New fluffy thread

New fluffy thread

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"Ah dinnay think this through."
Gets me every time.



Okay you stupid shits, time to build up stats for a fluffy sim games made by themagician and fireburst on the booru

I leave coming up with perks\feats\special traits to you

STRENGTH: Determines the fluffy's size and ability to exert force, and a fluffy's ability to carry weight on its back or its mouth.
Strength 1 - Basic and most common rating among ferals. Allows a fluffy to tear through thin printing paper with its hooves with heavy effort, or kick a small ball around. Size of a large rat at adulthood.
Strength 5 - Maximum rating. Allows a fluffy to break through thin wooden boards with a heavy stomp, grapple a medium dog or effortlessly crush the skull of the average adult fluffy. Size of a medium capybara.
Special - At birth, earth fluffies have 50% chance to be born with a strength rating of 2.

DURABILITY: Determines the fluffy's overall physical condition, it's ability to shrug off injury without dying, and how quickly it tires by effort.
DURABILITY 1 - Basic and most common rating among ferals. Allows a fluffy to endure mild blunt trauma from a sorry stick without being crippled, with bone hardness that is similar to playdough, and near instant drowning in water.
DURABILITY 5 - Maximum rating. Allows a fluffy to endure being mauled by a bobcat or heavy human beating without serious injury, bone hardness and fracture recovery is identical to that of healthy human, and can swim as well as a dog.
Special - At birth, alicorn fluffies have 50% chance to be born with a durability rating of 2.

AGILITY: Determines the fluffy's overall ability to move and jump, it's running speed, and how well adjusted its reflexes are.
Strength 1 - Basic* and most common rating among ferals. Allows a fluffy to run about as fast as a cat's walking speed, and evade a slow moving tennis ball rolling toward. A fluffy with this rating cannot jump directly upward.
Strength 5 - Maximum rating. Allows a fluffy to trot as quickly as small horse, sprint as quickly as a hunting house cat, and evade human punches. A fluffy with this rating can jump 2 feet upward.
Special - At birth, pegasus fluffies have 50% chance to be born with an agility rating of 2.
Special* - All pillowfluffs have an agility rating of 0, and may crawl around about as quickly as a tortoise.

INTELLIGENCE: Determines the fluffy's overall mental acuity and awareness, it's ability to plan and solve problems, and ability to interact verbally.
Strength 1 - Basic and most common rating among ferals. Similar to the intelligence of a human infant aged 3-4. May count as high as four, stack some blocks on top of another, or learn to use a litterbox with moderate to high effort.
Strength 5 - Maximum* rating for non alicorns. Similar to the intelligence of a 10-12 year old human child. May solve basic algebric problems, read human maps and books, and can easily be trained to speak normally instead of using fluffspeak.
Special - At birth, unicorn fluffies have 50% chance to be born with an intelligence rating of 2.
Special* - All alicorns start with an intelligence rating of 2, and may reach a rating of 6. Intelligence 6 is the equivalent of a healthy 16 year old human teen, or IQ 100.

base stats are determined at birth and will rarely improve during your adventure together, though poorly tending to your fluffies may actually reduce them with temporary penalties!

The fluffy's condition depends on 3 stats that vary with given conditions, that may change during day or night depending on specific events.

HAPPINESS - How good is the fluffy's overall mood, how well he trusts his owner or herd smarty, and how well it will respond to social activity.
Rating 0: 'wan die loop. Fluffy refuses social interaction and will avoid eating or expressing basic self preservation urges. Will not willingly enf.
Rating 40-60: typical fluffy ratings. means the fluffy is not (unusually) hungry, in severe pain or afraid for its life. Mildly positive reaction to other fluffies or human interaction. Will usually want to enf.
Rating 90-100: Fluffy is overjoyed by its living conditions and has everything it needs in toys and food to be happy and in top physical condition, given its natural constitution. Likely gets all the enfing it wants.

Foals born to fluffies with a high happiness rating of will be born with baseline stats that are superior to their parents'. For example, two extremely happy(100) Alicorns with intelligence 2 will always birth at least one
foal in their litter with an intelligence rating of 3.

PERSONA - How well behaved a fluffy is, and how effective is the discipline it recieves from its owner.
Rating 0: Smarty behaviour. Fluffy refuses to acknowledge any form of authority or power above its own, will display complete selfishness and be unable to stave off immediate gratification even at the cost of killing other fluffies.
Rating 40-60: typical fluffy ratings. Means the fluffy will generally obey an owner, consider its desires somewhat before acting on them, will use the litterbox with training, and will be nice and generally loving to other fluffies.
Rating 90-100: Fluffy is exceptionally well behaved, displays polite and considerate behaviour, will have great aversion to disobeying an owner or poor hygiene, and will stave off even spaghetti temptation to aid fluffies in need.

