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Are we all ded edition
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NZ Thread? NZ thread /nzg/
Are we all ded edition
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Just a reminder and a massive congratulations about you Kiwi boys having some ridiculously sexy smelling cocks.
threds ded tbh
no ur mum is dick
fuck off n8
Why are IDs even gone?
"Baby, why?"
"Why? Baby..."
"Baby baby baby!"
Rotas checkin in
your autism is showing
While we're at it 9and I'm soo glad we are) just how smelly is your Kiwi cock?
NZ diary thread?
NZ Diary thread.
5/7/2769 woke late, they were out, found amie’s new sheet of pills 100mg quetiapine daily 75mg fluoxetine daily, amie told me on th way back from kmart she mistook rags for an animal on th street when they went out this morning, I had beef noodles & finishedish up th deck & richard gets here after 13, julian expected him here around 18, I asked him to help decide & critique th deck, so that ate up some time & gave us somethng to talk about I had coffee & then baileys & water, julian & amie got back before sundown, they had a game as I sorted numbers & ended w/ 60 cards & 2o lands,
Palmy reporting in
Have eurofags kiwi smelling dicks?
game 2 julian started mince for lasagna, I was mana screwed so I cut in an extra 2o lands & more cards richard gave me, & julian lost first to deal w/ lasagna & sal’s pizza & amie, I kept playing despite 6-7 loses to see if th deck worked, richard is always coarse but amie was stoned & sticking up for me embarrassingly, sal’s took 9oish minutes including a call to find they had just started th pizza due to trainee & another for amie to talk to their manager for more pepperoni rolls, got 6 she ate 5 & 1 slice, julian & I ate 2 & he got oil on some cards & richard ate 3, 3rd game julian lost first again & spell casting against richard always fucks me up for some reason, I wish I was living w/ J & K.
K refriend requested me while we were playing game 3. After winning game three richard went, then as I was clearing up amie & julian decided to go to wharehouse no idea wat for & I said I needed shoes & a washing hamper so I went too, amie was pretty fucked/acting in th car nw that she had attention, don’t be mad if yr reading this, so we talked in car & in kmart about it, wharehouse @2o29-21oo closing looked @ $15 leather wingtip shoes for me & nothng, then kmart $19 soft shoes that amie recommended bought & she was going to get planters but decided against? Julian got hivis orange socks, back & they went to bed, I was down here, messaged K @23o4 not expecting a reply until tomorrow but she was up & had just done th Meyer Briggs,
I guessed ISFP & she didn’t seem insulted so I expounded & invited her to th Pottermore quizzes, she got Gryffindor which was a surprise to both of us but & guessed Pukwudgie & Apple/Hazel Unicorn Flexible & she got Pukwudgie & Ebony wood with unicorn hair core, 10 inches, quite bendy.
Blue sleeve creatures & crater elemental & armour are richard’s, blue sleeved lands & other artifacts’s are from Oloro deck.
2/7/2769 nothng all day, Amie woke me going for shopping, I came up to look through cards about 14oo, looked until they got back after dark, then sat up talking & watching hunchback of notre dame, end of that 1909 J messaged, asked Amie & Julian if they wanted to come to independence day 2, they were into it until I said Amie could finally meet K, showered & changed, 1951 J arrived for a 2o1o showing in Henderson, K was doing her make without even a mirror in th dark as we drove, got mat, opened th beers as mat was getting in, talked game of thrones, got there about 2o15, deciding wat to watch still, so great talking & laughing w/ Her, 3 beers before, K said somethng about not hating H in their private conversation then ‘I’m not going to say what you said’ and laughed so J said to tell us, “J is in love with me”, he knows how I feel & is creating safe distance.
go in, watch Conjuring 2, mat’s experience told him it was just that th girl had meningitis, they used I started a joke & we joked Suicide squad was infecting everythng, it will moreso as time goes on,
another 2 beers, J had 2 in th car before th movie & none driving back, dropped mat @2316, coming back throu Henderson we passed th bar where Nichole's 18/9th was 3 wks ago where K drunk dialed J & restated them, they hung th next day that night K's car broke down & they were back together, dropped me @2327, came up & cried & drank & had some green watching mars attacks! then les miserables then Orphan then fallen then god save th girl until o5. No company.
right i'm gonna fap and go to bed.
night cucks
Checked. G'night, kiwi.
it's only 9 in the afternoon, you tripsing ponce.
also >check'um.
