I can't keep up with this shit lately, who is alton sterling what did he do, did he actually resist arrest or is he truly honestly a dindu nuffin and the Dallas shootings are justified?
I can't keep up with this shit lately, who is alton sterling what did he do...
Justified? Do two wrongs make a right?!
From what I've seen it's not perfectly clear but it does seem as if he was reaching for something.
with that comment
God bless America on it's journey to hell in a hand basket.
He's a nigger
That being said, if he was innocent, it would only be a matter of time
Niggers aren't even worth the cannon fodder for the upcomming chink invasion
Dubs confirm
He deserved to be killed anyway, not because he's black but because he's a registered sex offender and child molester, can't say I'm sorry he's dead. This killing was definitely justified though, police were in a situation in which they feared for their lives, it looked as if he was reaching for gun, police did what was necessary to ensure their own safety.
>he resisted, but...
>he was taken to the ground with two cops on top of him, totally pinned down
>cop says he saw a gun
>suspect puts both hands flat and out in a "don't shoot me, i won't move" kind of gesture
>cop shoots him twice
>dying muscle reflexes make mans arms tighten up, giving appearance of his arm coming inward, albeit rather slowly
>cop unloads 4 more bullets
niggers are niggers and bla bla bla. but this looks like a case of cops murdering him
new evidence could be found and change my mind, but with what's out there now, he looks to be a worthless piece of trash who probably deserved a stint in prison rather than getting murdered
Alton Sterling, father of the year.
He wasn't totally pinned down though, watch the video and it's clear he can move his right arm.
even if that were true (which i'm not totally convinced of) he had two cops on him. they could have quite easily subdued him. they were large men, not tiny little officers
The situation was handled horribly by the officers but they knew he had a weapon and it does seem as if he was reaching for it. They should have tried to subdue both arms but they didn't. It's a shitty situation but given the circumstances I can see why the officers made the call. I've seen more coverage on this one then Philando which is bullshit because the Philando one seems pretty clearly an example of police brutality whereas this one not so much.
my nigga :)
murrika at it again :D ayy best country in the world
>be american
>Wear Diapers errryday
>So dont shat muhself when shot
>get shot in diaper
>kek :^)
it's a win win situation what's been going on
>unqualified piece of shit police is killing worthless gangsta niggers
>worthless gangsta niggers are killing unqualified piece of shit police
Fun to watch this from a distance. Where I live, casual mall-cops / security guards have longer education and training than cops in some states of america
Both of the shootings by the police were justified. In both cases they were armed and did not follow instructions or fought police.Why are there not as many whites getting shot, when the police tell you to do something we do it. At the start of an incounter with police they have the right to ask you to do just about anything. If you have a problem with what they ask, take em to court to get whatever figured out.
>dallas shootings justified
No. We dont have enough info about either case to claim that violence against other people is justified.
Two negatives = positive. Yeah.
Yes you dumb faggot they do. Just like two odds make an even. Learn the rules of the universe
didn't the second guy tell cops he had a gun? and was reaching for his ID?
>when the police tell you to do something you do it
my constitutional rights tell me otherwise nigger
Look at the sovereign citizen folks
>both cases they were armed and did not follow instructions or fought police
This case was understandable. the other wasn't
>constitutional rights
Oh, yeah, the Sovereign Citizen Constitution, that's the one.
so, now you're a laughing stock for standing up for your rights?
glad I ain't American.
And what in the Constitution protects you
What rights is user saying he has in this situation?
the right to carry a gun, sit in a car and provide his identification (as instructed by the officer) without getting shot to dead.
those kinda rights.
This . So much this.
>carry a gun
Absolutely. But when in a situation with the police, a law abiding citizen should tell the officer where the gun is so he can retrieve it and move it to safe location for the duration of the stop. Not saying it is a good thing, but there is not right in the Constitution that says it cant happen.
>sit in a car
Not a right protected by the Constitution.
>provide identification
Not protected by the Constitution
>not getting shot dead
Life is not protected by the Constitution
didnt he tell the cop that he had to move his gun to get to his licence? so not to shoot him when he see's it?
oooh you must be an edge lord
You let the cop move the gun. You never reach for a weapon around a police officer, never. Not saying he deserved it, but come on.
>life is not protected by the constitution.
