He was military
He was military
Wow, way to break earth shattering news
The world will never be the same
so the government did it as part 2 of jade helm ? I was RIGHT!?
Here's the video of him killing someone using shit he learned in the army
Bet he was going to release classified information
Fucking dirty coon thought he was John Rambo.
He did nuffink wrong
>>Dorner's son
He came for revenge! To return to his father
i cant find this shit
Buy moar guns and ammo bros before they bann guns.
Haha jokes on him, he picked the wrong state to commit this in, now this dumb nigger is on the texas fast track to the death chamber. Should've done it in California or New York, would've gotten a book deal and kush prison cell..
That's what everyone said after the movie theater shooting lmao
>people who insisted for 12 hours that it had to be organized white people
nope, angry black ex-military.
He's already dead, moron. Dallas police used the bomb disposal robot to deliver a bomb and blow him up.
I don't know bro, this shit started in 2012 and every year they keep bringing up the same shit. I'm serious, buy some guns before they bann them.
Just like they banned automatics, only automatics bought before 1986 are legal. As long as you already have some you're probably good, but I think they're going to bann them sometime in the future
He's already dead you fag
His the one bombed by the police robot
Just the fall guy. Was the "sandy hook shooter" even a real person?
Come September, you'll see gun sales spike because of elections and all this mass murder bullshit, just like what happened in 2012.
He the man!!!!
kill whitey!!!
"he said he represented no group"
Roy Jones Jr. was the shooter? Also: where can I get my hands on an Earth,Wind,and Fire tactical nig suit?
Sooo..... RACE WAR NOW?
Fake pic...his Facebook profile is no where to be found.
How convenient that the media isn't blasting this everywhere because it doesn't further their BLM agenda and get them more views.
Where's Jesse Jackson for the police officers? Oh that's right, din dus won't donate to his cause for police officers.
I love how Obama's first initiative in his speech about this was to push more gun control bullshit.
God damnit, what is this world? What has happened? The liberals have all brainwashed this country and it's going to shit.
God can you people be more ignorant? You must be one of those fags that skims a yahoo news page to get his info on global events and take that as a reliable news source.
Thanks for the update faggots; just woke up. I'm on the west coast
actually, the would-be leader of the white side of the race war had all his guns taken away.
>implying facebook doesnt automatically freeze accounts in federal investigations.
Why do white people keep pushing for a race war? You know you are going to loose. You are the minority now. Just like how you loose in dick size.
Who the fuck kills someone by a BOMB robot? Lmao. They should at least arm the robot with a stun grenade and then bring him down alive to answer questions. Or kill him more "humanely" and just strap a gun to the robot.... But a bomb robot? Lmao.
Best option would've been throw a stun and smoke grenade and bring him down.
Lmao rekt. But for real, these white boy crackers keep yelling race war when they know they are outnumbered. Whites are really becoming the minority in the US and statistics prove that haha
When whites become a minority. Black people will die from starvation.
Stop pushing for a new south africa. Retards.
So, how many more din dus are going to run rampant through this country before something is done? Hell, if Hillary wins, she's going to start bringing in tens of thousands of refugees to America.
So America, what are you going to do? Sit back and let it happen?
>edgy whites detected
If we go down, we will take you down with us.
You're white as sour cream. Stop pretending to be black, faggot
No Fam, I'm black regit Nigga
its all over all the news sources. bbc, nbc, abc, npr for starters. fox too.
is it cos I is black
>He was military
You can tell by his uniform that he was only in the military for a couple of months. He probably got forcibly discharged.
The nearest you are to black is swallowing a niggers cum cuckboy
That nigga is the sword of jesus...
kill all the pigskins and cumstains!!
He will be remembered as a hero.
>implying I or All black people are part of or support the blm cuck movement
Also nice bait faggot see you in the battlefeild
>his uniform that he was only in the military for a couple of months
Mind elaborating on that?
it's ban, you weirdo.
Like he could not have outrun the bomb robot, they are not very fast by design.
That's the firt photo they "could find" to use on the news, funny the did'nt have any in op's post.
It's pronounced mike uh you idiot
Thats whats wes bes callzin whiggers Yo!!! Its dope Yo!!
>bomb disposal robot
>to deliver a bomb and blow him up
That's some grade A irony right there. Dallas police has some real cheeky cunts.
niggers are always the cause
why is ban by itself just ban but banned needs 2 n's
He's a fuckin boot. Most likely a shit bag who got a ride on the green weenie right out of the Army.
>we wuz miltry 'n sheit
Nig nog thinks hes going to war with the evil what man.
Go back to the sofa, grab a watermelon some skittles and relax.
Support our troops
It is literally everywhere
nigger deserved a slower death
Fuck the police.
white children, how funny.
he was cornered from what my understanding is
he had no where to run and would have fought to death for sure and considering his training and weaponry would have probably resulted in more officer deaths
so they just blew his retarded ass up
Because "baned" would be pronounced "baynd"....
if only we could go back to outright hanging niggers
You see that small red and yellow stripe on his chest? That indicates all he has done was complete basic training. Additionally his rank is only PFC, which most new recruits these days obtain before or shortly after basic training.
FUCK NIGGERS, they all need to be killed it would save so many lives if all niggers were dead
Lack of any meaningful ribbons/low rank. If they could find non-boot pictures they would have since theyd be more recent. only boot pics=boot.
MFW beaners and asians are on whitie's side
How fucking stupid and most all of delusional can you be?
It's fucking everywhere.
Local news, international news, every.fucking.where.
Not everything is a fucking conspiracy to take your precious guns away you goddman retard.
I see, thanks.
Yeah fuck niggers too. But fuck the police also.
Fuckit I don't know why I tried to post a link just go to worldstarhiphop it's on the front page
because you're faggots who can't fight.
Chinks really have no redeeming qualities, at least blacks are athletic and jews are smart. Gooks are ugly, suck at sports, are stupid as fuck, shit on the streets, have shitty food, shitty culture, shitty everything.
this is my neighborhood he is from i am 2 mins away and have helis overhead
yeah, and fuck you as well because fuck you that's why.
nah man our boys in blue are doing the job we need to and culling the nigger populace
So finally you amerifats get what you deserve. A race war fought with the guns you are so proud to own. I sure hope there is more of this, you morons deserve to get shot.
nigger disposal robot
>going out of your way to capture alive a man who has murdered several people in cold blood.
kill niggers
all joking aside how the fuck do you even get that fat?
like enablers i guess who keep feeding your fat ass? i mean if the man cant even get off his bed clearly its someone else keeping up this death diet,
that shit isnt even human anymore hes literally just a oversized shit factory
I think this white nigger cant read
Whites a minority? lol no. Just no. Also consider this, Blacks are no longer the largest minority, hispanics are. Do you think hispanics will side with blacks? No.because hispanics are hardworking people who earn their keep in the US. Even the illegal aliens are responsible for less crime than blacks.
>no redeeming qualities
Demographic with the highest intelligence, education, and pay
nope. When shit hits the fan and cops start dropping, all cards are off the table. Thats why R2-C4PO came out..
niggers die so much easier
He's black tho
Kek. He does look like Roy.
I'm Hispanic and we don't side with niggers.