Sweden thread
Sweden thread
Ingmar Bergman
Astrid Lindgren
That was a while ago.
Also you can't /thread your own post
lägg upp bilder på svenska blåsjobb
The thing about Sweden is that sure girls are pretty but i was never willing to learn that dolphin language anyway and their English accents are odd.
Lucky im from the UK - home of ugly women so anywhere else white is an upgrade.
keep up the good work my friend
Rabid liberalism isn't a problem at all.
Holy fuck I'd take the gun nuts and jesus freaks banging on my door at 7 in the morn over this shit.
Hi Sup Forums! how's your made up propaganda and reality bending confirmation bias doing today?
this one scared me
Its going pretty good. How is the feminist foreign policy going?
God i hate this shithole of a country
Satanic trips of truth
got to say, Sweden has a very big problem with that whole censorship thing.
blacks immigrating to the country? fine,
socialized country? fine.
tax out the ass? fine.
but that censorship? yeah, no good, no good at all.
Any swedes in here, is it really that bad? pls no
Merhaba Alssuid!
>how Sup Forums see's the world,
OP died
I'm brown skinned, would i get special treatment in Sweeden simply due to my tan? If yes, what kind of special treatment would i get?
I am drunk as fuck, because I have paid vacation like every swede has by law, and I laughed my ass off at this, because it's so widely known and still so far away from reality. Also becasue it's just as true as every american being a tuk er' jerb redneck and that's the way I view all americans on Sup Forums. I respect americans who can show their face and usually I am impressed by many american people. but online it seems like every american is a 600lbs valor stealing loser who rides on the wave of the accomplishments of 500/300000000. No offense, but it's pretty funny.
future swedish soldier, protecting the borders from muslim scum
seeing as how i'm not swedish, i wouldn't know,
but if you want to make a case for greater A better world, instead of YOUR better world
perhaps you might want to start with no made up bullshit?
OK buddy, whatever you say.
i saw you western loli poster
You will be assigned a Host Family.
>what kind of special treatment would i get?
Your Host Family's wife and/or daughter. A house. A free drivers license. Money to send back home. Get-out-of-jail-free-card for all rapes. 1 gun and 1 car.
Welcome! :)
Shit, don't tell anyone.
>I am drunk as fuck, because I have paid vacation like every swede has by law
The coffers your social services draws from will be dried up in 3 years, ala your influx of 700,000 additional refugees this year.
So either your country collapses, since you're all indoctrinated and 100% reliant on your socialistic government, or you guys sacrifice even more of your salaries to pay for refugees.
Finns ingen som helst stake i sverige. Mesigare och mer dysfunktionellt samhälle kan man leta efter. Emotionellt fungerar det inte, folk hatar varandra, vissa får inte längre ha några åsikter medan andra får ta hur mycket plats som helst (feminism, rasism osv.). Det vi kommer att bli är en grå massa, inga roller kommer längre att finnas och inget kommer att vara tillåtet när det är klart.
När vi väl nått det stadiet kommer folk fortfarande att sitta och klaga för att det blir för tråkigt. Det allra tråkigaste är att ingen egentligen gör något när de klagar, sitter på facebook eller skriver någon jävla blogg, det är så mesigt så att man spyr, politikerna skiter i folket, de vet redan att vi är pussies precis som dom. Jag skriver själv på Sup Forums, vet att det här landet redan är åt helvete och kommer att fortsätta att leva i min bubbla utanför allt äckligt drama så gott det går men man blir verkligen bombarderad med skiten.
Jag sa, ge mig bilder på svenska blåsjobb
sveruge e bra ibland men ibland kan det vara dåligt men oftast jättebra jag har inget emot sverige skulle dock kunna vara utan pk men d lugnt ändå
kinda sucks not being taken seriously doesn't it?
or respected?
or laughed at?
or the entire world shunning away from your beliefs and method of life.
1945 hurt like a bitch didn't it?
hela tråden full av bögar
Still looks like Sweden to me. Sweden with nignogs.