>welcome to America
>land of the dead
Is life a protected right in your country?
Yea, but it's the same for the 5 cops killed lol
Sieg Heil!
I think he had a small revolver in his pocket. In the video an officer pulls something put of his right trouser leg pocket
Known felon. Has gun, points it at someone. Shouldn't have gun cus felon. Fights with police. Reaches for weapon while on ground. /game.
Really? How dense are you that you think you can make a quick motion towards a weapon near a cop and not expect to see consequences?
All cops are nazis and should be shot on sight.
All niggers in the US should know by know that cops are really trigger happy. Yet still they dont keep it in mind when they get arrested.
Now who's fault is that?
It is, in fact. Cannot be stripped of life, liberty, or property without due process.
But if a cop thinks you're going to attack him, because you say you have a weapon and then ignore his instructions and appear to reach for it, he can shoot you in anticipatory self defense.
Do what cop says, don't get shot. Fucking easy.
There is a procedure for alerting an officer to the presence of a weapon in your possession. It involves first putting your hands where the officer can see them, alerting the officer to its presence, then following instructions in order to allow the officer to check the licensing of the weapon.
It does not involve telling the officer you're armed, followed by rootint around the glove compartment while the officer yells "don't reach for it"
I mean yeah cops need to tone it down, but they must also stay vigilant to threats? What human can do that day in and day out and never see a slip up? It is a tough situation, and honestly a product of the drug war.
That such a bullshit statement if you think someone would look to shoot 2 police officers, whiles being pinned and having other officers around him.
He wasn't a crazy crack head hobo, at most the officer(s) not on him could've shot his hand. But they were clearly panicked,
>both officers had 7 years between them in the force
supports claims of naivety.
I was talking about niggers toning it down n acting normal. (Or like they would call it: acting white)
Did you read the picture?
>>sit in a car
>Not a right protected by the Constitution.
>>provide identification
>Not protected by the Constitution
>>not getting shot dead
>Life is not protected by the Constitution
once again, I must say I'm so happy to not be American.
>shot his hand
Quick draw mcgraw over here
Officers are not allowed to shoot to injure. They can only shoot to kill
>Is life a protected right in your country?
not him, but yes, yes it is. Denmark.
>All jews in the third reich should know that the nazis hated them. Yet they didn't leave.
Now who's fault is that?
We're happy you're not too
No i did. But i feel there is some fault on police.
he didn't do shit, cops executed him cold.
doesn't justify what the snipers did, but it does explain why they did it.
And what country do you live in where all this is protected in writing in a living document?
But can you imagine if all of them were armed? They would have had a fighting chance at least.
Also, the holocaust is a propaganda tool, you nigger
Really? And yet people die? How is that possible?
He was already trying to resist arrest, if he saw that as a way to get them off him he wouldn't hesitate to shoot them. He wasn't exactly thinking logically at that point.
This is really the issue in the minnesota case. It's not police that need to be trained differently, its the public (by which i mean niggers, cause they're the only ones who seem to have this problem).
That being said, you can't train niggers. They either won't listen or won't understand. They're niggers
America is truly a great and just country.
i mean, they don't have families or children who'll miss them.
nah, let's just kta if they "think" they're doing something wrong.
he told he had a gun, on his person, and was then instructed to provide ID. He reached for his ID, and then the policeman yelled "don't reach" and shot him simultaneously. Dude didn't stand a chance.
They did. They were "reacquired" by Nazi conquests.
Fucking read a book.
There's something inherently wrong with that entire fucking country m8.
There's nothing you can do about it, because the politicians running the country only care about their own business.
Youll be experiencing it soon enough, oh about in 10-15 years.
oh, the burn.
we have almost zero deaths due to cops shooting people, that's the point here you muppet.
White people understand this. We give police this kind of authority so they can do their jobs without overly endangering their own lives. It's only niggers who can't seem to wrap their nappy, simple heads around the fact that they don't have the right to resist an officer attempting to arrest them
>here come the "enjoy sucking pig cock, white boi?" comments
Nonsense. We can do something about it, but nobody wants to do anything but bitch
It's almost like when humans get threatened they want to protect themselves.
I know if a robber were to break into my house and I suspected him of having a gun, I would shoot that motherfucker to the ground and keep unloading until he stops moving.
