post your age, sex and number of sex partners
bonus points: how many of them were hookers
>pic unrelated
0 hookers
post your age, sex and number of sex partners
bonus points: how many of them were hookers
>pic unrelated
0 hookers
Other urls found in this thread:
24m4 1 whore
Nice dubs, fag
27M13 0hookers
no hookers
you are the hooker
21m4 0hookas
also have gf for 1 year now
0 hookers
22 male and around 20 bitches, no hoes..
Y'all have some weakass game
hookers get paid, I dont
I did once sleep with a guy to get him to take me to glastonbury tho, he gets VIP passes
that makes you kind of a hooker. but hey that's cool by me.
I wouldnt have done it for a regular ticket but VIP pass means backstage camping, a private bar, proper toilets and showers etc. def worth it. and it turned out we had a really good time anyway so
24 m 23 (fooled around with a bunch more and had dick in even if not full sex, foreplay etc.)
18m 8 no hookers
How the fuck do you negotiate that?
>take me to Glastonbury and I'll fuck you
or what?
0 hookers
26, 29, 0
you seem nice. post nudes.
38 male >60 maybe 20 hookers
1 hooker (Thai trap)
god no I wouldnt actually say it out like that itd be super weird and awkward
>know guy who gets passes every year bcus his family live next to the site
>2 weeks before see him at a party, get talking
>says he's going with friends this year
>see opportunity
>go home with him after party & make sure he enjoys it
>in the morning he asks if I'll go with him
>wow really? I'd love to lol
0 hookers
0 hookers
that is hooker behaviour.
23, M, 31, 0 hookers
I'm so glad I'm in a long-term relationship now, I never liked hooking up, emotional connection is much better than sex
16m1 (family friend 15f staying over a week)
I dont care. we had a really good weekend, nobody got hurt and my friends were jealous as anything
0 Hookers
post pics
0 Hookers
Married now so my number is done??
>Married now so my number is done??
been there. don't be too sure about that, things can change quickly.
dont have her last name(they only come over 1 week a year on christmas holiday) she'll be a sophomore next year. super petite yet has a great ass. kind of shy around the adults but super confident 1 on 1 which is a major turn on. known her since she was born so kind of was a little wincest cuz she was like a sister to me but totally worth it and she had a great time too.
32m about 8-10, about three digit number of hookers.
Bill Clinton rules only 1 girl
Underage b&
How many diseases you got?
no hookers
0 hookers
M 21 0
Not even a kiss
12m 1 billion 0 hookers
8m 1sister 0hoes
22 male 17 0
28 male 2 Sex Partners 0 Hookers
4 hookers
1 sister?! NICE!
>Do tell
32m3 0
28m30 0
33M24. 0 pros.
38m, >35, 0 hookers
17m1 (15f neighbor share all fetishes)
Hey guys, we've got a faggot here!
26M2, 0 prozzies
23m3 0
when he says sex with emotional connection is better then sex w/ out, he's right. I cant imagine anyone thinking the opposite
but just hooking up can be lots of fun too
28 M 34+
No prostitutes but most of it was accomplished with alcohol
28 M, 150 or something, 4 hookers
19 F 16 0 hookers
All of them. Strippers to be more precise
21 M 8 6 hookers
you know the rules
Sad bruh
age 44
325 +/- 5 women
5-7 hookers
Says who ? Think everyone dream of a faggot wedding the gorrillions of children ?
28, male, ~12
no hookers. engaged to be married now.
89 partners
3 hookers
23m 12
5 hookers
20m 18 no hooks
Did u just exclude the option of a fuckbuddy or lets say.. a girlfriend?
Dont get married before your 30
It's sad because you can't sleep with a woman without paying her up front.
26 male
4 woman
10 men
2 prostetute did not pay couse they were freands of mine
sex is sex
money is money
all good men are desperate, if you are willing there is money for you ...
That sounds like a win for everybody involved. It's not like he even has to pay for your shit anyway.
... did you have sex with him during or after the feistival?
less stress you pay for lots of services why not sex? easy dont need the mess of a relationship and the unsertenty of onenight stands
prey do tell.. I am willing to believe..
27 male 0
Oh I understand the benefits of just paying for it. I'm But the fact that you've never managed to get it without paying for it is sad. Not even once?
31 m 5
1 hooker: my wife bought the hook for me for my 31st bday.
also, I once had my dick sucked by three chicks in a hot tub.
15w +/-
+++150H for sure
Im not willing tho, I wouldnt sleep with someone I dont want to sleep with. like if he was a horrible person or really ugly or w/e I wouldnt have even considered it but he's not, he's nice
obviously yes while we were there, we went together and shared a tent but afterwards we just went our separate ways. we're still friends tho
0 hookers
Had sex with her when we were younger, we're each other's firsts. Feelsgoodman. Married her.
19 m 1
Females are kind of super annoying to deal with everyday tbh fam
36 m 14 8
0 hookers
played with pussies and got head but not sure if we're counting head so I rounded down
23, m, 11, 0
just turned 18
18m 2
0 hookers