rate frank Sup Forums
Rate frank Sup Forums
Let's get some daberoni
Sick flow on his rapping.
Funny if you're still in middle school
>be american
>Wear Diapers errryday
>So dont shat muhself when shot
>get shot in diaper
>kek :^)
>LOL XD! He's so funny and random because he does retarded shit and harasses people in public! TOP KEK XDD! Hhahahahaha "GIMME DA PUSSY BOSS" LMAOOOOO
Are you fucking 10?
His raps are decent though
yeah the raps are pretty nice
He's funny from time to time and his rap videos are enjoyable if you like that sort of thing.
Filthy Frank is 4chans spirit animal
>all those anons implying they're less cancerous than ff
Franku memes thread?
Very enjoyable and very funny up until about 6-9 months ago. Now he does too much colab work with shitposters and even his solo stuff is starting to feel a bit contrived and formulaic. Still better than most youtubers out there, but that isn't saying much. He's average these days.
Summerfag detected.
Check 'em
fucking idiot
Summer 2009 yeah
▲ ▲
i give him a 7.5/10.
>mfw Joji is Filthy Frank
Being able to triforce is summerfag bait. You've just proved my point.
Sup Forums is not representative of the rest of Sup Forums and vice versa. Saying filthy frank is the spirit animal of the whole of Sup Forums just shows you are disgusting newfag. You should lurk moar or just get off here. You don't belong here.
he's really cute especially when he isn't in character.
hey b0ss
As a satirical youtuber he's unrivaled. Rapping is sick, collab is shit
You're right, I came here 3 years too late to be called an oldfag
The entirety of Sup Forums is cancer.
Kill yourself
u woooot
>"his vids are shit"
>"I don't like him"
I legitimately find him funny. And his music is fucking sick. I'd rather play Trap Dumplings over whatever shit is on the radio any day
Love his material and hope he continues on. My only issues with his videos are sometimes the videos are really under produced. Like quality wise. Laughing starts before the scene is cut out, clean that up and i'd jump it to a 10/10
kinda bias, been watching him for a long time. Jori can really rap, it's fucking nuts. I put his songs on all the time, great beats.
feel the same. his old youtube channel, dizasta, was the shieeeeet