What the fuck is this shit bros?
Haven't had sex yet I just masturbate and shit
>I'm 19 calm down
What the fuck is this shit bros?
Dick cheese
Was under your foreskin
Yes it was
Pls help
Fuck im gonna vomit. Clean your dick man
You should ready up about the folliwing concepts:
- Showers
- Personal Hygiene
- Gender change surgery
- Foreskin removal
if you dont know what it is you are not 19 years old
underage ban also kill yourself
It'd probably be a good idea to start washing yourself.
Its called smegma. Clean your dick.
What happened to that door?
Did your foreskin only just come off or something?
If not you should bathe more.
And the concept of suicide*
Wash under your foreskin
Ask a male prostitute to suck you clean, you disgusting faggot
>uncut masterrace they said
Are you fucking retarded? Just shower.
he is not cut obviously
You fucking disgusting creature
Fully agree with that!
No foreskins are fused to the glans at birth, they usually come off in pre puberty or very early in puberty but it it's impossible for it to stay fused into adulthood.
It's a weird kind of fusion, it's attached but there's still extra skin that hangs off to varying degrees depending on the person, it's just when you get erections as a kid the skin never slide past your glans.
*It's not impossible
Kind of completely changed the meaning of that sentence with that mistake
shut the fuck up dry penis. i rather have a tasty smegma weiner than a dry one
>i rather have a tasty smegma weiner than a dry one
said no one with sense, ever.
ahhh it's al crusty and shit, imagine the smell
>be 14
>sister has a computer
>ask jeeves for some porn
>find 30second 2MB porn samples
>wait 20 minutes for file to download
>fap fap fap with 30second file on loop
>that glorious 144p 20fps 30second porn sample
>realize my cock looks different than the guys in the porn
>search for dick pics
>internet tells me that i am uncircumcised.
>read about how to clean uncut dick
>try to pull foreskin back
>the pain
>go take a nice hot shower
>slowly pull it back
>do this for the next week
>finally am able to pull it all the way back
>the smell
>the dick cheese
so im not the only 32 year old who still hasn't figured out how to leave this den of faggotry? nice.
Sup Forums has been shit for years.
i normally get on.
hide all porn threads, roll threads, rate threads.
which means about half of the threads on Sup Forums.
then scroll through for about 20 minutes
normally find one thread and then leave when the thread dies.
Is that too hard to wash your parts properly ? Damn I'm proud of being circumcised because of a infection while young, I almost don't have to deal with that.
That would appear to be corn meal
wtf that sperm is years and years old?
pulling back the foreskin does not hurt. your just a faggot.
It does when your young just feels really uncomfortable. Didn't pull mine back until I was 15
Haha your cupboards broke
Your parents did a shit job of teaching you about personal hygiene. It isn't your fault though, your parents fault for not letting you know that it should be cleaned.
meh soap is a rather new invention for us I doubt our penis is really ment to be fucked with until we're older. Why would I pull the skin back to clean it when no dirt gets in there anyway? You only start getting dick cheese when you pull your foreskin back all the time
It's called smegma, wash your fucking dick you dirty fucking neckbeard.
Cut dicks 1 - Uncuts 0
Look at his ramshackle living conditions, he probably doesn't even have running water.
I am so glad my parents got this done for me, it's one of the best things they've done for me.
I'm European (so uncut) and never had smegma in my entire life, we don't need to be cut to have some basic hygiene you fucking ameritard/kike
Anyone got that web of the Asian girl trying to suck off a dude with smegma all over his dick?
