How would she know if he was?
How would she know if he was?
he thuggin
I get it, because most black kids don't have dads because they ran away!
This is hilarious lol!
whether or not she truly understands, this is a little girl expressing her distress. I can relate. I'm a girl btw.
top kek
its sad actually
Took me a while
It's funny to watch murricans build the biggest goddamn military in the world, only to be their own worst enemy and self destruct from within like every empire that came before it lol
She would have to ask God.
If we're lucky niglet
You should leave now.
>my daddy
>daddy is conspicuously absent
404 daddy no found
her daddy a cop?
She knows her daddy is out there somewhere
Eurocuck detected.
How are the mass rapes that are confirmed covered up by your police?
hearty kek
So does the half-white half-thai son of a prostitute born out of a marines' lack of condoms and a asian whores' need for food money.
only when an autopsy report is released, will the dna match be found and confirmation be achieved.
her daddy was kill
From its invasion til today, USAland has been a magnet for the most ignorant and agressive people in the world. Hell, ignorance and agression are in essence the proud slogan of more than half the country, and the rest want the same thing, only pretending their justifications are more intelligent.
USA is a nation of thugs and monied Jews. Pay attention to what the Jews are up to and pretend the rest is not happening, or just part of gods great plan.
Your head is pointy
Of course her daddy is next, he's a fucking nigger.
surely you can't be serious.
i know i am going to sound autistic if i say this, but fuck it.
she is no older then four years old, she doesn't know how to read or write, she doesn't even understand the word distress.
enjoy your euro-poor nation
>user has only heard of 2 places in the world
>if not waving flag and proclaiming freedumbz, must be duh udder wun.
be ignorant, but just lash out in any direction hoping to hit something
he ded
Shhh You'll spill the secret
Hopefully they all fucking die then we wont have to put up with niggers demanding our respeck all the fucking time
Your priorities are showing.
And reinforcing his point.
Stop talking, doofus.
Eat Me
Then you're retarded faggot
Tits and timestamp or gtfo
Well we don't teach history, so what'd anyone expect? What passes for a history education in this country is essentially filtered 1920's style military propaganda. And, with no one learning from the mistakes of human nature that came before, there's nothing in the way of repeating them.
Holy fucking shit summer, gtfo
Ah who says education isn't fun!!!