i stayed up all night crying again.
I stayed up all night crying again
Holy fucking shit - just kill yourself already...
Nobody cares
its this guy again
Cuz he's a winy faggot that deserves to die
Why the fuck are you posting about crying. I mean who cares so what you cried.
What is wrong, user?
Damn, Rob Dyke. Have a drink.
because i'm 100% worthless and everyone hates me. i'm 0/10 and i'll never even hug a girl
if you make you're life about girls, then you deserve to be sad. Get a life and girls come with it.
also i would fuck you
lik dis if u cry evrtime
Not the best site to post stuff like this
Sigh......................cC( Don't you ever get tired of this?
I sure do.
Whoever you are behind the screen, get skinny and hit the gym. Don't fucking waste your time like this.
>daddy touched me and now im gay
are you out yet you disgusting faggot?
Are you employed currently?
gym and skinny don't make you any better. it's all about how you are and how much you earn tbh.
Post face
good for you. i can't even cry anymore.
Nah, don't worry user, I've seen worst pieces of shit getting a gf. You're not worthless dude, everyone can do something if they fight for it, I was a shithead and now I'm in med school. Go look for help from a specialist and not from this shithole. I hope this shit is not a bait.
>Mfw I'm being a nice guy on Sup Forums
Fuck that. The guy is a waste. He is worthless and there is no way out for him. Well, there is one way out. . . Do the right thing, faganon, and end it. Do it neat, though. No one wants to have to clean up your mess.
we told you to get a gold fish
no one wants you here just off yourself.
post steam if you do play something on steam il play with you
But this fish you, will understand why
M8, i bet you FAP alot. Stop doping it. Dont care about girls, and they will Start to get attracted by you.
I know that Sup Forums hates reddit, but /seduction/ is a really nice subreddit
miniscozzie is that you
ITT we brag about our sex lives/partners until OP kills himself
i'll start
>have a 44yo mommygf and still a teenager
i seriously thought you killed yourself already. havent seen you in a while
Don't feel bad I also do that every night and day