Fat hate thread?

Fat hate thread?

Let's have us a fat hate thread, that fat ylyl thread brought up some healthy discussion. No pun intended.



So you're telling us to hate all of murrica?

How the fuck do you let yourself get to that point?


Holy shit the came here to write a similar comment. Good job comrade


Unwarranted self-importance

I'm getting very annoyed with all the fat shaming threads as of lately, every day there is a new one with over 300 replies. What bothers me isn't you laughing at fat people, I suppose it's just human nature to look down on others to make yourself feel better. What bothers me is the sheer ignorance you display.

Genetics do factor in when it comes to obesity, A LOT.
You morons are either:
1) too dense to comprehend this or
2) simply will not accept scientific truth when it goes against your beliefs.
But you will straight out of the bat accept statements such as "ARNOLD HAD GREAT GENES FOR BUILDING MUSCLE", yet with obesity obviously it's 100% the fatties fault.

For example: Bell, C. G., Walley, A. J., & Froguel, P. (2005). The genetics of human obesity. Nature reviews. Genetics, 6(3), 221–34. doi:10.1038/nrg1556 demonstrated between 0.4 and 0.8 GENETIC heritability of obesity. How about that?

Oh what am I thinking, you will just hide your head in the sand and yell "fatty" or whatever, Yes I am a bit fat, but guess what, it's not a 100% my fault. Just like it's not a 100% fault that you are a DYEL hungry skeleton auschwitz.

Your genes matter and so do mine.


Pretty much. Shit makes me furious... I live in burgerland and am not a fat piece of shit. It really isn't hard to lead a healthy lifestyle. If you don't live here count yourself lucky for not having to witness it daily.


so you believe that organs struggling under the weight of overweight people is normal, you also believe that proof that genetics are not a factor also do not play a part. ignorance is bliss, it is also the reason why your heart will give out at 36

My dumbass almost took the bait, then I realized that mistakes were about to be made and swam away.




Is this bait? I can't even tell anymore



Listen here asshole. I already know your motive so you need to quit. You aren't funny and if you went to canada or america or some tropical place. Someone would probably shoot you mostly in america or want to be the shit out of ya. You jokes are not funny its disrespect but your white ass as no respect. You are rude and just horrible tbh. You need to stop your shit a act like a 16-17year old

nice bait




If this is bait then whatever

If not you need to settle down. I live in merica shitbird, I genuinely dislike fat people. Not cause they are fun to laugh at but because they are fucking leeches on society, and contribute absolutely nothing whatsoever.

Nice bait trolingo, if you are not trolling then well... lawl. Start counting your genetics.. I mean calories.

>gothic tomato



This is the type of shit that makes me want to be more gay than I already am.

These women could be perfectably fappable in a chubby thread if only they spent less effort dressing to offend people and more effort with make up and.. shaving.


dinner is almost done

And just think that person more than likely gets fucked by some poor sap atleast occasionally.

I can't throw too many stones tho, I've regrettibly poked a few thickins in my career but nothing near as beastly as that.







maybe Im being sexist, but Only fat man are attractive. Ones like this are totally disgusting...
I like when that huge girl post about her progress... haha what a pig! I laUgh A lot!


Aww FUCK! I got really fat and I hate myself for it. The good thing is that fast food prices have gone up and I can't afford to eat out (nobody wants to hire a fat fuck due to mandated insurance). Just bought my last 5 Lb bag of gummi Bears and finished both boxes of chocolate chip cookies. I accept my stupidity got me fat and am ready to take a non-hero action to lose weight.

That's fucked up!!! the capcha asked me to choose pics of pies. FUCK YOU JANITOR!

I'm just awe struck how people can let themselves get like this. It disgusts me as much as it worries me.



Who do you hold higher regard for, overly obese people, or serious substance addicts? I myself as much as most addicts tend to piss me off still hold them higher than this shit. Atleast we aren't expected to unconditionally accept addicts.


id fuck her without a second thought fam

> fam

Kill yourself


damn why don't i have a funny bait pic to relpy to this with?

anyway absolute shitty bait try harder next time

>off chance that it isn't bait
>parents from both sides are about 250 pounds each of fat
>i'm 210 with 9% body fat

The thing about this scene that gets me is how so many people have it as their fetish. Not even just inflation. The turning blue part.

nah im good thanks nigger

Just fuckin change your lifestyle, and stop it before you become a useless obese turd suckin up tax money to continue the cycle.

