>be me
>first time playing pokemon go
>walk to park to find bug types
>run into a girl playing also
>cute af
>we start talking about pokemon
>says she has original n64 console at her house
>i go to her house
>we play pokemon stadium 2
>start kissing
>more kissing
>lots of kissing
>take off her hoodie
>little bit chubby but not really fat
>take off her sweatpants
>instantly notice bulge in her underwear
>i hate big flaps but still go for it
>kiss and touch some more
>she starts giving me head
>we both get naked
>she has a fucking cock.....
>seriously has a fucking cock bigger than mine
>so fucking angry i push him off me
>he says "i thought you knew"
>he starts crying and begs me to stay
>he grabs onto me
>i instantly elbow him with my back turned
>i say sorry and feel really bad because it was like a reflex thing, i didn't want to hit him
>he's crying and bleeding from the mouth
>says he really didn't mean to trick me
>i feel like i can't leave
>i say we can be friends but i only like girls
>he starts smashing his head against his computer table
>now he's got a black eye
>he gets his phone out and starts recording his injuries
>says i did it
>i'm confused af
>i run away back to my house
>deleted pokemon go app
>what the fuck is life
Be me
but did you catch them all?
You get any bug types?
no bug types, don't have the app anymore. worst fucking experience of my life.
To be honest it wasnt the apps fault u just let the facial hair pass cause u were desperate
How do you not see the difference
i refuse to believe there is anyone who can't tell when someone is a crossdressing or a tranny. None are passable who didnt undergo hrt early in life.
why do you lie?
You could've has all this
why the fuck would i lie about getting with a tranny? i'm only posting here because i literally can't talk about this to anyone i know irl. i'm not like going to kill myself or anything, i know it happens.. i've heard people meeting with trannys from tinder and people getting with ladyboys in thailand.. i just feel fucking stupid af.. he had like a pound of fucking make up on and even sounded like a fucking bitch
maybe OP wanted to believe
op seems to be telling truth
lol fag
It's fine dude just be glad you didnt go though with it and move on, you kissed a dude hard on the lips but it happens, thats why they are called traps, but seriously, a girl with a n64? That just doesn't exist. Also id be more worried about him calling the cops on you
sorry man, a friend of mine got the gay once. Now he votes for hilary.
>him call
cheers man, but yeah like i said he also gave me head.. was only for like 2 or 3 minutes.. i feel like really fucking angry/ashamed/stupid.. i swear to god i just wanted to smash that faggot but i'm glad i didn't..
call the cops on him first and say he tricked you into fingering his butthole and that you are the one who got raped here. become trans and live it. you cant lose.
How big was he
Exactly forty keks.
Kek has spoken.
Man i don't know what you are going through but i understand it, people here are gonna call you a fag and i know you are pissed off since you think you got tricked into carrying the fag flag but it's really not big a deal, actual ass fucking is the point of no return and since you stopped id say you kept your manhood intact, just let it go bro you're alright
maybe 5'6, wasn't fat but a little chubby.. when i saw him wearing a bra i thought he just had small tits but yeah they were man tits i guess
Does he know your name?
Any identifying information about you?
Meant his dick
thanks man appreciate it. i swear to god, i'm not mentally retarded and i'm not desperate. i've been with lots of different girls, but this guy man.. he seriously looked like a fucking chick.. i can't wrap my fucking head around it
Come op I'm at work, I can't laugh this hard
Yeah i almost got into that situation, i was a bit luckier since i could tell from the boner he had before i did anything so thats why i understand. With hrt and other stuff nowadays it's easy to get mistaken from looks, but you could look for some red flags like having an n64 and then asking if they are faggots, they will usually say they are unless its a fucking piece of shit. Do you live in a small town? Because if so you might be in trouble with this one
I do live in a small town and i saw him recording me literally screaming "HE HATES ME CAUSE IM TRANS" and he was bleeding man.. his eye wasn't too bad it just looked really red and a little bit blue but i'm freaking out because i'm on some trans phone now completely naked and he's beaten up... i seriously don't know what i'm gonna do.. if he shares that with anyone i'm completely fucked
Start again, name your character
Name goes here (No traps/trannies)
The friends you make will be more right wing and lefties will be scared off
Obvious benefit of no traps/trannies
Go to the gym a bit to look a bit more intimidating
Don't let traps ruin this for you
I wish for a world were this story is real. I want to believe you.
Do you have like any pictures of him? I want to know whether it's understandable you were tricked.
See if you can report it to the police with what REALLY happened.
It looks like a lot less of a lie if you admit to doing something wrong, few people would lie about that
Or just tell who you know what happened ahead of time and change up your look a bit
New haircut
Wear Purple, the color of the glorious Purple Master Race
Maybe have a shirt or something that says "There are only two genders" or something like that to scare of liberals and trannies BEFORE they pull shit on you
nah man. i jokingly walked up to him (when i thought it was a girl) and put my phone up saying "you're a rare pokemon!" i should've taken a photo.. take my word for it though, he looked like a fucking chick. in my defence he was wearing a hoodie/sweatpants, he had long hair in a pony tail and lots of foundation and eye liner on, but his voice man.. his voice sounded exactly like a females..
Aw shit dude, there is no way he's gonna let that go, i know that fucking sucks but your only hope is to go apologize, because if not i'd say you're looking at being charged with assault not to mention getting disowned by your friends and family for getting with a dude and then beating him
i'm going to let it run it's own course, i just want to pretend this shit never happened and try and forget about it. i pray to fucking god i never run into him, i don't even wanna leave my house..
