How excited are you guys for the race war that will happen when Donald Trump gets elected who do you think will win and...

How excited are you guys for the race war that will happen when Donald Trump gets elected who do you think will win and what are your plans to contribute?

Im personally fucking hyped, of course I want the whites to win but I cant help but think the asians will end up victorious.

I know pic says european but w/e it was the "race wariest" thing I had

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Very bump

Don't forget this war should not just be a race war it should also be a war against the Government and the Leftists.

aren't you having a race war right now?

War is coming

Haha, anyone who post Ben Garrison comics is pretty dumb and should be ignored

It does not matter who says it or where it comes from the truth is still the truth.

If you can't understand that then you are a child.

You're being naive if you don't think Hillary has already been elected

The delegates will do all they can to make that happen too.

They won't matter in the General Election anyway if the polls and Electronic voting booths are rigged

Spic here.
I don't think my race will win should whites take Europe and decide to invade.
I also REALLY, TRULY HATE spics of all denominations.
Is there any way I can put my efforts toward the Arian cause?
If you win can I be spared?

There is so much going on in the world at the moment and all out civil war across Europe and America looks very likely. I hope it happens to be honest it's about time the people stood up to the Governments and the Left also we need to remove all the Kebab aswell.

Good luck anons.

Are you illegal? If yes then no.

If no just stay where you are and everything should be fine

Remember Remember the fifth of november

Now before any of you laugh at this and just dismiss it because the whole anonyamous thing ended up turning into kind of a joke and people stopped taking it seriously but I want you all to please listen for a minute and think about this.


It might just be a movie but it still speaks the truth.

cant wait to see the libs slaughtered like cattle


OP is a ugly yellow gook manlet

Many people may take it as a joke but there is real truth to those words and I for one look foward to the day we take back our freedom.

The law should be for good not for outright control. Revolution may be closer than we think.

Who takes it as a joke? This movie gave the face of anonymous the spear of the revolutions to come.

5th of November is really special because everyone in every capital of the western world marches at the same time.

One day November the 5th will not only be considered "protests" but "a threat to national security"

>where were you when america fell?

Taking my wifes son to the park

tfw am blonde hair blue eyed white guy

never under estimate the gooks man, they have white tier technology and jew tier trickery

I'm with you user, mexifag here and I would like to help the Master race. Btw, I live in Mexico and I don't have plans to live in the USA.

Even though we might understand things , there are some people that don't understand that it's not a joke and they dismiss it just because it's from a movie. Not everyone thinks like we do.

>corner of my living room
>rocking chair
>shotgun in hand
>chugging canadian club
>tears in my eyes

what a time to be alive

>tfw you also realize canada fought in all the wars and got none of the terrorism

Praise be to Allah


USA has more incidents of domestic terrorism by far. Sure, the foreign terrorism body count is pretty high, but I'd wager the domestic count is almost as high, things like the Weathermen, 60s civil rights terrorism, Black Panthers, Unabomber, Oklahoma city bombing, it all adds up, then theres the question of whether or not to count spree shooters.

> people who use swole unironically

>moving to Australia next year for work
have fun 'Murica

>Weathermen, 60s civil rights terrorism, Black Panthers, Unabomber, Oklahoma city bombing

>decades worth of terrorism in America
>doesn't even compare to a years worth of terrorism in Europe

Ahh well yes, europe does get a lot of foreign terrorism, though it has more than double USA's population, and a years worth of european terrorism simply does not outweigh USA's past domestic terrorism.

But my main point was that the main threat of terrorism for the USA is not foreign, but domestic, I wasnt trying to make any comparison between USA and any other country or bloc of countries.

Here in England we've got people shit scared of IS when we've been much harder done by the IRA in the past, its just all bants


>we get to see some of this in revenge for dead pigs and it spurs on the race war

nothings gonna happen, we'll move on in a couple days and wait for the next mass shooting to happen so we can make this thread again.

But I wanna watch people overthrow their Governments


>implying anyone on Sup Forums is gonna actually do anything
Creating memes and green texting on twitter doesnt really help.

>the past
Right, the past. Do you know what the future brings?



gg destroying your own country!

I was merely saying it's not a new thing.

of course it is,

your absolutely right.

you are not wrong at all