For real tho, like just try and make small simple changes. Don't do anything super drastic or overwhelming, cause chances are you will get in over your head and give up. Also remember to not expect to lose weight overnight shit is a process.


Addicts, absolutely. I don't care about what you do in your own life, even if it's life-threatening. I don't know any numbers, but morbid obesity must be at least as bad for you as serious substance abuse.
The only difference is that addicts don't go around begging others to accept their drug habits

oh she's tryin


Enough booze, and the right circumstances? Meh why not I would too, then we could be tunnel buds bro. She atleast doesn't have a rotten face.

I'd forsure let her nob me up even sober. No second thoughts. Fat bitches give killer head.



I am fat and I love these threads

Fuckin love fat hate threads just as much as I love feminist hate threads. Even though they kinda are the same thing.

My dad is friends with an obese guy easily 400+ pounds and we were hunting with him and his obese son when i was 19 and the entire time they were fucking talking shit about me because I have a big frame but was on/off drugs a lot at the time so i weighed 135 pounds (i normally weigh 170 but 130 was the least i ever weighed and i worked out and literally never said anything judgemental about them. Fuck fat peoples emotiona

How does your forehead get fat??

I wonder which of the two have a higher full recovery rate. I'm sure there's data somewhere but I don't even feel like looking.

Addicts don't get like handicapped stickers and special treatment too atleast. That shit drives me crazy



her collagen matrix is FUCKED

This. Girl shouldn't get hate for trying to be more healthy.


>Name is visible in the pic

I am genetically fat as fuck but I starve myself and force myself to a healthy weight. For me eating food is like eating cocaine.

That's why I'm not looking into weight loss surgery. I used to weigh 192 lbs (6'2''), now i'm 336 lbs. felt sorry for myself for losing my girlfriend and her two children in an auto accident. This happened almost two years ago. Instead of drinking or getting high, I ate more.I do not have "fat genes" or whatever that bullshit the fatties use as an excuse. Thanks user. Really!!! again??!!

If this effort is sincere, I hate her slightly less.

These aren't fat, they're morbidly obese.


I would have to think it's addicts. You never see stories about addicts turning their life around, but a fattie getting down to a normal weight is literally newsworthy.

Japanese children are the rudest and I don't know how they grow up to be such repressed buisnessmen

I'm fat. Not like a lot of the photos here, and not a typical American definition of "fat", but still reasonably fat.

I've been fat most of my life, thanks to shitty genes, and when I try to lose weight, the best I can do is keep weight from piling on - I pretty much never lose it. I think last I checked, I was about 115kg and 5'9".

And now I have a job that gives me no time to even get to the gym unless I sleep less (which I can't do, long story short), and since I've only just stopped being a student and am entering a hard industry, I have to do unpaid work for a while so I don't even have money for the gym and have to live at home still.

Long story short, being fat fucking sucks. Pro-tip: don't be fat, and don't be me. And since this is a fat-shaming thread, you're welcome to fat-shame me, though I shan't reply.


Jesus fucking christ.

My body is already something to be deadly ashamed of, how do these people fucking live with themselves?

If I'd somehow ate myself to their weight in a stupor I'd fucking kill myself, ask for my fat to be reprocessed into fuel or something.

Why are people this disgusting?

god damnit 7/10 face then i saw 400+ lbs

200 would be completly fuckable and i despise fat chicks

yo put down the bong

Adding on to the special treatment, I honestly think that's the number one thing that really gets to me. Like you can just basically make dogshit decisions with your entire life to the point where you get shit made easier for you? That shit is insane to me, but we have to like protect everyone instead of thinning out the herd like a smart species would. There's absolutely no incentive NOT to be fat.

I completely advocate for making life harder for fatshits if anything. If I knew I couldn't do certain things because of something that was in my control I would feel the want to fix my situation. Maybe that shit is extreme but eh it's how I feel.

>mfw i realise that i would gladly lick the assholes of all girls posted here

its called food delivery
if you walk 10k steps a day you will be OK

this is just sad


Underrated post

user, last year was the last time I got on a rollercoaster because they were barely able to lock the harness over me, but at the end of the ride they had to trigger a detach lever because it couldn't release on it's own. One day I will be able to ride a coaster again.

You're not bad user. No need to feel shame.

Is it Trigglypuff?

I think it's trigglypuff


The funny thing is, it takes a long time to get that fat. Years and years to reach 400+ lbs.


couldnt find a free vein holy shit
i dont even hate fat people thats just so fucking funny

Im getting there too user. Starting tomorrow im eating better fuck morphing into these fat trolls