I don't give a fuck anymore. I've been telling people its been going to shit for years and they've all just responded with the "racist" buzzword shit. Joke's on them, I'm moving away from here next year and never looking back. Hopefully the whole country goes down and takes those insane fucking liberal dicksucks with them.
Black chick should have a penis. That would accurately represent Sweden.
Yeah I don't actually visit pol. They would probably hate me, I voted for Sanders.
But sure keep talkin I guess.
>My nose is itchy.. Wanna see?
sweet, I'm from the UK though so would i still be eligible? Also what's a host family?
>1945 hurt like a bitch didn't it?
You chose the wrong side on that one..
what if ur the one with the confirmation bias
what's happening in that webm?
Where you heading?
No sry. UK means you're somewhat integrated. You can only come if you're from a "Development Country". Preferably Syria or Somalia.
A host family is a family that will take you in and give you food and shelter and let's you fuck their women at night while they pretend to sleep. They will also turn a blind eye if you steal their phones or rape their neighbours women. Because accusing a black man of a crime he committed... is Racist. You dindu nuffin, u wuz a saint n shieet.
That's always been my question: What did they think was going to happen? (And that's not a rhetorical question. Really, what the fuck did the people envision for Sweden's future?)
I believe it is a pro sweden parade where someone grabs their flag and shouts some shit.
He then gets beat up by the parade goers and the police then grab them.
confirmation bias the video.
confirmation bias the recommended videos,
have you ever thought that you idiots hear only what you want to hear?
>what the fuck did the people envision for Sweden's future?
>the people
>What is ideological subversion
Wake up and smell the roses, bög.
You're being deconstructed to pave the way for authoritarianism. And you're submitting to every single part of the plan.
Nationalistic parade, guy steals their flag and says some shit, some of the organizers jump over and beat the shit out of him before police gets involved.
Trips of delusion.
He might slow them down. It's hard to rape little boys and blow yourself up at the same time.
holy shit this video,
god you Sup Forums tards see problems every but in yourselves don't you?
it's not the blacks fault that they breed more then whites, or that the whites breed hardly at all,
if white people have a problem with that, then HAVE BABIES DUDE
the muslims, the niggers, the what the fuck ever problems you imagine in your head, they aren't killing you, there just having more children then you, and guess what? tomorrow will be a brown world,
not because of violence, not because of genocide, but because while people didn't want to breed,
and that is that, you see all the problems in the world except the problem in yourself, white people don't want children,
good luck Sup Forums keep seeing problems everywhere but within.
but that video is some weird propaganda tho.
>You're being deconstructed to pave the way for authoritarianism. And you're submitting to every single part of the plan.
dude, i have no idea what you are talking about,
and guess what, i don't think you have any idea of what you are talking about.
Correct me if I'm wrong but is it safe to assume that you are attempting to confirm what a godforsaken shithole dump your country is but are rather hampered by your godforsaken shithole dump of a language?
>Swedish language=Throat infection
>dude, i have no idea what you are talking about,
I k ow. My efforts are useless.. But trust me I do know what I'm talking about. It's the engineered cultural downfall of western civilisation. You can't see it for various reasons, one of them being that you might be born into this culture less society and see no purpose with having an identity.
But this is very important. Read some booms about it and them come back to me.
Tragedy and Hope by Carroll Quigley is a good one. Start with that.
Books* (autocorrect)
And you're literally a fucking idiot. You don't shit in the meatloaf man. The issue isn't how quickly you reproduce. The point is you don't invite millions of subhumans into your country knowing their express purpose is to exterminate you.
you nominated him, not vote
also check 'em
>It's the engineered cultural downfall of western civilisation
dude what?
>You can't see it for various reasons
because it doesn't exist and black people are just having more children the white people?
>one of them being that you might be born into this culture less society and see no purpose with having an identity.
my identity is american dude.