Also cops are trained to 'shoot until there is no longer a threat'. If someone is still moving after a gunshot, that's their cue to keep shooting.
> Sup Forums
Yes, but thats not what i asked was it slim cheese? I asked how life was a protected right in your constitution
what do you mean by this?
fickle mentality.
>It does not involve telling the officer you're armed, followed by rootint around the glove compartment while the officer yells "don't reach for it"
That might be so - but the fact remains that American police need a bit more trigger discipline in their police training. Not just for the blacks killed or shot, but whites, dogs, and everything else in between.
Cops show little hesitation or restraint in regards to their personal arsenal and often can't even respect the laws themselves (parking in red zones, running red lights, speeding, etc).
I can't say I agree with Black Lives Matter, but police should be model citizens in every other regard
>they don't have the right to resist an officer attempting to arrest them
EXCESSIVE FORCE. A law enforcement officer has the right to use such force as is reasonably necessary under the circumstances to make a lawful arrest. An unreasonable seizure occurs when a law enforcement officer uses excessive force in making a lawful arrest.
Legal Definition of 'Excessive Force' - Lectric Law Library
are you comparing a guy sitting in a car for a busted tail-light to a burglar in your house?
Are you senior denmark? If so i mean, once the migrants have settled and spread across europe you will begin to see more civilian deaths by cop, because it is funny how different cultures clash. This is what we see in America.
>hurr we dont have guns
It wont matter, youll see more beatings, deaths and violence. Prepare
this is a reason why most people hate americans.
They hate us cuz they ain't us
Use google you dumb piece of shit
Meanwhile, this little old man is laughing his ass off because his dream of a race war is about to come true.
yeah, every time something like this happens we're in awe of how civilized and just you are.
Thanks for the wars and terrorism tho!
ok but only 1-2 nigs were shot and like 11 cops...
You shouldn't be shot arbitrarily in the road for resisting arrest. You have a right to due process of law, trial, legal council, whether you're a hobo or a sex offender or a regular guy. Saying, "well they should have done what the cops said" is basically acknowledging that all of those rights don't apply in situations of the cop's choosing. And cops are people, too. They make mistakes. When those mistakes result in the unnecessary death of American citizens, repeatedly and on film, your country has a real problem.
Who is he?
Poster of black Monopoly post.
The cop told him not to reach in his pants because he had a gun. It would have been smart of him knowing the cop has seen the gun to put his hands on car door and ask cop to let him out. Police are control freeks they want to go home safe and sound too.
That's the only redeeming feature you have.
Sooo... this wasn't a terrorist attack?
Sterling rolled up to a liquor store, got in an altercation with a homeless person, pulled out an illegal concealed firearm, threatened to kill the person with it, got the police called on him, resisted the cops when they came to address it, and got himself shot in the process. He alone is to blame for his actions.
>>he didn't do shit
Known felon. Has gun, points it at someone. Shouldn't have gun cus felon. Fights with police. Reaches for weapon while on ground. /game.
>americans have the right to bear arms
>police have the right to kill if "they fear for their safety"
>gun owners are obligated to tell if armed
>police fear for their safety when knowing a person is armed
so, you have every right to own a gun and police are allowed to kill if you exercise that right.
America, love it or leave it.
Charles Manson
If you're dumb enough to reach for a gun when someone is pointing a gun at you already you deserve the Darwin award.
>slim cheese
>I asked how life was a protected right in your constitution
it's a pinned clause regarding citizens right to safety and life, can't remember it word-by-word. And no, it doesn't mean people are not allowed to die, you endless twit.
The thing I saw in second shoot that I thought was bad is you have 6 police with guns drawn, and a woman filming, but no one is putting pressure on the wound. If the guy was shot in the arm a pressure bandage should have kept him alive for hours if not days!
Bullet almost certainly went through his arm and into his chest, he was a dead man before she started filming.
>Nonsense. We can do something about it
what then
said nigger reached for his ID, as instructed by the officer, then the officer suddenly feared for his safety knowing the nigger was armed and killed him.
the only way to survive a confrontation with the police, if black, these days is to not comply. Sit still, hands on the wheel, ask to be cuffed and dragged from the car whilst not moving a muscle.
then, a nigger might get to live when dealing with those appointed to "protect and serve".