HEALTH - How physically well off a fluffy at a given moment. While durability is a fluffy's base constitution on average, health represents how physically well a fluffy is at a given moment, whether it is injured, hungry, and so on.
Rating 0: Wowstest huwties. The fluffy is either already dead or on its deathbed. Generally as a result of a fatal injury, drowning, starvation, illness or (rarely) old age. Will not speak, move or act in a notable way.
Rating 40-60: The fluffy is in average health. No crippling injuries above some light lacerations or mild hunger. Will display a normal fluffy behaviour and physical activity level givens it's baseline stats.
Rating 90-100: The fluffy is in excellent physical health, isn't injured, well fed and will act and move given the very peak of it's existing baseline stats.

Foal litters born to healthy parents will be larger with less stillborns, and mature faster.
A fluffy's durability and agility stats determine how quickly health drops given an event detrimental to a fluffy's health, such as injury, and how quickly it will recover from it - if at all.


I thought these threads died out years ago, what's with the resurgence?

Note that the original fluffy design planned by Hasbio was a domestic fluffy with 5 in all stats.
The higher the baseline stats and derived stats at the time of selling a fluffy, the better price it will fetch.
In addition, specific fluff colors factor into a fluffy's price - Brown X0.1, orange X1.0 Rainbow color pattern X10, etc.

What's good my negros.

Your stats are too good. "Most common" should not be the worst stats a fluffy can get; they're all weak, sure, but you're not leaving room for extra fragile/weak/stupid fluffies. Max stats are...just no.

(Note: I do not have part 3)

Not sure but it's great right. Glad they made a comeback.

It's easy to speculate, but considering the game uses Plutchik's emotion circumplex as the base for its AI system and Dwarf Fortress as its inspiration for its physiology, I think the fluffies will be much more complex than this. In particular, fluffies having separate organs is already confirmed. :)

Agreed. It'd be more accurate to have a scale of 10, with averages around 3 or 4, and 9s and 10s being absurdly rare.

(Note: Also missing part 5. If anyone has, I'd appreciate filling out my collection)

holy shit top kek, wasn't expecting to laugh



second this bump



This is poetic justice

And that's all I've got.


God I fucking love these! Every single one I look for that moment the asspie makes mel's smile turn upside down hahaha

It's the shattering of innocence that gets me. Mel wants what he wants but Daddeh shuts him down, in no uncertain terms, every time.

I wish I had the one that ends with Daddeh punting the invading smarty right out of the yard...

Yes exactly it m8, at first I was like oh god low quality ms paint shit here but it did something I haven't seen any other fluffy artist do. There's no gore, no beatings, no blood but it's still satisfying.


second your seconding of my bump


coming back for another bumperino







omg I love it

What a perfect analogy!


And this is part of the reason I don't fly.


oh god, it's snippy all over again.




I love castrations with little to no reason. Seems like a nice hobby.




I don't get it either but with the horse fuckers gone it kinda evolved into its own thing, it's nice.


omfg that 5th and 6th block. I love his little shit head expression



as much as i hate the pig-hamsters, if the assholes of the airlane did this to my dog i would transform to the islam and blow away all the fucking airport with everyone inside.

But is a fluffy so fuck it, get that girl a dog.

>Gonna constipate you until you learn
Made me smile.
Love the artwork and shading. Very well done.


Airline'd do the same thing to a dog claiming you didn't buy the pet insurance.


I love things that show the scale of the world from fluffy perspective. Really reminds you of how tiny and helpless they are in the world they live in.

Pointless foal abuse is always best

omg right? And I loved the toothpick in the dick

lol that wasn't even intentional



Yeah where's pt 5 you faggot. Why the fuck would you save everything but 5? You're the reason these threads are dying. Fuck everything I hate you all. Fuck Fluffies and fuck you all.



Where's part 5?




Is this it

I already explained: I do not have parts 3 or 5 because no one else has posted them. How can I have them if no one seems to have them?


lol right? what a dumbass





lol right? what a dumbass


Nice. But where's part 3?


Why? Do you not go to the Booru? What kind of poster doesn't go to the booru?

lol right? what a dumbass


Someone posted a link to some of the author's work. Follow the tags and you'll find it.

Why? All I ever hear are people griping about how poorly organized it is. I can sit safely in my fluffy threads here and receive the best, cherry picked by anons with far more time on their hands than I have. Consider yourself lucky I even repost stuff...