>stephen coughlin
have you ever once tried to get information from a source that won't tell you what you want to hear?
for gods sake can Sup Forums for once be balanced and insightful and understand that Muslims are people to?
you can't just read books that tell you what you want to hear, you can't just eat propaganda,
people have the right to immigrate where ever they want, and if they have a problem acclimating to the culture then back they go.
but dude, the black people aren't your enemies, you white people just don't want to have babies, and that is it.
end of story, the only culture you are at war with is the "hookup culture" the "not have babies culture"
tomorrow will be a brown world, come to terms with that.
checked and erect
the more civilized a group, the less children they produce because it is no longer about pumping out kids so that 2 in 8 live. Also poor people in civilized countries continue to for welfare.
>knowing their express purpose is to exterminate you.
wew lad, why don't you sit down before you cut yourself with that reality you have created in your head.
but its only retarded poor people who have lots of kids.
hey it might not be orchestrated but hes right you know. dont agree with the sub part but that culture will swallow the native
Aw, poor you. You have to deal with brown skinned people playing soccer near by. That must feel so awful to your pansy ass sheltered sensibilities.
the more education you got, the less likely you are to have children,
do you see a correlation?
Sweden is great. It's the perfect example to point to when saying that liberalism is anti-white, anti-west, destructive, and suicidal.
>dude what?
Dude... Like man. Are you 12? Ask your teacher, if she can't answer that one for you, ask your professor in social sciences.
>because it doesn't exist and black people are just having more children the white people?
Sure they are. This is not about black people. It's about M U S L I M S. Why do you need to make this a Racist issue? Are you a Racist?
>my identity is american dude.
What does that mean, to you? I'm genuinely curious.
>have you ever once tried to get information from a source that won't tell you what you want to hear?
Yes. Numerous times if not all the time. Have You?
>for gods sake can Sup Forums for once be balanced and insightful and understand that Muslims are people to?
They do. Go to Sup Forums. Nobody has problems with muslims the people. We have a problem with this: youtu.be
>you can't just read books that tell you what you want to hear, you can't just eat propaganda,
I've read more than you will ever read. I even used to be a fucking "muh feelings" lefty. Everyone grows up and eventually start using their brain rather than their emotions. You should too.
>people have the right to immigrate where ever they want, and if they have a problem acclimating to the culture then back they go.
No they most certainly don't. Dunno how well versed you are with International law and national sovereignty but I'm not gonna spoon feed you info on this one. Lmao.
>but dude, the black people aren't your enemies, you white people just don't want to have babies, and that is it.
Never said they were my enemies. But they can stay at home. In America and Africa. Europe owes them nothing.
>end of story, the only culture you are at war with is the "hookup culture" the "not have babies culture"
Good job, mehmet. Then leave us to it.
>tomorrow will be a brown world, come to terms with that.
Tell that to Israel and Saudi Arabia and China and Russia. Why don't you move over there to spread this message of peace?
>but that culture will swallow the native
i cannot even,
they will acclimate to us, not the other way around.
the entire world goes farther and farther into democracy, to transparency, to human rights, the social justice idiots just get louder and more angry and you people think that muslims will take over?
it's like when you focus on one enemy, you ignore the other enemy.
what the actual fuck, man
That article was all over the news here, dont worry.
The irony is that the girl who was killed wasnt swedish origin either.
I want to kill some children now
>this is OK
>as long as you're not a European or American nation.
When is enough? Have They gone too far? Are we Nazis for being against this? Is speaking up against this considered antisemitic?
Yes. Yes it is.
it became blocked in sweden after threats towards daily mail
they haven't and they won't because its against their being. Religion is a powerful thing. All those qualities are earthly and they have something better waiting for them in the next life. Also we are so tolerant that we give them separate rules. We sacrifice a lot more of our values than they do.
Who is your enemy?
>swedish origin
as if it matters, people don't give a fuck if you're a native Swede or not. They do however want you to assimilate in to the culture and respect the native populace. Right now its the opposite, they're not encouraged to assimilate and they disrespect the native Swedes.