hello Sup Forums, im black, ask me anything
Hello Sup Forums, im black, ask me anything
How is it hanging ?
Why are you guyz always resisting?
What's your favorite cartoon? Comic? You ain't a real nigga unless you enjoy that shit
pretty good i guess, today i learned what androgynous meant
not all the time man.
western cartoon ed,edd,n eddy favorite cartoon in general dbz. i dont read much comics but i plan to start sometime soon
Can you prove your black, or are you just gonna shitpost?
What do you think of the Dallas situation and BLM as a whole?
lol where is everyone?
why do you always scare police officers so much?
im not to informed on the whole Dallas situation, but after seeing the video of the guy getting shot on the floor, hours later the man getting shot next to his girl with his 4 year old and the backseat and on top of that the man being hanged in the sate i live in has me pretty shaken up.
after speaking with an officer, i was told that its because that some officers don't have the kind of people skills or training to handle certain situations with people in more dangerous neighborhoods.
Do you smell? I couldnt breathe with 90% of nigs
Do you consider yourself a black man or a nigger? There's a huge difference.
where's my bike?
what's your opinion on black lives matter
never really got a complaint from anyone and i live in a mostly white area, but there was this one time when i was 13 and after P.E i forgot my deodorant at home and was freaking out because the next period i had a class with an old crush and i smelled like straight up B.O but when i sat down she said i smelled good and wanted to sit next to me that day, shit was cash.
i guess a black man, i was born in the bronx new york, then moved to Georiga when i was six and lived in some pretty bad area and used to get in fights alot and try to act like all the other kids to fit in and not seem like a weirdo to them, but by time i was 14 i stopped giving a shit, and dont act as niggerish as i used to unless i get into a fight or something
I like you. You seem pretty chill. 10/10 would hang out.
Are you the same nigger from the last thread who posted porn?
Or are you the one made us roll for dubs?
People skillz and training were why they got shot. Durr. Nope!!
Also white guy here who is not racist but my ex gf liked drugs and fucked 2 diff black guys to get them. Only people I know willing to trade drugs for sex and also completely disrespect me. She was a whore but yeah fucking niggers. Again no problem with black people, I even find black girls extremely attractive
who is asking?
i try not to associate myself with that kind of stuff.
:) coolio
nope, and nope, sorry man.
are u feel ashamed of your own race?
i bet 100% not. Niggers just love Niggers and niggin around.
i dont remember exactly what the man said it was a year ago in my senior social studies class and i was half asleep.
also that sucks man. there aren't many black girls i find attractive either, but there are some pretty cute ones around where i live
Are you a Viper main or are do you just save weeby shit?
the fuck is with all the recent black threads all ready?
why are you people coming here now
sometimes i cringe when i see some niggers doing some nigger shit but sometimes i find my self doing it. im sure thats how some white people feel when they see some rednecks doing some redneck shit in public or mexicans doing some mexican shit in public, at least thats what i think.
Nah i mained guile in usf4, I like viper as a character but sometimes if the real 3d girls don't work i can get down with the 2d booty. know what i mean user?
you go ahead with out me Ive got toaster strudel
in the toaster and i dont plan on going any where.
i didn't notice i was just bored.
>guile main
I can respect that
>2D booty
Do thick Asians on Thursday peak your interest?
Do you have a gun?
i didnt know what it was before but im glad i know now, thank you
i have a shitty little spring airsoft gun from wal-mart that never gets any use, i will get an actual one in the future but im only 19 and i do not trust my self in the near future with one anyway so maybe i will when im 25.
What do you play nowadays?
just got MGSV so far its fun, i started playing Street fighter 5 again since ibuki came out. slot of fucking overwatch. and some CS:GO
did you get a job recently, or have your fingertips always been whiter than the rest of you?
nah they have always been like that ever since i was a little nigglet my man
just look at his post, he's either black or fucking retarded.
