Ok, boys... it's been a while since we organized for something, so I propose we start #CutForBlackLives

Ok, boys... it's been a while since we organized for something, so I propose we start #CutForBlackLives

We pretend to be a bunch of white apologist cucks that are cutting ourselves because we feel bad about the police brutality.

Make fake twitter profiles...
Do whatever you have to.

Let's have some viral Sup Forums tom-fuckery for 2016.

Other urls found in this thread:




Bump. Let's get this shit done.

bump Sup Forums's been asleep



This is is wrong please don't do this think of al the people who will get hurt you guys always crear dangerous stuff and I'm tired of it


If this particular thread doesn't catch on, continue to spread the idea. Restart with a new thread during peak hours. We need to get this done while the BLM shit is still at it's apex. It'll really rustle the jimmies.


I'm telling reddit

This wont catch on. The whole beiber thing worked cause it was a bunch of teenage girls. God damn man, think this shit through.


Are you implying that Nignogs are cognitively superior to teenage white girls?

yeah it never works.

this was aimed at white guys. read the op



I know, I'm saying it'll work because the nigs don't think things out before they get belligerent.

This is stupid and nobody is gonna buy it.

Why wouldn't they?

Rustled my girlfriend's jimmies a bit and she isn't even a SJW.

Rolling for this

What are you rolling for? The suspense is killing me.

"I'm in Sup Forums" kill yourself


Yeah you fucktard go #CutForBlackLives

Because it's fucking obvious.

Approved user. Good work.

This website was responsible for "Hitler Did Nothing Wrong" winning a Mountain Dew name contest. They knew that shit would never actually end up on a can or bottle... They did it for the fucking laughs. You newfags are cynical pussies.

If this happens you just made my morning

#CutForBlackLives is either a stroke of brilliance or just a stroke. I wanna see how this plays out so I shall spread the word


really hope this thread survives

Thank you, kind user. You're doing gods work.


I can almost feel the privilege leaving my body. #CutForBlackLives

And countless other shit that didn't work because it was stupid as fuck.

>encourage white harm for black reparations
>publish it to mass media to make it seem normal

Are you fucking retarded? How about for every #BLM protest we bury a black person alive until they stop.

Maybe some stupid apologetic whore will off herself. Killing two birds with one stone here. Stop being counter-productive.

#cutting 4 black lives

Row row fight the power


Oh what the fuck is that? You sick futhermucker.

And that stupid shit that didn't work failed bc of ppl like you. You're a summerfag anyways so I won't complain.

We are Sup Forumstards. We are Sup Forumsegion



I also think it would be funny to add a challenge like see if you can cut deeper challenge

I'm all for Sup Forums organizing for epic trolling again but I'm just not feelin this one user. I hate white apologists so much even the thought of pretending to be one makes me feel icky

Im up for it

Haz id begunn !?

I'm sorry you feel that way, but just wait till they find out it came from us and we shit on the BLM movement. The belligerence... I can feel it.

So I basically post a cut hand and write what and which hashtag do I choose?

YES! lets hope the sjws buy it
>sjw and feminist pussies are dumb enough and 'brave' enough to self harm

It has begun!

Dropping this cuz im bored

- First Name: Daniel
- Last Name: Keem
- Sex: Male
- Age: 30-34
- D.O.B: Unknown
- Sexual Orientation: Straight
- Ethnicity: White
- Mother: Beverly A Keem
- Father: Martin L Keem
- PH Number: (716) 783-7696
- Address: 55 Mineral Springs Rd Buffalo, NY 14210-1862
- Est. Home Value: $70,509
- Bedrooms: 9
- Bathrooms: 3
- Single-Family Home
- Size: 3,440 Sq Ft.
- Lot: 4,903 Sq Ft.
- Built in 1910
- Alias(es): Keemstar, DJ Keemstar, Keem
- Emails:
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
- Common Phrases: "Hello DramaAlertNation,
I am your host, DJ Keemstar
let's get right into the
- IP:
- Assignment: Static IP
- ISP: Verizon FiOS
- Hostname: pool-98-118-172-140.bflony.fios.verizon.net
- Latitude: 42.8356
- Longitude: 78.7484
- Country: United States
- State/Region: New York
- City: Buffalo
- Area Code: 716

You tell them how sorry you are and that you're trying to get rid of the privilege by getting rid of your disgusting white blood or some stupid shit. Use #CutForBlackLives

I give everyone the same respect no matter what the colour of their skin is.
I dont need to apologize to anyone.

The entire point flew over your head, user.

aw yiz


Cmon,make fake twitter accounts, write some bullshit with #cutforblacklives and that's it
ain't that hard


I gotta photoshop some cuts on my arm, then i'm right on it

Maybe even make a second thread so more people see.
Like those stupid fucking Steam threads that take over during the summer sale.


just bump this thread

I have a thing were if I bleed, I can pass out pretty damn snappy, so I won't be doing this. I do however, support your endeavor. Good job OP.

This. We don't need two threads.

Find a google image and shop it a little.


Its so deep, like my cuts for all the black people, who dieded in the us and A, in the las 365 day.Freedom for justice and for the african american people in the nazi fascist communist united states!

motherfucker,don't cut yourself,are you retarded?
You're supposed to take some fucking pics of idiots that cut themselves and that don't have any kind of extra things on them,like texts or watermarks or shit like that
Or do what is doing and PS some cuts on your arm

Just sitting back watching this like...

USA-user, comment please:
>niggas protests against killing niggas by cops
>kill cops


straighten up and make a fake twitter
post the login info here so that we can post bullshit
this shit'll then explode

They have no idea what they're doing they just want to be mad about something.

sry i would only cut them #BlackLivesDon'tMatter

airmax is this you?

rate my fake accout

You can also make up a story with a 12 year orld boy that was beaten by a cop and thats why you've started

Yo, me again, there's a good website with blood drops, and I think there might be cuts, not sure, but here it is.
tinyurl dot com forwardslash sanicspeedanons
Sanicspeed, anons.

It would be fucking legendary if some richanon would promote a tweet with the hashtag.

Maybe we should w8 till summer is over.

Too long. This pile of shit is still steamy. We need to get in now.

Reporting in for a wild ride boys


I told reddit you bastards

got a twitter if anyone wants it :

Fake twitter-> tweet bullshit-> make # explode-> sit back,enjoy all the dumbasses actually cutting themselves
Go.now.do it


Why'd you follow Sup Forums dude it just makes it obvious

They're too pussy to do anything about it.

I would like to say I was here when this started


is #CutForBLM better?


#CutForBlackLives has already started, my dude. Best not to change it now.

just tag blm in it anyway

Summerfags abroad

so I should follow Sup Forums?

someone use this

Haven't you seen the news? Niggers don't need help making whites bleed.