Ex has a new boyfriend. At last I fucked her in the ass and came on her face countless times
Ex has a new boyfriend. At last I fucked her in the ass and came on her face countless times
Cool story bro
Post moar or shut the fuck up fag.
sure you did homo. tf you fuckin ass for when she got fine pussy.
I have the same situation. How do you feel about it? I'm personally ruined
Not that bad because I have someone new as well. Still had that sinking feeling when I saw her stupid fucking grin with that new guy on facebook.
Best to post everything you've got just to make sure you've got all the bases covered.
How long did she was alone? I'm ruined because my ex found new 'boy' within week.
And now he's fucking her ass and cumming on her face
Cheated on me when we were still together. It's been a while now, I don't know if she's been with anybody else since. I've had my share of tinder hookups since then though, so fuck it.
Got any of her bent over with a good look at her muff?
I don't care, I got there first. Also I doubt she'll do any more ass fucking unless the guy has a small dick. She didn't mine in there.
and you were surprised when she cheated on you?
Advices how to stop thinking about her and her new bf? I desperately need some.
I miss my xgf
Learned from my mistakes.
Fuck somebody else. No other way.
Fuck, any more of her?
Must be fun trying to forget about all the things she's doing with him now
sure lol
Keep em coming!
i can currently relate
Legend! Any pussy shots?
I know I've been cheated on at least once, but they've never admitted it to me because I threaten to pummel them into orange juice if I ever found out. I'm not sure if having a hunch is worse than just outright finding out
Fuck yes! Any more?
Know that feel, bro. My ex left me for another guy but I took great satisfaction in knowing I fucked her up the ass and blew several loads on her face. Whores gonna whore, so might as well treat them as such. Don't fall apart too bad, when the pain subsides you'll wonder why you ever loved her in the first place. Just focus on the bad.. NEVER think back to the good times, that shit will ruin you.
Ain't nobody want to see these 5/10 bitches.
Good advice man
said the virgin neckbeard
Solid advice, this guy gets it
My ex fiance and I broke up woke up to find out she was moved in and dating a guy she knew for a week or so. The funny thing is she did it to another guy she is whoring herself out in Slurrey where she belongs.
You are missing a whore. But no wonder tho, them tits...
Thanks guys. I've just been through it so I know how it feels. I fully admit for the first 2 or 3 months? I was a weepy little bitch. It hurt, won't even lie or try to be macho about it. When you love someone and they ditch for someone else? Yes, that shit hurts. I found through personal experience you kind of have to mourn them like a death. Shes gone, she isn't coming back, so you have to move on despite how you still feel about her. Once you grieve the loss of her... allow yourself time to move past her. I promise you it DOES get easier. For awhile you feel like it won't, but it truly does. One day you'll wake up and seriously wonder WHY you ever cared about her in the first place. It literally happens just like that. For me? I focused on the BAD. I remembered how much of a bitch she really was. When I focused on that it was a hell of a lot easier to get over her. At the end of the day? She left me for another guy which shows me that she never gave a fuck about me in the first place so WHY be upset over a bitch like that, ya know? So yeah, don't be too hard on yourself if you grieve for awhile, you will, and it's normal. Just allow yourself to move forward and things WILL be ok. Stay cool, and keep your head up.
I don't even remember how to pick up a girl. I won't fuck anything less than 7,5/10. Help me to do IT again.
Speak the cold hard truth man. It's hard to swallow such pride especially when you got your heart broken. When my ex fiance left me I was destroyed because she saved my life twice once in a riot and another from going back to jail. Now when I look back at it I did a lot of stupid shit I regret to this day because I acted like a child I hate to admit that but fuck did she ever ruin me when I woke knowing the girl I was going to marry moved on like that. Telling me he helped her move on with in a month this was the women I was going to marry and she put a gun to my head and pulled the trigger. I drank for days, I did drugs for days, I wasn't aware of my surrounding most of the time until when day she came back into town grabbed her stuff that week I was robbed at work I knew life is to FUCKING short to worry about a whore. She abused me for years took my dreams away made me her slave all because I thought I owed her that much for saving me I was a foolish child in love for the first time, but know I learned so much from her that I know there is better the fact she did it to another and will continue to do is is proof she wasn't worth a cent in my pocket. After I got sober and quit drugs I relies how much abuse she put me through, how much a bitch she was, how I was spending nights on the floor because she would punch me awake just because she cant sleep and needs weed so I have to be up with her.... for 6 years that's what I put up with. Now I am doing films, I am a power lifter, I am writing, I am going travel, I am going to be a fitness trainer ALL because I let her go and focused on my happiness. Who ever hurt you just drop the weights your reps are done time to move on to the next set.
Dude just be you and do what you have to make yourself happy before you can make anyone else happy. Just live your life the way you want to until the one comes along you'll know when that time comes just right now chill have a cigar, drink some whiskey, go punch a wall live a little.
This bitch has been floating around/b for ages stfu