What is the length and circumference if your nipples?
im australia. i went to america for a holiday by myself. i found that hispanic people were rude as fuck, blacks kept calling me "Cheif" or "Boss" and tried to sell me their demo cd's on the streets, and white people just smiled at me like "it'll be ok, just keep walking"
is that an accurate representation of real-life america? or did i just catch you guys at a weird time. (btw i caught a plane home the day after you guys killed bin laden)
Ahhh man, I remember the spontaneous chants of USA and the flash mobs when it was announced, good times
Sup faggot? As a black man, what's the most memorable dumb nigger moment you've ever seen/experienced in your life? How has irl racism affected you? What's your thoughts on Sup Forums? Are you against micegenation or do you stick to 2d?
At any rate, keep them grades up, strive to improve/better yourself, and stay away from white women. They the devil.
Is your father dead or in jail?
oh shit nigger what are you doing
Did OP run off to pick up that welfare check?
i dont have a ruler to measure them but now i wanna know
kind of depends, where were you in America?
most memeranle nigger moment is when i was 11 years old and i dont remember why but i really hated this other kid and wanted to fight him so when the teacher left the room to make copies for our homework we started talking shit about each other from across the room and he eventually said something about my mother and i lost it and ran up and drop kicked him and continued to punch him until other classmates had to pull me off. not my smartest moment because when i drop kicked him my psp disc of the simpsons game was in my pocket and when i kicked him the game disc broke.
Irl racism hasten really happened to me
nah he's at work right now and does pretty good for a guy in his mid 40's, he still schools all the high school varsity kids at the gym in basketball
and keeps me out of trouble. although he did get arested when i was 6 for punching a 15 year old in the face because the kid shot a bb gun at our car window and shattered the whole window.
making breakfast man, what u doing?
You dummy, you lost your vidya! At any rate, I'm glad to see you're doing alright. Mind answering the rest of my questions in
Whatchu cooking for brickfiss mah nigga?
Cop pulls you or tries over for running a stop sign, what do you do?
A. Continue driving off to evade them
B. Pull over to safest area, turn off car and get ready for cop orders
C. Pull over, get gun ready for cop
D. Pull over but act like the world is against the black man and cry about white man is bringing ever black man down and fuck the police
How do you feel about people using the term "nigga" in an endearing fashion? Do you use it in this way?
never been to Sup Forums and dont plan on going.
mixing races is okay with me, there are some hot mixed girls out there man. but occasionally i show love to my 2d ladies.
funny u say that about white woman since im currently seeing one but one of my biggest fears is fucking one and she suddenly hates me and accuses me of rape.
also, im done with school now but when i start college in a month and a half ill try to keep my grades up.
i did have a toaster strudel earlier but im still hungry so im about to fry up some bacon and make some hash browns.
B. because im afraid if i try any of the other choices im gonna fuck it up really badly
i dunno it does not bother me as much as it does others but when ur not black and u say it to me i will either think ur a faggot, laugh at you because of how dumb it sounds coming from you, or just keep going with the conversation. i do use the term alot but only with other black people, Hispanics, and maybe some white people that ive been friends with for like 5 years.
Hash browns? You racist
all right why do you guys like fat chicks? i find them disgusting why do you like em?
just a lil bit,
i dunno not all black dudes like their ladies fat but most like them curvy, for example the pornstar siri i see her as just curvy but anything fatter than her is a turn off for me. but there is nothing wrong with fit girls who are just pretty like kate upton or taylor swift i'd face fuck them bitches then butt fuck'em if i could
You have Pokemon GO?
i downloaded it last night but didn't start until this morning when i walked my dog
My nigger
Ayy lmao
makes sense always was curios about that thanks for answering
no problem man
why do black people smell? is bathing not a popular concept in your community?
as far as i'm concerned, this is a street fighter thread
i don't know man sometimes white people smell like bologna and sour milk had hot steamy sex and the stench got stuck to them. if ive ever been told i smelled bad its usually right after i was playing working out skateboarding or doing some kind of work out, and sometimes i just have those couple of days where i don't leave my room and do nothing but play vidya and then finally leave my room and smell my self and realize i haven't showered in days and then i go do so.
anyway its was cool talking to you guys now ive got to go so for being so nice take these. im not sure if any of u use steam or not but here
Do you like chicken?
who doesn't