Cringe thread

Cringe thread.

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what are you cringing about mr. autismo?






Holy shit this is funny




He probably offed himself



k im done dumping someone contriboot

no problem Fuck him up.

Pushing it so hard, what did they do to you?

LOL funniest shit ive ever seen. Thanks, and checked

This piece of shit made my best friend kill himself.

probably called him the faggot he is
little shit can't stand up for himself and has to ask for personal army, little shit probably deserves to get bullied
fix yourself cunt, fix your life

What's cringy about two people dancing? It looks lovely

if your friend was this weak he doesnt deserve any better. thanks to that guy for cleaning the gene pool

Listen here asshole. I already know your motive so you need to quit. You aren't funny and if you went to canada or america or some tropical place. Someone would probably shoot you mostly in america or want to be the shit out of ya. You jokes are not funny its disrespect but your white ass as no respect. You are rude and just horrible tbh. You need to stop your shit a act like a 16-17year old

What is cringy here?

do not try to rent a hacker. they will take your money and wont do shit. anyone who is decent at "hacking" is usually a terrible person who can't function in society. and anyone who is decent at it will want a lot of money.

Exactly, what exactly is cringe worthy about a gentlemen taking his women for a dance? I sense jealousy in this one.




thanks for the red circle and arrow



she looks amazing. i hope they're married and pumping out red-bearded Aryan children.

Damn now I see why you're pushing it. Aside what everybody's saying about the typical suicide jokes, sorry you went through that pal-o

>[citation needed]

oh haha

0.1 seconds for trips

That's disgusting

unlucky xdd
>thanks for the trips fgt

I'll never understand why this pic is posted in every cringe thread.

wheres the cringe

it's not cringey, it's supposed to be a meme


You know that girl told everyone about that shit. Kid probably killed himself

>hand on waist instead of the small of her back

fucking shit tier dancer, 2/10 would not lead


no cringe, just kek

Here, have some cringe in its pure form




oh give them a break, they seem new to this. they'll learn.


He has autism?

If he delivered me a pizza, I'd throw it away.

This look could totally be pulled off if it's the right setting and the guy owns the look. It doesn't look bad at all.

Fuck it, hes not doing much wrong. If really wants to ruin his jiff suit with pizza grease, fine by me.


>not being an expert on something the first time you do it is considered cringe
Dude how much of an autism do you have to be to freak out about something like that.

>tfw your arm fills up the entire sleeve hole

Because people like you keep replying to it.


>swollen from working out
She must have been working out her whole body, she's swollen as fuck. Even her face and fingers.

I've seen a lot of gross shit here this is probably the worst

It's a meme newfag. Anons like you are the reason it gets posted

>tfw so fat they can't even find veins
>tfw they need a harpoon for your fat arms
>tfw your blood is so filthy they don't want it anyways

I'd plow her

the amount of autism in here is astonishing.

WTF! ║║ IZ █ DIS ?!???



lmao to think this was legit feels material back in the day. There are many pictures like this

Welcome to Sup Forums

>... my dad, ...
I cri evrytiem

Jesus Christ. I'm 6'3 and not even /fit/, so I cringe when I see chicks so much heavier.




OP is cringing because it reminds him of all his failed attempts to find a gf ;-;

same fag?
cringey stalker looking for first ever friend

because you look cringy ya moron

The youth is fucked

>Mfw sonic x is actually an anime


What? Sage

holy fuck I've already seen this and I still lost to it!!

its a meme

Fuck dude, I like Nine Inch Nails
You're making me feel ashamed

You know I'm talking to the Feds, right Ton'?

>cringe thread
>looking for friend

Omfg I almost didn't watch this. Thank you guys this is perfect. I lurk for fluffy threads lol

Alright faggots, got that real cringe.

Not everyone's an american pussy. We have plenty of shit like this in europe, no one kills themselves for it.

we usually kill ourselves later in life, when the depression gets that crippling perk


I bet you have a beard just like that.

I could have gotten through the day without being reminded of that
Thanks user for making my day just a little bit shittier

Next three are from a dumb bitch on Tumblr.


You chose this thread m8