>Call EMS
Night fam
1o/6/2769 slept 17somethng-oooo. nightmares are worse than ever, invading my waking more and more. Really should not be hungry after eating great food. before o43o finished th tom sum and cola w/ bread, hard to use my damned mug w/o th handle but replacements are $1o in th mall, everythng is jacked up worse nw than in th hyperinflation. Accidentally slept from like 13-192oish, dressed and walked quickly, got there 2ooo, mat was playing at a full table so I went to sit next to jade, he had to point out a chair for me again, I’m being to hard on myself but I feel so fucking incompetent all th fucken time. They were in a game, jade asked how I was, I can’t explain, asked how much his shrink is, he said to get a trust to pay for th first 1o, didn’t really get to talk to him after that, he was busy w/ richard & his gf & her brother,
ewen asked me to buy boosters so I did, 2$15 15 card boosters, he said to get th 5th down on th 3rd row, that one had a $6o foil mythic, jade put it in a sleeve & in his bag, he left w/ it, should sell it, I nw have too many cards to hold in th box, everyone else has lives going on, jade is back in his cage & had 3 job interviews since richard last saw him, had a trial he has been working at this wk, but if he gets another job on monday he’ll swap, richard said J is ‘fucking’ getting back together with K.
>"K said she missed you, you should hang out."
I feel so fucken hollow. Later julian & amie showed up, amie asked if I wanted to move in with them, I agreed, mat has plans going and amie wanted to get her sister a bf so she asked mat and mat played her of to vincent who mat wanted to get laid,
mat & jade spent awhile arguing about netflix & petrol money while amie & mat seat swapped so he could ask me to move in, I tried to keep up conversation w/ her but I was also still ina game w/ richard’s group, I need to u my interaction w/ them. After 22, as ewen, walt & aaron & his crew had to go, I talked to mat alittl, mat had already eaten mcd so I stalled to see if anyone else wanted to go but when jade & julians game ended rich & julian decided that was it, so amie asked if I wanted a ride, I stalled seeing if we were doing anythng else, mat was supposed to get a ride w/ us but he was late so I asked about it, amie answered but I couldn’t hear her, then she explained she was eavesdropping in his plan, so I trusted that & we went w/o him, no idea how that went. In bed 23oo.
go to be idbro
whats idbro
A train spotter.
Currently NoFap here, it sucks.
Who /maxkey/ here?
Southland here, it's -5deg tonight
18/6/2769 knew K would be there tonight, knew I shouldn’t have gone. Got there earylish because rain & I was nervous, washed hands before I sat, talked to J about trading th cards in, mat was in a game, K came in asking for J’s keys to calm th car, she hugged me. She smelled like grape markers. She died her hair blonde, was wearing a beanie lucifer seal shirt & hipster corduroy beige green striped pants. Crying feels so fake. She went to the car, J asked how I was feeling so we went for a walk, but we got K & she came w/, I love talking to her again, but I couldn’t say all the thngs to her that I have thought over the years, it was just so nice to see her again. I felt shit and averted my gaze and walked by J but it’s just so easy to talk to her, th mall was open as we passed denny’s so we went to th food court,
How does this make you feel, baby?
I'll keep you warm.
If you have a hot smelling Kiwi dick?
I was going to buy us somethng, but K would eat if we went to BK so we did, their relationship is shit again, I would treat her so much better & she challenges me like noone else. I’m so stupid compared to her. I got J & I bk chickens, K paid for herself,
2238 driving, 224o back, “so next Friday? good to see you again, and you guys.”, cried in the driveway finishing th woody until someone saw me. Got in bed & drank th port.
Writing 6/7/2769 after bk, went back & aaron & mat wanted to go get a meal so we were ready to go again, then aaron just left?
You won't tempt me, I'm in it for the long term benefits. I did a test yesterday, I can now predict coin flips with 80% accuracy. Low level psychic phenomena during the first week is a very good sign, by next month I should reach transhuman ascendancy. But good luck still stroking your dick like an ape.
oh wow, who was she?