Just remember
No matter what your friends and family think
We'll still accept you
Hopefully that's motivation to move and get some new friends after this happens so you don't end up being a NEET like us
This. Give her an apology fuck then break it off like a tree branch.
>you're a rare pokemon!
OP caught a fucking Jynx, lulz.
What you should do is leave your house and go to different parts of town, ones that are better with a less Schizophrenic community.
When the libs get to you they win.
When they don't,
Make sure you're far away or they'll yell at you a lot and it gets annoying fast
Listen to me dude, he is NOT gonna beat himself up and record that video just for kicks and giggles, he is gonna post it on tumblr or turn it in to the authorities, it's not something you can just forget about, you need to either confess to the police or talk to the fag, i would personally talk to him
You must be the tranny
This, exactly what I would do. I mean I've already gone 90% of the way and got hard. Quitting now I'd only be teasing myself.
Where do you live, OP? Check if your country has laws for trans people
I don't see the problem here. If you like it OP that's cool, but if not then you don't have to tell anyone anything happened.
Someone screencap this please
report that degenerate scum to the police if it's possible
i just hope this is real, also you should be thankful, go back to her house and say you realised the true benefit of a trap waifu over a normie gf
i'm not sticking my dick in his asshole, i didn't even fucking do anything wrong and the same goes for apologizing to him.. he said that he thought i knew he was a trans.. HOW THE FUCK WOULD I KNOW? seems like he's spent his entire fucking life trying to look like a female and i'm the asshole for not knowing he was a guy when i only knew him for a fucking hour? for fucks sake.
You fags disgust me.
Your entire culture is a fucking "raid" by Tumblr.
Not gonna lie this is a solid plan.
Worst case scenario you walk out regretting having sex. As opposed to going to jail and getting that on your PERMANENT RECORD
Be me.....
Who else you be??? You stupid faggot
Be me....kek...dat boi...commit suicide you idiot
Lol dude, you did nothing wrong, you said it yourself.
Just let it blow over, that degenerate retard is just desperate as fuck because you found out his obvious secret
you wanted bug types and he had a weedle for you
i dont see the problem
wew lad u mad
>"I hate big flaps but I still go for it"
How do you not tell the difference between a vagina and a cock? Virgin detected
OP is literally a faggot
He grabbed you first
You even apologized
That's WHY he beat himself up
You didn't actually do anything wrong so he had to make shit up
If you ever find this shit online, someone on here is bound to help you through the NYPA NYPA LOL WHY ARE THERE NO MORE RAIDS THIS ISN'T THE Sup Forums I WANTED and OH MY GOD YOU SHOULD HAVE FUCKED """""""HER""""""" WHY DO YOU HATE TRAPS
I know you don't want to apologize since you didnt do anything wrong but you need to do something to appease him, if not you will regret it. Please OP, i don't want you to be the one getting figuratively fucked in the ass by the faggot
Does he have any of your info/social media and if so Block him but I suggest you check consult with a lawyer or anyone other than the faggots on this site
Don't worry. The cops don't give two fucks about the gay community, and he has no actual evidence.
Chekin and kekin
>little bit chubby
>not really fat
Pick one.
Your smartass kind is not welcome here.
say it was rape
You stupid bollock sucking wanker...
He can ruin OPs social life though, things like these spread quickly in a small town, he will be known as a self hating abusive faggot
maybe hes fucked a girl with really big flaps.
5 inches flaps
This thread
> gets trapped
> elbows the guy
> doesn't just walk out
> is total faggot
kill yourself before you go to jail
Give him a handy then, or some light oral. You blueballed that guy and broke his heart.
Check'd and kek'd
Has OP mentioned he lives in a small town?
And, to be honest, it'll hurt if his social life gets ruined, but it'll help when he realizes that anyone who'd take the word of someone they don't know over his shouldn't be in his life to begin with.
Be donald
Be a faggot
No money
Has to do shitty work for rich uncle
Rapes 3 nephews
Rage attacks but gets ass kicked all the time
No greentext for faggot ducks
I'd assume you could tell the difference between a mega-mound and a cock though.
SeeAlthough i sort of agree with you, having your social like ruined is not an easy thing to accept
He caught all the AIDS, that's for sure.
Some chubby grills have fupas but damn dude it's not that difficult to spot a man bulge specially sence he said he was hung
update: i'm on my way to his house right now i just want to fucking sort this shit out, i don't want this bullshit on my conscience anymore
That's my point, implying OP isn't spitting shit from between his teeth, there is no way you couldn't tell the difference between a mound and a cock. Either OP is supervirgin or he's lying.
You going to suck him off so you're even?
He may have a bigger cock but you are being the bigger man, godspeed OP
>Incomprehensible rage
Thats for the best dude, good luck and keep us posted
You're doing the right thing, OP. Legally, that is. You won't be fucked legally this way.
almost at his house.. bit fucking nervous tbh but here goes nothing.. will keep you updated.
Pokemon Go in the US is going to get alot harder when the race war starts
your going to really have to way the pros and cons alot more
such as is a Dragonite really worth getting shot over ?
And hurry the fuck up, OP.
OP is kill
>you kept your manhood intact
Nope. OP got his dick sucked by a man and liked it. He will forever be a faggot.
keeping it alive
Gotcha bro
wouldn't let me come inside his house, we're gonna walk around the park and talk. seems alot more relaxed. took a stealth pic of him incase i go missing.
Maybe not intact but he isnt a fag for that, a fag would have rejoiced at his femdik