X-Ray thread
Post your things anons, I need to practice.
Rules :
-White and thin clothes
-Only one layer of clothes
X-Ray thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Not too thin but think you can do something with this?
I will try
Here's another, pretty sure she's braless in it, do whichever you think is doable
Not bad, not good.
this should be doable
and this
hot bitch, i've got some nudes
dubs say you do
we know you don't
Sorry, pretty hard, and fucked it up, not going to post it
Fucking shit but hey, I do this for fun.
Quite happy, compared to the original it's okay.
Again, pure shit
roll dubs and you'll get them boyo
and this one too
you're retarded
If it make you happy.
Can you success ?
no one? k
I know bra
Well, if you know, don't post it.
Can't do it, read rules.
She's wearing a BLACK bra.
Maybe i'll try.
middle one ?
roll dubs for nudes ffs
Tried my best, quite happy.
easy for you?
Pic is really low-res, but, i'll try.
Like I said, low-res pic don't work well.
you suck user
>give low-res pic
>say that I suck
Wasnt even me that said you suck boi, this better?
i'm not the one who posted the original pic, you just suck at x-raying
I can still try, but it's pretty x-rayed from the start
Let's see what you can do...
you're also retarded
please user do it
When she posted this pic, she said she wasn't wearing a bra. I couldn't do this one due to the stripes. Let's see what you can do
I'm back, sorry for the waiting time.
Low-res, but i'll try.
I'm pretty shit at this. But hopefully that's better..
I tried, too bad to even post it so, no, sorry.
What technique do you use?
Would Bikini work
I could try
Fair enough, this is the same girl, maybe you'll have better luck with this one although I know it's low res too.
Unfortunately it seems like Instagram, etc. greatly reduces the resolution of uploaded images
Does anyone know how to get the original image size in Instagram?
That impossible, that material is way too thick
You can't that's the problem
this should work!
Wouldn't work
Can't tell what I'm looking at lol, oh well. For the record, this is what I got using my technique
Suck your dicks
New shooper here. Did my best.
xray or fakeray pls
Too many colors. Undoable. White or pale works best.
Fabric is wayy too loose.
Do her.
i know its black but maybe it works
Yeah, I think I'm going to quit x-raying,I'm pure shit.
>Bra detected
Not worth the effort
Try it
Idk if she has a bra or not. Worth trying?
>so many retards in this thread
how can you faggots not understand the basic rules of x-raying
>Thick dress
>Bra detected.
>Nothingto reveal.
Is this doable? can kinda see through it already. can see panties
Closest I could get
bumping too with this photo, should work
Nothing to see
You do though.....