That nigga has been dead for about half a year now
are you actually retarded
it only feels that way, unfortunately my bank account & hunger remind me I'm shackled to the mortal coil.
People like you are why humanity has been held back for thousands of years. You have no vision, just a slave to your baser instincts.
checking in from wellyhood
Friendly reminder for you all to break out your hard-earned neetbux for a Lotto ticket tomorrow.
/nzg/ gonna be a collective multi-millionaire
fk knows
you forgot to tip your fedora, faggot.
Going for a NIGHT
West Aucks reporting in, still a shithole. But still more interesting than everywhere else.
Tread carefully
Yeah got mine.
Want to win so bad.
>spaghettied to my mum about how I'd grow tobacco in Zimbabwe if I won
hey buddyman, I'm out in te atatu south now, looking for a ritalin/bzp/speed guy. know anyone?
I'm reading philosophy and listening to Bach tonight while you two fire off your skin pistols. I think the real losers here are you guys. The 21st century male is a social disease.
but user-kun...
>you are the 21st centure male.
had a guy who sold eccys but losing my phone i lost his number. i usually get them through mates or just ask around town like a shameless pleb.
I'm reading Captain Underpants and listening to ZZ Top, you lose amigo.
>cried in the driveway finishing th woody
This struck a chord with me for some dumb reason. Cry on, user.
Reporting in. What's good bros?
Be safe, friend.
I killed him.
You guys probably all sleep in the same bed and use each other's cum for hair gel. You disgust me. Have fun with your wank off party. I'll be training my body and mind for a new and better world. Just keep playing with your dumb big dicks. See if I care.
hungry asf but too lazy to eat.
wanna get high but to lazy to smoke the bud next to me even though i chopped it up.
quite productive really.
this town needs an organised supply chain.
it's just stupid shit I never took th time to say to her, all the lust & hurt & resentment.
I'm a poisonous ball of resentment about every fucking thing.
but she makes everythng tolerable.
here we see the long term neurodegenerative effects of mari-juana use. it's sad to see.
hopefully this subject will be put out of our misery soon.
pretty much. not everyone is comfortable around patchies which is understandable. wish we just legalised already.
Hey now calm down, you forgot to add shrooms, lsd, pingaz, nos and cough syrup. I'd probably never try crack though.
Know that feel.
Not the weed one though, cause If I had weed right now I'd feel motivated to smoke it. Being poor means having to pay for dumb stuff like food and electricity, and having no disposable income for cool things like drugs and donuts.
We may as well be dead. This country is cancer.
Right, I'm going to bed so I can be forever alone again.
this country is straight fucked, and i love it just the way it is.
Fuck you, it's people like you making the world a shithole.
Because there is nothing wrong with your pretentious, elitist attitude or you pretending to be smart.
Make time to say it to her now. Bottling it up hasn't been doing you any good for a long time, so why not try something different?
She might even appreciate hearing it.
I have a 148 IQ, I am smart so show some respect.
shit is so expensive nowadays it's fucking crazy. hang in there man we're all in the shitter..
Sure you do, kid. And my IQ is higher than that.
Oh, also, my uncle works for Nintendo. So, you know, beat that.
yeah but can you operate a forklift, smoke a ciggy and be on your phone at the same time? no? didn't think so
>89 replies
>18 posters
Fucking lol this is embarrassing
I don't come here to be berated by a bunch of subliterate failed abortions. I shudder to think how much of my dad's money was taxed to try educate you cretins.
The gay cunt probs can't even smash a pie and a coffee while driving with his knees
So why do you come here? To troll and be a massive faggot? What, are you one of those autistic types who hangs out on Sup Forums or Sup Forums?
Maybe you're Richard from /vp/.
where da white wimmin at. Got some rapin to do
Evening fam
so what are you doing with your life and your 148 IQ buddy? just curious
Fuckin aye, fucking Derek over here would probably get some other bloke to do his photocopying for him. That's real fuckin soft Derek.
trolling 4 chan and baiting you, gullible fool that you are
haha yeah amazing bait ya fucked it up at 'transhuman ascendancy" moron