myself on campus, but away from everyone, during 7:15 am, before school started
>ex sees me
>i get caught
>sent into a temporary holding center for 3 days
>get moved into a mental hospital
>stayed there for 3 weeks
>while i was there i meet an amazing asain girl, Anna, 7.5/10 qt, I still sort of wish i could see her to this day
>we both get out of mental hospital, meet up one day
>never see eachother again, her parents are too strict, just wont work
>start cutting shortly after
>my life is fucked
>anti-depressant medicine finally kicks in
>im fine now
>back with ex, we're doing pretty okay right now sort of, things are a bit complicated
tl;dr - dont fucking cut faggot, it's dumb, and will only cause consequences which you will regret
Cry for attention nobody cares. Stop being a faggot and go get laid.
go deeper you can get pretty far before you're in a serious situation learn 2 layer u have pussy scars
we all metal as fuk
can someone please timestamp some blood?
need it for a game of bingo
Mid 20s. Its not like it matters. I know my problems. I still am able to work and pay bills and go to college, its not like im some 13 year old with no real problems
tbh it doesn't hurt at all
Make shitty art out of it
There's more of a point that way
All you cutters should die...horribly.
Yea im an adult. I work at a hospital and make decent money. So its not like i have to worry about some high school getting caught bull shit. also fuck anti depressants especially SSRIs. fucking electric shocks from quitting that shit
Honestly it just stings at the most. And if youre drunk you dont feel shit except maybe a rush
Such a useless faggot
lol nice one fucktard bet you feel special now
Here OP let me help you..