Stay in denial cutfag bitches love the smell of a natural cock.
i did when i was 12 and it didn't hurt at all, your just faggots
this guy is correct, your parents failed you. Retracting your foreskin is something you do as a kid both to clean and to explore then by the time your ready to use your dick in earnest it's go time and your foreskin is nothing but pleasure.
srry was busy enjoying being a kid while you sitting in your basment with your cousin playing with each others cocks. How often did you use your dick before you were 15 faggot? You can't even produce semen until you're 12-13
28 fag here, you are not alone
Nope, i 23 and my foreskin is still bound to my glans and i sometimes wonder what my dick head looks like :l
Do you regularly fail reading comprehension
>You retract your foreskin to clean and explore as a kid
>Then when you're ready to use it, it's primed and gtg
Which one of us had an uncomfortable smelly foreskin?
this is simple year 5 health
This scares me
Your point is invalid your dick only smells when piss and cum get into your foreskin, if it hasn't retracted yet there's nothing there to cause it to smell.
Help me Sup Forums I'm scared to pull my foreskin back, there's been times where it went back but I was scared and pulled it back up.
It feels weird to pull my foreskin, what do?
Get a doctor to look at it you retard.
pull it back, or become a jew
Did you tell anyone?
just keep doing it, it'll stretch and feel normal over time
rubbing crushed up dorritos on your dick top kek
>Your point is invalid your dick only smells when piss and cum get into your foreskin,
Holy shit, you own a dick and yet know this little about it?
Smegma is the natural oils produced by your dick to protect your glans past it's used by date, once your foreskin/glans fusing has released at about the age of 3-5 you start developing smegma without cleaning. It's not harmful in any way just smelly.
Nope, it works so if it ain't broke don't fix it
im uncut and never got it, is that a bad thing?
what is phimosis?
This is what happens when your parents don't circumcise you. That's fucking disgusting dude. I don't know how any of you faggots can think that's normal or that a woman would want to go anywhere near it.
or ya know
clean your fucking cock???
go back to Sup Forums
You did, it just wasn't visible. Thick white buildup of smegma is generally an indication you have something wrong. I've been on long camping trips and never developed any visible smegma.
So to answer your question, no, that's normal.
a congenital narrowing of the opening of the foreskin so that it cannot be retracted.
basically your dick has down syndrome
Snatches are full of the same shit, so enjoy the thought that you have or at some point will eat the equivalent of dick cheese.
>b..b..but user it's perfectly healthy and natural
....right when I was eating too. Clean your dick, man!
i am 19 as well but i i thought that your foreskin doesn't go back that is just what circumcised penises do,
So i have pinehole phimos and now i am scared
You're probably right but my dick ended up being 8 inches so I'm glad I wasn't messing with my dick my whole childhood like you were apparetnly
You realize you're probably filthier than OP underneath your foreskin right? Such filth is not healthy - there is a reason we shower.
Just some ol' dick cheese.This might shock you,but try washing it..
>30 seconds
inb4 nasa finds new forms of life under this dickheads dickhead cover
Yeah I'm sure glad I learned to clean my dick before 15, if that counts as spending my childhood messing with my dick then count me in any time.
>Haven't had sex yet I just masturbate and shit
>Haven't had sex or showered yet I just masturbate and shit
Fixed that for you
30s clip, 20mins d/l
>reading comprehension on Sup Forums has gone to shit.
from what hole do you piss? is it the same you come from?
OP, another uncut lad here. Literally wash your dick. Don't stop until all the dick cheese is gone. You're also fucking nasty. How you managed to have this abomination on your dick in the first place is beyond me. Wash or kill yourself, because if you don't do one or the other you're going to get an STD.
id stick my tongue in that hole if you put yours down mine
that was what i was thinking.
>from what hole do you piss from?
Trips has set the prophecy in stone. OP, PREPARE THY COCK
>inb4 OP's dick is Area 51
ITT: Americans demonstrate that their parents didnt teach them basic hygiene.
here's a tip: if you are uncircumcised and getting as much as OP's pic, it means you have a yeast infection.
Dubs and OP eats his dick cheese on livestream
I've never seen something so gross
STD implies he gets some
wash your dick you nasty fuck
>having such bad hygiene
How is this even possible?